Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,126 Cooperation

In a desolate dense forest, dead trees can be seen everywhere, and there are many big holes on the ground. Huang Fugui and the soldier in red are standing together. Huang Fugui looks like he is in shock, sweating profusely, and the soldier in red has no expression on his face.

"I was scared to death. Fortunately, I ran fast."

Huang Fugui wiped the sweat from his face and whispered.

"You still have the nerve to say, didn't you say there were two third-level high-grade purple soul scorpions? How did they turn into fourth-level golden glass life-killing scorpions? If I hadn't been a puppet now, I might have been killed by you. Oh, you didn't mean to lie to me, did you? You know the consequences of lying to me."

The red-robed soldier spoke human words, and the voice sounded like a woman's.

Huang Fugui smiled coquettishly and explained: "Give me ten thousand courages, and I wouldn't dare to lie to you, old man. When I came here last time, there were indeed two third-level high-grade Purple Soul Scorpions there. Who knew that decades had passed? Now, the nest is occupied by the fourth-order golden glass life-killing scorpion. In fact, it doesn't matter. Senior Song, you are distracted by the fourth-order puppet beast, let alone the fourth-order low-grade monster, even the fourth-order high-grade monster. No beast can hurt you."

Speaking of this, Huang Fugui's face was full of flattery.

"Okay, put away your tricks. I don't like to flatter you. You set up a formation, and I will lure it out. You use the formation to trap it. After I pick away those seven-star grass, after I go out, I will definitely reward you generously.”

Huang Fugui nodded quickly, patted his chest and agreed: "No problem, sharing the worries of Senior Song is a blessing for this junior, junior..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a huge roar in the sky, and a dozen silver lightning bolts as thick as an adult's arm flew down from the sky, heading straight for Huang Fugui and the red-robed soldier.

The soldier in red reacted quickly, pulling Huang Fugui and flying away: "Damn it, someone has triggered the restriction. We can't stay here for the time being. We need to hide for a while."

Not long after, they disappeared into the sky.


There was a deafening roar from high in the sky, and everything within a radius of more than ten miles was shrouded in a silver thunderstorm. Thick silver lightning poured down from the high altitude and struck the towering ancient trees more than a hundred feet high. The towering ancient trees suddenly caught fire, and the flames soaring.

In a certain red dense forest, fire rain fell from high altitude. The fire rain covered dozens of miles. Wang Mingren and Ximen Feng were covered by a red spiritual light. The two flew high into the sky. The red phosphorus horse was already dead.

They were on their way when two third-order monster insects suddenly rushed out. They managed to kill the two third-order monster insects and actually triggered the ban.

The red fire rain fell on the dry grass pile, and a raging fire suddenly ignited, and the fire spread quickly.

"The restrictions here are too weird! Can the aftermath of the battle also trigger the restrictions?"

Wang Mingren frowned and said, dense red fire rain fell on the red aura on their bodies, and there was a muffled "crackling" sound, like fried beans.

"If not for this, the rare elixirs in Zihuoyuan would have been harvested long ago."

Ximen Feng smiled bitterly and said that the restriction was triggered as soon as they entered the Purple Fire Abyss. The current restriction is much stronger than the one at the beginning and covers a larger area.

"Hey, someone is coming."

Wang Mingren frowned, and a yellow light and a red light appeared in the distance.

Their faces were full of alertness and they sped up their escape speed.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, they appeared in an open space. The red fire rain had not stopped yet. The towering ancient trees were ignited with raging fires. The flames shot into the sky. A large number of monsters and monsters rushed out of their nests and fled in different directions.

"Did you trigger the restriction?"

A cold female voice suddenly sounded, and Huang Fugui and a red-robed soldier flew down in front of Wang Mingren.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Huang, it's you."

Wang Mingren was slightly startled when he saw Huang Fugui. His eyes turned and fell on the red-robed soldier.

The red-robed soldier exudes powerful spiritual pressure. He is obviously a fourth-level puppet beast. Is Huang Fugui so wealthy now? Carry the fourth-level puppet beast with you.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, Mrs. Wang, it's you, that's great, Senior Song, we have helpers."

Huang Fugui narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"It turns out it's you. For the sake of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, I won't argue with you. You cooperated with Huang Fugui to control the formation to trap a fourth-level demon insect so that I can pick the Seven-Star Warm Grass. After that, I will never treat you badly."

"The art of possession!"

Wang Mingren's eyes flashed with a stern look. He did not expect that the fourth-order puppet beast in front of him was controlled by the Nascent Soul cultivator, and that the other party also wanted to pick the Seven-Star Warm Grass.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, Mrs. Wang, this is Senior Song, the deputy palace master of Sanyan Palace. Help Senior Song do things, and you will definitely make money without losing any money."

Huang Fugui explained.

Wang Mingren hesitated for a moment, then said bravely: "Junior is willing to help, but can senior give me a 700-year-old Seven-Star Warm Grass? My only son is waiting for the Seven-Star Warm Grass to save his life. I hope Senior Song will forgive me."

"Yes! Senior Song, if you can save our only son, we will be grateful."

The red-robed soldier remained silent. Wang Mingren turned his gaze and sent a message to Huang Fugui: "Fellow Daoist Huang, please help me. I will thank you deeply after the matter is completed."

"Senior Song, your goal is the Seven Star Warm Grass that is more than a thousand years old. Give them a Seven Star Warm Grass that is 700 years old. It may be a good relationship. Their nephew is the famous Green Lotus Immortal Couple in the South China Sea. There are many There are many paths to friends.”

Huang Fugui persuaded.

"Okay, for the sake of the Qinglian Immortal Couple, I can give you a seven-hundred-year-old Seven-Star Warm Grass. You have triggered the ban. It will take a while before the ban is lifted. Let's do it again then!"

The soldier in red pondered for a moment and agreed.

Wang Mingren and Ximen Feng looked happy and thanked him quickly. While they were grateful, they were also curious about the relationship between Huang Fugui and the deputy master of Sanyan Palace. This "Senior Song" seemed to trust Huang Fugui.

Half a day later, the silver thunderstorm and red fire rain dispersed, as if they had never appeared.

Huang Fugui and others appeared outside a giant valley. Huang Fugui took out hundreds of flag arrays and buried them.

"I will lure that beast out, and you can control the formation to trap it."

The red-robed armored man ordered and flew towards the valley.

Wang Mingren and the three of them cast spells to hide, restrained themselves, and hid far away.

Not long after, a deafening roar came from the valley, and then, a red light flew out of the valley, followed closely by a golden light.

The soldier in red turned his head and sprayed out a red light, which turned into a giant red net and covered the golden light.

A huge golden giant scorpion was covered by the red giant net. The golden giant scorpion sprayed out a golden poisonous mist. The light of the red giant scorpion dimmed. The golden giant scorpion grabbed the red giant net with its pincers and tore it with all its strength. , the giant red net was torn to pieces.

At this moment, a sudden strong wind blew, and countless white snowflakes fell from the sky. The golden giant scorpion suddenly appeared in a field of ice and snow.

"You trap it for ten breaths, and I'll go pick the elixir."

The red-robed armored man gave an order and flew into the giant valley.

The magic power of Wang Mingren and the other three people was injected into the array like crazy to maintain the existence of the array.

The golden giant scorpion continued to attack the formation, and the entire ground began to shake. The formation disks in the hands of Wang Mingren and the others made a harsh scream.

Soon, the soldier in red flew out and threw a red wooden box to Wang Mingren.

"Prepare to withdraw."

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