Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,147 Five Dragon Palace Appears

"Let's go! Break the restriction as soon as possible!"

Master Yanshui urged that the method of possession has serious flaws. The higher the caster's cultivation level, the lower the success rate. The lower the caster's cultivation level, the shorter the possession time. His body is Nascent Soul. A monk in the early stage can last for a quarter of an hour at most. If a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is possessed, it will be good if it can last half a quarter of an hour. The success rate of a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul when casting the possession method is close to zero. If the spell fails, the juniors will suffer some losses. Vitality, or severe injuries.

The monks who transform themselves into gods are too strong to perform the magic of possession.

Even if a Nascent Soul monk possesses a junior in the Foundation Establishment stage, they will at most have the strength of the Core Formation stage. If they possess a Core Formation monk, their strength will at most increase, but their cultivation will still be at the Core Formation stage.

Once the time is up, the possession method will be ineffective and it will be impossible to possess him again. Moreover, the possession will have a certain impact on the junior. If some powerful secret techniques are used, the junior's body may not be able to withstand it and he will die on the spot.

In addition, they cannot cast too many secret arts. Every time they cast a secret spell, the time they possess is reduced. If the caster dies, the caster will also be traumatized.

To put it simply, the three of them temporarily have the strength of the pill formation stage and cannot fight for a long time. They can only use some of their magical powers. When the time is up, they will return to their original cultivation.

If not, they would have started fighting.

Wang Youwei and Ouyang Mingyue looked at each other and nodded to each other. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were practicing in seclusion and could not use the magic of possession, but they also had trump cards.

Wang Youwei and Ouyang Mingyue got married. The Yuanying monks from both families gave them protective talismans, which could deliver a Nascent Soul attack. The protective talismans were disposable items. In addition, they had other trump cards. If not, , how could the Wang family trust them to enter the secret realm?

If we talk about the foundation on the surface, the Wang family, the Lu family, the Golden Blade Sect and the Sanxiu Alliance are almost the same, but the Wang family has received the inheritance of Zhenhai Sect. The Ouyang family where Ouyang Mingyue belongs is one of the top ten immortal cultivating families in the South China Sea, and the foundation is far higher. to the other three forces.

Both the possession method and the body-protecting talisman have flaws. In the final analysis, it still depends on the monk's own strength. To forge iron, you need to be strong yourself. External objects can only be relied on for a while, not for a lifetime.

Master Yanshui sacrificed a palm-sized black porcelain vase and flew it over the pool. A black glow gushes out, covering the pool. The water in the pool seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction and rushed towards the black porcelain bottle. Ten breaths Before long, the black porcelain bottle sucked up the water in the pool.

Two disciples of the Golden Blade Sect walked to the edge of the water pool and took a look. They looked happy and said, "Uncle Master, there are indeed restrictions on Tan Di."

There is a thick layer of mud at the bottom of the Tan, but a faint blue aura can be seen vaguely.

"Master Nephew Sun, go and break the restriction."

"You guys also go together and use the prototype of the magic weapon to attack the restriction."

Sun Rongrong responded, quickly walked to the edge of the pool, turned over her hand and took out a two-foot-long golden sword. There were some silver lines on the blade, which was extremely exquisite, and it emitted an astonishing wave of spiritual energy.

Wang Youwei and other foundation-building monks walked to the water pool, took out the prototypes of magic weapons, and attacked the restrictions.

"It seems that these three old monsters cannot attack frequently, otherwise it would be faster for them to just break the restriction!" Wang Youwei thought secretly.

The restriction had existed for so many years, and there was not much power left. In addition, the third-order dragon also had many attack formations. Wang Youwei and others broke the restriction without any effort.


The ground shook like an earthquake. Many small stones rolled down from the cliffs on both sides. A small crack appeared on the stone wall against which the pool was leaning. The crack continued to expand, as if something was about to fly out.

"No, get out quickly."

Everyone quickly exited the canyon. As soon as they exited the canyon, the entire valley collapsed, and a magnificent palace flew out and suspended in mid-air.

The palace is made of blue bricks and glazed tiles, and the thick stone pillars are carved with five lifelike dragon patterns. The plaque reads "Five Dragon Palace" in three golden characters, which is very aura.

The door of the palace is closed, with five lifelike dragon patterns engraved on the surface.

"Five Dragon Palace, haha, I didn't expect that the core inheritance of Five Dragon Palace is really in the Five Dragon Secret Realm."

The Master of the Golden Sword laughed wildly, his eyes full of fiery color. Rumor has it that the core inheritance of the Five Dragons Palace is in the Five Dragons Secret Realm. If this were not the case, he would not use the possession method on the junior. After all, if the junior dies, his body will also suffer. When it comes to trauma, it is precisely because of this serious flaw that under normal circumstances, Nascent Soul monks rarely use the method of possession.

It is rumored that Wulong Palace has the secret technique of cultivating dragons. During the heyday of Wulong Palace, most of the Nascent Soul monks in Wulong Palace had a third-order dragon as a spiritual beast. If he got this secret technique, he could cultivate a third-order dragon.

As long as you are willing to spend resources, it is only a matter of time to cultivate an ordinary third-order dragon. The third-order dragon is different. The territory of the South China Sea Immortal Realm is billions of miles away. A Yuanying monk who has a third-order dragon as a spiritual beast There are not many, and the Yuanying monks who possess fourth-level dragons are even rarer.

Mrs. Qingyan raised her hand, and a palm-sized cyan seal flew out. After a flash of green light, the cyan seal instantly grew in size, and with a whistling sound, it hit the gate of Wulong Palace.

There was a loud noise, and the door of Wulong Palace was smashed open. The temple door was not broken.

"You go in first."

There may be strong restrictions or there may be no restrictions. To be cautious, in addition to the monks from the Wang family, the three masters of the Golden Sword also selected their disciples and entered the Five Dragon Palace. Wang Xianbin was also there.

Flying into the Five Dragons Palace, you are greeted by a spacious and bright palace. There are eighteen thick jade pillars in the palace. Each jade pillar is carved with a lifelike dragon pattern. Each dragon has a different shape. Some bared their teeth and claws, some were flying in the clouds, and some looked like they could eat people.

There is a humanoid statue more than ten feet high in front of the main hall. The statue is an old man in a golden shirt with a majestic face, with five lifelike dragons hovering around his body.

"This is Wulong Zhenren, the founder of the Lisect of Wulong Palace! Legend has it that he raised five third-level dragons and used them to travel around."

Wang Xianju looked at the huge statue and said to himself, his eyes full of admiration.

There was no other exit in the main hall, so they used their spiritual consciousness to explore, but no other passage was found.

The three foundation-building monks flew out of the Five Dragon Palace and reported the situation to their master-uncle.

The three masters of the Golden Sword were still not at ease, so they sent a team of monks into the Five Dragon Palace to investigate carefully, but still found nothing. Then they felt relieved and flew into the Five Dragon Palace together.

"It seems that the only way to find the passage is to ask Master Wulong."

The Master of the Golden Sword turned coldly and looked at the statue of the Five Dragon Masters.

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