Rise From the Humble

Chapter 790: Sa Asazuna

  Chapter 790 Sa Asa Tsuna

The summer in the north has never been short of sunshine, and it is still today. The bright sunshine is so enthusiastic that the whole earth is roasted like it is on fire. Even under the shade of trees, the enthusiasm of summer cannot be escaped. Come wisps of light and heat.

  Ting Yuxuan in Linhuaihou Mansion, there is a reclining chair under the shade of a tree, and a young man dressed in a strange way is lying on the reclining chair.

  Short sleeves, big pants, and a folding fan covering his face.

  At first glance, I thought it was a young man on vacation by the sea in modern times.

  However, if you look carefully, the short sleeves and big pants of the boy on the recliner are still different from the modern ones, they are very retro.

The material of the clothes is also antique, it is made of scorched cloth, to be precise, "banana cloth". Using fine embroidery needles, carefully pick out the fibers of the banana stems one by one, which is much slower than reeling silk, and then use the picked out banana silk to weave into cloth. Clothes made of this kind of cloth are lighter and cooler than those made of yarn, just as the Western Jin Dynasty Zuo Si's "Wu Du Fu" said, "Jiange is more advanced than Luo Wan".

  The big underpants worn by teenagers are adapted from the ancient knickers, but they are shorter than the knickers, but longer than the modern shorts, reaching the knee length.

The short sleeves worn by teenagers are modified from the ancient Bijia. Bijia is an ancient sleeveless and collarless waistcoat with slits on both sides to below the knees. The short sleeves worn by teenagers are Bijia shortened to the waist. With modern and simple features, it is somewhat similar to modern short-sleeved shirts, with bamboo and stone patterns embroidered on it.

If you can see the back, you can find that there is a poem embroidered on the short sleeves of the young man's back: "Keep on the green hills and not let go, the roots are originally in the broken rocks. Thousands of times are still strong, let the wind from east to west. "

   Signed by Zhu Pingan.

  The young man was lazily lying on the recliner, with a folding fan covering his face, and holding a volume of "Biography and Study Records" in his hand, which was half hanging on the side of the recliner.

   There is a table on one side of the recliner. On the table are a pot of hot tea, a set of teacups, and a plate of seasonal fruits.

  An embroidered pier was placed on the other side of the reclining chair. On the embroidered pier was a baby girl with fat buns. Her hair was casually tied into a double bun. She was wearing a light blue gauze dress with a pink ribbon tied around her waist.

The girl with buns was sitting on the embroidered pier, and Xiaopang was holding a bamboo-handled gauze embroidered butterfly fan in her hand, gently fanning the boy on the recliner, the cool breeze blowing on the boy's cheeks, listening to the boy's comfortable humming Humming, the bun girl's mouth curled up beautifully.

   "Uncle, Uncle, did you really take off your clothes yesterday when you were in the bank?" The steamed bun girl blinked her big eyes while fanning, and looked at the boy on the recliner with a red face and asked.

   "Take it off. This is the third time you have asked." The boy reached out to remove the folding fan covering his face, and replied helplessly.

  After taking off the folding fan, revealing the face of the boy under the folding fan, it is Zhu Pingan who is rarely at leisure. The girl with buns playing the fan is Li Shu's personal maid—Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi.

   "It's hard to believe." Baozi's little maid, Hua'er, blushed, bit her lip and whispered, "It's so embarrassing in front of so many people."

   "What are men afraid of?" Zhu Pingan twitched his lips in disapproval.


  That's right, he didn't know that there were girls present that day, not only girls, but also a distinguished eldest princess of Ming Dynasty.

   "That's embarrassing." Baozi's little maid blushed even more.

   "Have you ever heard a saying, it's not scary to bump into a shirt, whoever is ugly is embarrassed." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

   "Huh?" The little maid of Baozi shook her head with a dazed face, blinking her big watery eyes at Zhu Ping'an.

   "Understand it by yourself." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, opened the "Biography of Xilu" in his hand, and started to read it quietly.

  Yesterday evening, Emperor Jiajing sympathized with Zhu Pingan's hard work in inspecting Taicang, and personally opened Jinkou to grant Zhu Pingan a ten-day leave. A ten-day period is ten days, which means that starting today, Zhu Pingan has ten days of leave.

  Originally, Zhu Pingan was going to find Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen, but when Zhu Pingan was busy inspecting Taicang two days ago, Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen’s family visit leave was over, and they started to work on time. Therefore, Zhu Ping'an's ten-day vacation can only be enjoyed by himself.

  Of course, I can’t say one person, Li Shu and the others are also there.

  At the moment, Li Shu is taking a bath. She just played a game of throwing pots with Zhu Pingan outside for a while, and got sweaty.

   While Zhu Pingan was enjoying his vacation, the trial of the Taicang bank deficit case had already begun.

  The court is located in the widest outer courtyard of the Ministry of Punishment.

  The specifications and scale are rare since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Yan Song, a scholar of Huagaidian University, Xu Jie, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, Li Mo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and He Ao, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, formed the high-level presiding judges; On the left, the military attache sat on the right, and more than a hundred officials almost filled the courtyard.

  There are many suspects in the hall, mainly divided into two categories, one is standing and the other is kneeling.

There were as many as dozens of suspects standing, all of them were officials, they were former officials of Taicang and Chaku Yushi; there were nearly a hundred people kneeling on the ground, they were former Kubing soldiers, cooks of Taicang, Cook, cashier, etc.

  In the courtroom, Yan Songyan's chief assistant looked ashen, very serious, stretched out his right hand and patted the gavel heavily.

  To be precise, the gavel in Yan Song's hand should be called "Zuo Chaogang", which is one size larger than the gavel in the general yamen. Because the gavel wood is different in size and pattern according to the people who use it, and the names are also different. Gavel wood is called "Zhenshanhe" in the hands of the emperor, "Fengxia" in the hands of the empress, "Zuo Chaogang" in the hands of the prime minister, "Frightened Tiger Gall" in the hands of the general, and "Jing Tang" in the hands of other civil officials. Wood".

  Yan Song is the chief assistant of the cabinet, and he is better than the prime minister, so the gavel in his hand should be called Zuo Chaogang.


   A sound of Zuo Chaozuna echoed throughout the courtroom, and the courtroom suddenly became silent, and the sound of hair loss could be heard.

  Next, Yan Song's furious roar echoed throughout the courtroom.

"What you have done is something that has never happened in ancient and modern times. This old man can't bear to be angry when he hears about it. Where is Taicang? The most important place of the country, the foundation of the country! What is there? How heavy is your responsibility! But what have you done?! You have no heart, but you are so bold! Guard yourself and steal, collude with others to cheat, and grab at will. It seems that you are so heartless and ignorant, and you are like thieves in the country!"

  (end of this chapter)

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