Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,232 Fierce Sun Iron

"Sorry, fellow Daoist Wang, my disciple doesn't understand the rules, so don't argue with him."

Mu Rong said politely, with a sincere tone.

"Mrs. Mu is polite, and Sun Xiaoyou also acted impartially."

Naturally, Wang Changsheng would not argue with a junior, not to mention that Sun Yan had done nothing wrong. It was not that Sun Yan did not sell the things to Wang Changsheng, but that the things had already gone somewhere.

Yunyan crystal is not a material for repairing the Lieyang God Tower. It doesn't matter if you have it or not. Fire glass jade, golden fire crystal, and Yangang stone are the best fire-attribute materials. They are most suitable for repairing the Lieyang God Tower. However, These three materials are relatively rare.

Wang Changsheng and Fairy Ziyue visited more than a dozen large-scale markets but didn't encounter them. If Jinyan Island didn't find one, they could only try their luck elsewhere.

Fire Glass Jade can be the finale of the auction, and the value of Golden Fire Crystal and Yan Gang Stone is naturally not low.

If these three materials cannot be found, other materials can only be used instead, but in this case, the power of the repaired Lieyang Tower will be reduced.

"If it hadn't been for Daoist Wang's help last time, I wouldn't have been able to get over the knot I've had for so many years. If you need help, Daoist Wang can just ask, but I can still speak in the Wanhuo Palace."

Mu Rong promised generously.

"I need some rare fire-attribute materials, and I plan to refine a powerful fire-attribute magic weapon, such as golden fire crystal and Yan Gang stone."

Wang Changsheng made up a suitable reason.

Mu Rong hesitated for a moment, turned his palm, and a red light flashed. A palm-sized red jade box appeared in his hand. When he opened the jade box, there was a red iron block inside. The iron block was faintly glowing with a faint golden light. .

"Fierce Sun Iron!"

Wang Changsheng and Fairy Ziyue almost exclaimed in unison that Lieyang Divine Iron is the main material of Lieyang Divine Tower. Among many fire attribute refining materials, Lieyang Divine Iron can be said to be among the best.

"I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. Friend Wang, I will give you this piece of Fierce Sun Iron. Thank you very much for your help last time. From now on, we will settle the matter."

Mu Rong didn't like to owe anyone favors. Monk Wangchen was a knot in her heart. Wang Changsheng helped to untie her knot. She was very grateful. It was a rare opportunity to repay her, so she didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money.

This piece of Fierce Sun Iron was exchanged by her at an underground exchange meeting. It was a little small and was not enough to refine a magic weapon. However, when refined into a magic weapon, the power of the magic weapon would be greatly improved.

Wang Changsheng was a little moved. Hearing Mu Rong's advice, if Wang Changsheng accepted this piece of Fierce Sun Iron, the two of them would be settled. A piece of Fiery Yang Iron for a favor would not be a loss, nor a profit.

Things like favors cannot be measured by value. The weight of a favor depends entirely on the person who owes it. Some people think that giving a sum of money to save a life is enough. Some people remember it for life and are always grateful. If Mu Rong despises it, This favor would not come with a piece of Fierce Sun Divine Iron.

"Mrs. Mu, you're welcome. This piece of Lieyang Divine Iron is too valuable."

Wang Changsheng said politely, he was just being polite, but he still wanted it in his heart.

"Wang Daoyou doesn't want it? Forget it, I..."

"Yes, yes, of course."

Wang Changsheng said quickly, fearing that Mu Rong would regret it.

Fairy Ziyue sneered when she saw this scene. She didn't expect Mu Rong to be so polite.

"Mrs. Mu, do you know where I can find golden fire crystals or other rare fire-attribute refining materials?"

Wang Changsheng put away the Lieyang Divine Iron and asked politely.

"When it comes to fire attribute refining materials, in fact, Daoist Wang should go to the Northern Xinjiang Immortal Realm. There are many metal veins in the Northern Xinjiang Immortal Realm, which are rich in fire attribute refining materials. Our Wanhuo Palace will also send people to the Northern Xinjiang Immortal Realm. Purchasing materials for refining weapons!"

After hearing this, Wang Changsheng showed a thoughtful expression on his face. Having said that, he also wanted to go to the Immortal Cultivation World in Northern Xinjiang to find out the murderer who destroyed the three strongholds of the family. If it was not the Jiuyou Sect, everything would be fine. , if it is Jiuyou Sect, the Wang family must take countermeasures.

This incident is a dark cloud hanging over Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Their relatives were killed. After so many years, it is time to find out the truth and give an explanation to the dead clansmen. The murdered clansmen may not even know who the murderer is.

Pay debts with money, kill with life.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, it's unfortunate that you are here. There was an underground exchange meeting half a month ago, and someone exchanged a piece of Fire Lin Stone. Unfortunately, the thing this person wanted to exchange was too rare and no one could take it out."

Mu Rong said in a regretful tone that Fire Lin Stone is a fire-attributed weapon refining material and is more precious than Lieyang Divine Iron.

"Fire Lin Stone? What a pity."

Fairy Ziyue had a regretful expression on her face. If she could get the Fire Lin Stone and use it to repair the Lieyang Tower, it might make the Lieyang Tower even more powerful than before.

Wang Changsheng showed a bit of regret in his eyes and said with a smile: "This can only be blamed on our bad luck. If we were here, we probably wouldn't be able to exchange for the Fire Lin Stone. Madam Mu, if there are excellent fire attribute refining materials, please You can keep it for me, and you can send someone to inform our Wang family that Wang is willing to pay a high price."

"No problem, it's just a piece of cake."

Mu Rong readily agreed, and it was not difficult.

At this time, Sun Yan also came back, holding a string of red storage beads in his hand, and handed it to Wang Changsheng with both hands.

Wang Changsheng swept his consciousness and smiled. There were more things inside than he expected.

Wang Changsheng paid the spirit stone, thanked him, and left with Fairy Ziyue.

"Master Nephew Sun, who wants Yun Yanjing?"

Mu Rong suddenly remembered something and asked.

"It's Senior Hai Dashanhai. He wants a lot."

Mu Rong nodded and ordered: "Find an excuse to drag him and deliver the goods later. Today's events are not allowed to be spread."

"Yes, Uncle Mu."

After walking out of the Golden Flame Palace, Wang Changsheng and Fairy Ziyue visited other raw material stores, but there was no news about the Golden Fire Crystal and Yan Gang Stone. This is also normal. The refining materials for refining Lingbao are not so easy to find.

"Forget it, Jinyan Island probably doesn't have these materials. Let's go to other large markets. If it doesn't work, we can only go to Northern Xinjiang."

Wang Changsheng and Fairy Ziyue walked towards the outside of Fangshi.

"Hey, it's them."

Wang Changsheng let out a light sigh, and following his gaze, Hai Dashan and Chen Ang were walking together.

Chen Ang was one of the Five Overseas Immortals, and Wang Changsheng got to know them. He wanted to say hello, but seeing their footsteps in a hurry, as if they were rushing to go somewhere, Wang Changsheng swallowed his words.

Chen Ang and Hai Dashan walked into a five-story green attic. There were guards guarding the door, but Wang Changsheng ignored them.

After leaving Fangshi, Wang Changsheng and Fairy Ziyue turned into two rays of light and walked away through the sky. Not long after, they disappeared into the sky.

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