Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1006 Wang Mingren joins the battle

On Golden Snake Island, Wu Yaoer was lying on a stone bed, her face pale and her eyes closed.

Wu Yue stood aside, looking anxious.

Wu Yao'er is the most outstanding descendant of the Wu Feng clan, and she doesn't want Wu Yao'er to go out.


Wu Yaoer opened her heavy eyelids, her breath weak.

"Yao'er, you finally woke up, what do you think?"

Wu Yue breathed a sigh of relief and asked with concern.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your concern. My grandson is much better, but in the short term, he will not be able to play."

Wu Yao'er said weakly, recalling the previous fight, Wu Yao'er's eyes showed a hint of fear.

All this time, she relied on her thunder escape technique and was surrounded by two or three Nascent Soul monks, but they could not stop her. Chen Ang, one of the five overseas immortals, was also injured by her, but she never thought that she would be defeated by a On the body of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

If Wu Yue hadn't come to the rescue, she would have died.

"Hmph, how many times have I told you to be careful, but you still underestimate the enemy. You don't even know the opponent's magical power, but you dare to use thunder escape to fight with the opponent at close range. I have told you many times. Don't get too close if you can. You'll be at a disadvantage now! Don't be so reckless in the future."

Wu Yue lectured with a cold face. To be honest, she was also responsible. Since the war started, Wu Yao'er had made a lot of limelight and injured many Nascent Soul monks. Wu Yue was a little arrogant, not to mention Wu Yao'er.

"My grandson will remember the religious teachings of his ancestors. My grandson will definitely act carefully in the future."

Wu Yao'er agreed honestly and rubbed her high chest. If she hadn't used a shield in time to block most of the damage, she might have died.

"As long as you know, take good care of your injuries. When the next wave of reinforcements arrive, you can move back to the rear to recuperate! The human race may launch a counterattack one day, and it will be more dangerous for you to stay here."

"Yes, ancestor, my grandson obeys."

Wuyue gave a few words of advice, then turned and left.

Coral sea area, Lingbi Island.

In a secluded courtyard, Wang Mingren and Ximen Feng were sitting in a stone pavilion drinking tea and chatting.

They originally went to the Red Moon Sea to invite Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to return to the East Wasteland to join the war. However, as soon as they arrived in the South China Sea, they were surprised to find that all the large cities and towns had been requisitioned. Without tokens or certificates from the ten major sects, they could not Borrowing the teleportation array to rush to the Red Moon Sea, it would take them several years to reach the Red Moon Sea just by flying. The Red Moon Sea and the Coral Sea are hundreds of millions of miles apart.

They asked Liu Jin for instructions, and Liu Jin asked them to stay on Lingbi Island. Seeing the war coming, Wang Mingren was very depressed because he had no cultivation and no place to use it. He also wanted to take this opportunity to become the Five Elites of Taiyi!

"Hey, I don't know if Changsheng and Ruyan have received the news. It would be great if they could rush back to Donghuang."

Wang Mingren sighed, with a bit of longing in his eyes. He hoped that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would return to Donghuang to join the battle, so that he could follow them and make meritorious deeds.

Ximen Feng shook his head and said: "It is probably difficult. The teleportation array can only teleport to the front line. It is still difficult for Changsheng and the others to teleport to the Coral Sea. What's more, Uncle Meng promised them that after five years, the time has been advanced. Even if they don't return to the East Barren, it's a matter of course. To be honest, I don't agree with them returning to the East Barren. They haven't been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage for a long time. They should be given time to practice. With them here, Master Chen can't be too embarrassed. us."

Wang Mingren is eager to make contributions. In contrast, Ximen Feng looks further ahead. As long as Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are around, they are a deterrent to Chen Haibin. Chen Haibin should not go too far, and the head of Taiyi Immortal Sect will not let Chen Haibin do whatever he wants. , what the sect needs is balance.

Wang Mingren smiled bitterly and sighed: "That's it, if Master Chen throws a pair of small shoes over, it won't matter if we wear them, or if we don't wear them."

He seemed to have sensed something. He took out a communication disk and typed in a magic formula. A majestic voice suddenly sounded: "Nephew Wang, come to Taiyi Palace. I have something to tell you."

"Yes, Master Liu."

Wang Mingren agreed, put away the interrogation tray, and left the residence with Ximen Feng.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Taiyi Palace. Liu Jin and a young woman in a green skirt stood in front, and several alchemy monks stood in front of them.

Wang Mingren and Ximen Feng quickly stood in the team of Danjie monks with respectful expressions.

Alchemy monks came in one after another and stood in line.

After a cup of tea, fifteen alchemy monks gathered in the hall.

"Everyone is here, Senior Brother Liu, come and explain to them clearly!"

Liu Jin nodded, with a serious expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "The alien race invaded and killed our human race. We, the Taiyi Immortal Sect, have the responsibility and obligation to go to war and do our best. You are all elite disciples of our sect, I and Junior Sister Chen To lead you into battle, you must obey orders in everything. Those who have made great achievements will be rewarded heavily, and those who have made serious mistakes will be punished. There are two vacancies among the Taiyi Five, so you must seize the opportunity."

The three tribes of Monster Tribe, Sea Tribe and Barbarian Tribe joined forces, and the ten major sects were struggling. They invited external forces to participate in the war. The lions of the Central Plains Immortal Cultivation World opened their mouths. The ten major sects of the South China Sea could not reach an agreement with the Central Plains Cultivation Immortal World, and instead asked the seven Immortal Sects of the East Wasteland for help. , Northern Xinjiang and South China Sea are separated by billions of miles. The distance is too far. Even if there is a large teleportation array, it will take five or six years at the fastest to recruit a group of reinforcements and go back and forth. By then, the war may be over. Huang and Zhongyuan were closest to the South China Sea, so they had no choice but to ask them for help.

The conditions of Taiyi Immortal Sect are more generous than those of the Central Plains Cultivation World. To put it simply, the Eastern Barren is too poor. The Central Plains Cultivation World is a transit station for the human world and has prosperous commerce. Relatively speaking, the Eastern Barren Cultivation World is easier to satisfy than the Central Plains Cultivation World.

After comparing shopping, the conditions in the Eastern Wasteland Cultivation World are relatively generous, and the conditions in the South China Sea Cultivation World are acceptable.

There are nearly twenty Nascent Soul cultivators in the Taiyi Immortal Sect, three Nascent Soul cultivators are stationed in the South China Sea, three are stationed in the Northern Xinjiang branch, six Nascent Soul cultivators are left in the main altar, and the rest are fighting on the front line in the East Wasteland.

To be honest, the Taiyi Immortal Sect has taken relatively big steps and is fighting on both sides. Fortunately, Donghuang is the main battlefield. On the South China Sea battlefield, the people of the Taiyi Immortal Sect are only participants, not decision-makers.

If the alien race cannot be defeated, Taiyi Immortal Sect will not gain much benefit.

"Yes, Master Liu!"

Wang Mingren and other disciples agreed in unison, and Wang Mingren looked a little excited.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. As long as he can participate in the war, he can gain some credit. If he makes great achievements, he will have a chance to be elected as one of the Five Heroes of Taiyi.

Liu Jin gave a few instructions, and left the Taiyi Palace with the young woman in green skirt and fifteen pill-forming monks. They passed through the large teleportation array and rushed to the front line to fight against the aliens.

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