Rise From the Humble

Chapter 781: Miscalculated?

  Chapter 781 Wrong calculation?


Zhu Pingan, who was in the center of everyone's ridicule and criticism eyes, didn't change his face, neither flattered nor frightened, and didn't get entangled in this issue at all. With the abacus in Zhang's hand, Guishou Zhang said a word of please, signaling Guishou Zhang to continue to count the data.

   Pretend, continue to pretend, and see how you end up in the end!

  Ghost Hand Zhang snorted coldly, put the abacus heavily on the table, and fiddled with the abacus with both hands like a storm.

  Shuanglong Xizhu;

   open bow left and right;

  A visual feast strikes again.

While admiring Guishou Zhang's performance, Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly. It is undeniable that Guishou Zhang's abacus arithmetic has reached a superb level, but mathematics that is hundreds of years ahead cannot be achieved simply by hand speed. catch up.

  Noticing that Zhu Pingan looked at him and shook his head, Guishou Zhang's face changed even more. You are a person who doesn't know how to calculate and then gave up. You are addicted to pretending, right? !

Ha ha

   This Zhu Ping'an, it's really true. The officials watching in the room shook their heads and laughed lowly when they saw this.

  In their view, Zhu Ping'an is playing with an ax in the class and playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong. His ghost hand Zhang is a master in the abacus world. You, a person who can't even do abacus, have no right to shake your head.

  Forget it, forget it, he can pretend so well, let's see how he ends up in the end, everyone is holding this idea, laughing at Zhu Pingan, waiting for the development of the situation.

   "My lord, please have some tea."

  Taicang servants came to Zhu Pingan with tea.

   "Thanks, um, good tea"

  Zhu Ping'an stretched out his left hand to take the hot tea brought by the servant, put it on his lips and sniffed it lightly, slightly hooked the corners of his lips and gave a compliment, and then put the teacup on the table.

  Although he was a little thirsty, Zhu Pingan didn't drink any tea outside before the inspection was over, just to be cautious.

   "Hehe, it really is good tea, why don't Master Zhu have a cup?"

  An official scraped the tea cover twice, took a big sip of tea, praised it loudly, turned to look at Zhu Ping'an and asked.

   "My lord, please take it slowly, you will be safe and not thirsty."

  Zhu Ping'an licked the dry corners of his lips, arched his hands to him, and smiled.

  You're dying of thirst.


  The official glanced at Zhu Pingan's dry lips, pulled the corners of his mouth mockingly, and deliberately took another sip of tea in front of Zhu Pingan.

  Jia Langzhong glanced at Zhu Pingan and narrowed his eyes slightly.

After Zhu Pingan said that the calculation was over, another quarter of an hour passed, that is, half an hour, the ghost hand Zhang who was bowing from left to right also stopped, moved his body deliberately, turned his back to Zhu Pingan, and blocked it with his body. With Zhu Ping'an's gaze, he picked up a brush and wrote down the results of the statistical data on the blank rice paper.

After a while, the other four accountants also stopped fiddling with the beads, glanced at the ghost hand, nodded indistinctly, turned their backs to Zhu Pingan, and blocked Zhu Pingan's sight with their bodies. The results of statistical data are placed on the rice paper.

   "Reporting to my lords, I have already counted."

  Ghost hand Zhang bowed his hands and saluted, and reported back to Zhang Guanku and other officials.

   "Okay, thanks for your hard work."

  Zhang Guanku nodded, then turned to look at Zhu Ping'an, "Since Zihou is already done, let's check it out."

  Zhu Ping'an nodded, stretched out his hand and unfolded the rice paper in front of him, revealing the numbers recorded on it.

  "Gui Shou Zhang" and other five accountants also came forward with the rice paper that recorded the numbers, and spread it on the table in front of Zhu Ping'an, revealing the numbers on it.

  Zhu Pingan wrote two lines of characters on the rice paper he unfolded.

   Among them, the top line reads: "Check the silver treasury today, and the actual deposit of silver: 1,237,250 taels."

   After this line of words, a number is enclosed in brackets: (903,800 taels).

   Immediately following the next line is written: "Real deposit: three hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred taels", followed by a number enclosed in brackets: (one hundred and twenty-five thousand five hundred taels).

The number enclosed in the brackets of Zhu Ping’an is the amount of bad-quality silver in the silver treasury. Eight hundred silver is of poor quality, not pure silver.

  On the rice paper displayed by Guishou Zhang, it is written: "Silver in deposit: 2,127,200 taels; gold in deposit: 720,000 taels."

  The statistics of the other four accountants are consistent with the data displayed by Guishou Zhang. They are all silver in deposit: 2,127,200 taels; gold in deposit: 720,000 taels.

"Well, the data recorded by several accountants is exactly the same. The actual deposit silver: 2,127,200 taels; the actual deposit: 720,000 taels. Hahaha, the data recorded by Mr. It’s different, hahaha”

  The onlookers checked the rice paper displayed by Zhu Pingan, Guishou Zhang and other five accountants, and couldn't help reading it with a smile.

   "Hahaha, it's really only Mr. Zhu who counts the difference, hahaha"

   "Hehe, Mr. Zhu couldn't be tired and dazzled, he missed half of the numbers, hahaha."

   "Hehe, Mr. Zhu counted so quickly, isn't the number normal? In fact, Mr. Zhu calculated such a, um, a relatively close number, which is already very rare."

   "Hehe, Mr. Wang, your standard is too low. This is a difference of several hundred thousand taels, and it is still close, hehe."

  The other onlookers also laughed.

"Hehe, look quickly, look at his statistical data, and he used a strange arc ghost to wrap a number. Hehe, it's funny, he didn't write an extra number, and the possibility of getting it right increased. Double it, hahaha, I can't help it, hahaha"

   There were no brackets in ancient times, and the onlookers didn’t know the symbol of brackets. When they saw the brackets on Zhu Pingan’s rice paper, they regarded them as ghost symbols and laughed.

  The moment the six sheets of rice paper were unfolded at the same time, there was a series of laughter in the room, which did not stop for a long time.

Statistics of six people, five people are the same, only one person is different, it goes without saying, it must be the wrong person who is different, it can’t be that all four people have wrong statistics, only you are the only one Right, hahaha.

  Indeed, if four people make a wrong count, the probability of getting the same number is too small.

   Therefore, the onlookers took it for granted that Zhu Pingan made a mistake in his statistics. It was too normal for him to be wrong.

   However, it is different from the onlookers.

Zhang Guanku, Jia Langzhong and other high-level officials in Taicang, after seeing the data displayed by Zhu Pingan, seemed to have seen a ghost. Like a piece of wood.

  Although it is a hot day, their whole hearts seemed to be tied to a stone and sank into the ice cave, and they felt a chill all over their bodies.

  (end of this chapter)

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