Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,139 Strong Enemies on All Sides

A certain red dense forest, looking around, there are red trees more than a hundred feet high everywhere. The fallen leaves on the ground are about feet thick. The leaves of the trees are wide and the branches are luxuriant. Only a little sunlight drifts into the dense forest. The dense forest looks a bit dark and humid. , there was silence.

Under a towering tree, a white Ganoderma lucidum the size of a millstone grows, exuding a strong fragrance.

A young man in red with a fair face used five shining red flying knives to chop down the incoming green vines.

The red flying knife slashed at the green vines, and there was a dull sound of metal colliding.

The strong wind blew, and hundreds of green vines burst out of the ground, whistling and hitting the young man in red. The surface of the green vines was covered with sharp green thorns, each one as thick as the mouth of a bowl. If you were hit by the green vines, you would not die. disabled.

The young man in red frowned and held out a red scroll. After the red scroll lit up with countless red lights, dozens of red fire crows about a foot in size flew out from it, flapping their wings and pounced on the green vines.

There was a series of loud noises, and after the red fire crow hit the green vine, the green vine was immediately burned to the ground.

The young man in red looked coldly, took out a red long bow, opened the bow and nocked an arrow, and aimed four shining red arrows at a towering tree.

"Swish, swish, swish", several sharp and harsh arrow whistling sounds were heard, and four red arrows shot out, turning into four streaks of red light, and went straight towards the towering tree.

Countless green vines sprouted out of the ground and quickly woven into a giant green net more than ten feet long, covering the four red lights.


Dozens of red fire crows pounced on the giant green net, which was like paper and burned into ashes.

Four rays of red light hit a towering tree and exploded immediately. The raging fire drowned the towering tree. The towering tree struggled violently and made a miserable and strange roar.

Two sword lights, one green and one red, fell from the sky, and a blue sword light struck across, blocking his retreat.

The young man in red looked panicked, and quickly pulled out a palm-sized shield, which instantly expanded in size and blocked him in front of him, and added several layers of defense to his body.

There was a series of muffled sounds, and the red shield blocked three sword lights of different colors, but soon, an angry roar sounded, and a huge cyan tiger swooped in, tearing apart the defense of the young man in red. Crush.

With a scream, the young man in red turned into a rain of blood, and the giant green tiger turned into dots of blue light and disappeared.

Two men and one woman walked out from behind the bushes on the side. A young man in a green shirt with handsome features walked in the front, holding a crescent-shaped blue short knife in his hand with an indifferent expression.

"Senior Brother Liu's sword control skills have become more and more powerful. He killed a seventh-level foundation-building monk with a single move of Tiger Down the Mountain."

"That's a normal thing. Senior Brother Liu is the Seventh Master of the Golden Sword. It's already pretty good that he can block our attack."

The other two people said complimentary words with flattering expressions on their faces.

The young man in green shirt waved his hand and said: "Stop flattering us, we have better luck. If we meet people from the Rogue Alliance, it will not be so easy to deal with the children of the Qinglian Wang family. Let's continue on the road! The members of the Rogue Alliance The monks have mixed backgrounds and are the easiest to deal with, while the Wang family monks are the most difficult to deal with."

They divided the belongings of the young man in red, and the 500-year-old Ganoderma lucidum belonged to the young man in green.

Not long after, the three of them disappeared into the dense red forest.

On a certain vast green grassland, two women and one man were leaning on each other. A thick three-color light curtain covered them inside, and hundreds of huge cyan demon wolves surrounded the three of them.

Forces with Nascent Soul cultivators in charge will form sword halls and select a group of disciples to focus on training, and the Lu family is no exception.

Lu Jingru is a disciple of the Sword Hall who practices swordsmanship. In order to hunt for this treasure, the Lu family sent ten disciples of the Sword Hall. You must know that the Lu family has less than a hundred disciples of the Sword Hall. The only children of the Lu family who can enter the Sword Hall are all Having the opportunity to form a pill shows that the Lu family attaches great importance to this treasure hunt.

"Three Talents Demon-Slaying Formation, start."

With Lu Jingru's low shout, six cyan flying swords, six red flying swords and six blue flying swords gathered together and turned into a huge three-color jade plate. The three-color jade plate flew quickly and was densely packed. The three-color sword energy flew out and shot in all directions.

The green demon wolf's thick skin and thick flesh could not withstand the attack of the dense sword energy, and fell into a pool of blood one after another, and the blood dyed the ground red.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Wolf King let out a roar and planned to retreat. There was a loud noise in the air, and a three-color sword light flew towards it, with a devastating force, piercing through its body.

As soon as the Wolf King died, the wolves lost their command and dispersed in different directions. Lu Jingru and the others did not pursue them.

"Fortunately, we teleported together, otherwise we would have been in trouble. I wonder what happened to the other tribesmen."

A young man in a blue shirt breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Let's meet up with the others first! Let's just cooperate with the Wang family and guard against the disciples of the Golden Knife Sect. The people of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance are nothing to be afraid of. They are just a mess. Hunting monsters depends on fighting and being aggressive. There is no discipline at all. That's it. The captain is capable of fighting."

Lu Jingru's tone was indifferent. Among the four forces, the Rogue Alliance was the weakest. The Rogue Alliance was founded less than a hundred years ago, and its organizational capabilities were far inferior to those of the Lu family.

After disposing of the corpse of the monster, Lu Jingru released a huge blue crab and jumped on it.

The green crab carried the three of them and moved towards the northeast.


In a secret underground cave, a girl in a green skirt with beautiful features wielded a half-moon-shaped blue scimitar. With a slight shake, a large crescent-shaped blue blade flew out, slashing at two feet high. There were shallow traces of blood on the yellow giant bear.

Behind the yellow giant bear is a green fruit tree about ten feet tall, with dozens of oval-shaped spiritual fruits hanging on it.


Two giant yellow bears pounced on the girl in the green skirt from one left and one right, very fast.

The girl in the green skirt calmly took out a short white ruler about a foot long and shook it gently. Countless white cold air surged out and turned into white ice flowers, spinning around and heading towards the two yellow giants. The bear pounced.

The two giant yellow bears sprayed out a yellow hurricane almost at the same time and rushed forward.


The white ice flowers suddenly shattered and turned into a large piece of strange cold air, which suddenly covered the two yellow giant bears. The bodies of the two yellow giant bears froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into two huge ice sculptures. .

A large green blade shot out, the two ice sculptures were torn apart, and the two giant yellow bears died.

"You have to hurry up and join the others. If other people meet the monks from our Rogue Alliance, they won't be polite to us."

The girl in the green skirt muttered to herself. After disposing of the corpses of the two monsters, she dug up the fruit trees and left the cave.

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