Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,161 Tolls

Hunting monsters in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is tantamount to challenging the Ten Thousand Demons Valley.

In a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, a waterfall fell from a thousand-foot-high peak. There was a pool as large as an acre below. There were more than a dozen black lotus flowers floating on the surface of the pool. The buds were blooming, and the petals were half-moon shaped, exuding a rich fragrance. Strange fragrance.

A green light suddenly appeared over the valley, and a light cyan scroll appeared. The painting showed a giant cyan eagle hovering in the sky. Five Pill Formation monks and more than 20 Foundation Establishment monks were sitting on the light cyan scroll.

"The Black Moon Lotus seems to be over 800 years old. A dozen Black Moon Lotuses have grown to be over 800 years old. There should be monsters guarding the bottom of the pool."

A short, fat old man in green robe whispered, his eyes a little fiery.

"Fellow Daoist Song, this is the territory of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley. Let's not cause trouble. Business is more important."

A pretty young woman in a red dress frowned and said, "Go to the door of Ten Thousand Demons Valley to kill demons and collect medicines. What a fool!"

"I've been stuck on the sixth level of pill formation for many years. With these dozen Black Moon Lotus plants, I might be able to advance to the seventh level of pill formation. Don't worry, we won't kill the monsters guarding the black moon lotus and harvest the elixir. Let’s go, with the Eagle Strikes the Sky map in hand, the third-order monsters won’t be able to catch up with us, and the fourth-order monsters may not be able to discover our existence.”

The old man in green robes was full of confidence. In his opinion, there was no danger in secretly picking the elixirs if he had a rare treasure with him. As long as he did not kill the monsters, even if he was caught by the people of Ten Thousand Demons Valley, he would still be able to turn around. room.

"Really? With a magic weapon that has hidden magical powers, you think you can hide it from the sky? What do you think of our Valley of Ten Thousand Demons?"

A sarcastic man's voice suddenly sounded. As soon as he finished speaking, a green light and a purple light appeared in the sky, followed by more than a dozen escaping lights.

"No, it's a monster in the transformation stage!"

The old man in green robe was startled, and his expression changed drastically.

He didn't dare to run away. The flying speed of Eagle Strike in the Sky was not particularly fast, but it could hide his aura. He didn't expect that he would be discovered.

Not long after, a tall man in a green shirt and a young woman in a purple skirt with a cold face appeared in front of them, with a dozen Dan-forming monks following behind them.

"Both seniors, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

The old man in green robe apologized quickly, looking nervous.

"Misunderstanding, huh, what did you say just now? You can just go through here, but you still want to pick our elixir?"

The young woman in the purple skirt sneered, her face filled with evil spirits.

"Senior, we are members of the Qianyue Merchant Alliance. Please forgive us this time for the sake of our alliance leader!"

The old man in green robe smiled bitterly and took out a green token with two golden characters "Qian Yue" written on it.

"I have no interest in caring about who you are or where you come from. If you leave a million spiritual stones to apologize, you can go away."

The five old men in green robes looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then honestly took out a string of storage beads, flew it to the man in green robes, and handed it to the man in green robes with both hands.

"Okay, you can go. This is the general order. From now on, if you pass here, the Yuanying monks will collect three hundred thousand spiritual stones, one hundred thousand pills, and one thousand foundations. If you pay the toll honestly, we will not be in trouble. You guys, the premise is that you don't want to take advantage of the monsters and magical medicines here. The toll will be doubled at the least, and the toll will be doubled at the most worst."

The man in green robe accepted the storage bead string, took out a square cyan token, and handed it to the old man in green robe.

The old man in green robe widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "What? Toll? Just go there?"

"If you don't want to go there, that's up to you. After all, you've paid the toll and we won't embarrass you."

The man in green shirt narrowed his eyes, looked towards a certain void, and said: "Since fellow Taoists are here, why bother hiding? We will not embarrass you if you pay the toll and don't hunt monsters and collect herbs. If you hide, we won’t be polite to you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a huge roar from the ground, and a dozen huge monster beasts emerged from the ground.

A red light lit up in a certain void, and a jade shuttle with red light flowing uncertainly appeared. Wang Qingshan and other hundreds of monks stood on the red jade shuttle.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Shen from Nanhai and Fellow Daoist Fang from the Yan Dynasty. You have heard what I just said. You have paid the fees honestly. We will give you a pass and we will never make things difficult for you. Otherwise, we will kill you without mercy."

The young woman in the purple skirt said coldly that the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley is a half-demon. He is close to the human race and advocates peaceful development.

Without fighting or killing, you can get a large amount of property, which is recognized by many demon clans, and most of the opponents are dead.

Stealing these caravans will last for many years, but it will provoke other forces, so slow and steady flow is the best option.

Shen Ruirong frowned. She couldn't be sure whether what the other party said was true or false, but she had no other choice. They had already alerted the Yuanying monks in the Ten Thousand Demons Valley. They were now deep in the hinterland of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, and it was very difficult to fight their way out. Gao, spend money to buy peace!

"You have all heard it. According to what this fellow Taoist said, just pay the toll! If someone dares to stop us, there is no need for us to be polite to them."

Shen Ruirong and the old man in white robe thought for a moment and agreed.

Wang Qingshan paid more than 300,000 spirit stones. He originally thought there would be a fierce battle, but he did not expect this situation to arise.

Fangshi closed the teleportation array, causing most of the caravans to risk crossing the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. Didn't the Great Qin Dynasty help the Ten Thousand Demons Valley? In other words, certain forces within the Great Qin Dynasty colluded with the Ten Thousand Demons Valley to collect significant benefits.

Leftist? Or rightist? Or the royal family? Wang Qingshan couldn't figure it out. As long as they could leave here safely, it wouldn't matter if they bought more than 300,000 spirit stones for safety. Anyway, they killed an evil cultivator and got more than 400,000 spirit stones.

After collecting the spirit stones, the young man in green shirt issued tokens to Shen Ruirong and others and asked them to leave.

Shen Ruirong carefully checked the token and after confirming that there was no problem, they continued on their way.

At first, they still hid to avoid being discovered by the people of Ten Thousand Demons Valley, but after encountering the interrogation of several Yuanying monks, they showed their tokens, and the people of Ten Thousand Demons Valley let them go without embarrassment to them.

When she got to the back, Shen Ruirong simply walked through in a swaggering manner. As long as she showed her sign, there would be no obstruction.

More than a month later, they left the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains and appeared on the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty.

"We have finally arrived at the Yan Dynasty, and you can move around freely."

Shen Ruirong looked at a tall city in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a golden plaque hanging above the city gate, which reads "Huguan City". The city wall is thousands of miles long, and there are many monks coming in and out, making it very lively.

There is a teleportation array directly sent to Jinyanfang City in Huguan City. According to the agreement, the Murong Royal Family will receive the goods in Jinyanfang City.

Shen Ruirong led her tribe towards Huguan City, followed closely by Wang Qingshan and his tribe.

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