Rise From the Humble

Chapter 779: Arrogant Zhu Ping'an

  Chapter 779 Arrogant Zhu Pingan

"Master Zhu, please don't worry, it's our accountant's job to organize the data. But, Mr. Zhu, can you count a piece of data by yourself? Or, two or three accountants on our side will count together with Master Zhu. Bar."

Guishou Zhang squinted his eyes and smiled slightly, raised his gray eyebrows, arched his hands towards Zhu Pingan and said, on the surface he looked very respectful, but in his heart he was very contemptuous, insinuating that Zhu Pingan was so arrogant that he was so arrogant. Count one piece of data by yourself, and let yourself wait for five accountants to count one piece.

   "Thank you for your kindness, I can do it." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly.

  After listening to Zhu Ping'an's words, the ghostly smile on his face suddenly froze on his face, feeling that he was holding his breath in his throat, unable to move up or down, and felt very uncomfortable.

  This kid surnamed Zhu is so rampant, the old man has good intentions, but you are so ignorant of good people!

  Too arrogant.

   To be so arrogant that you can say that you can do it, ha ha, you are so lip-smacking, and your bottom lip is sticking to the ground--what a big tone!

   "Hehe, since Mr. Zhu can do it, then we will have no problem waiting." The ghost hand Zhang Hehe sneered, cupped his hands and said.

   "Okay, since there is no problem, let's start." Zhu Ping'an nodded.

   Zhang Guanku, Jia Langzhong and the others vacated two large tables in the office for Zhu Pingan and the five accountants to collect statistics.

The two tables were next to each other, with a distance of about one meter between them. Zhu Pingan sat at the south-facing table to make statistics, and Guishou Zhang and other five accountants sat at the north-facing table to make statistics, facing each other. opposite.

  Jia Langzhong sent six abacus to Zhu Ping'an and the five accountants.

  After Zhu Pingan took the abacus, he fiddled with it casually, and put it on the side of the table without any intention of using it.

Seeing this, the ghost hand Zhang on the opposite table curled the corners of his lips contemptuously. He could tell at a glance that Zhu Ping'an didn't know how to use an abacus. , full of loopholes, as long as you are skilled in using abacus, you will not fiddle with the abacus like that.

  Hehe, Zhu Ping'an, from the time you fiddled with the abacus, I saw five mistakes.

That's it? !

  Are you still arrogant and arrogant to ask one person to count a piece of data? !

   It's ridiculous.

   Keep your eyes open, Zhu Pingan!

  The old man will let you see what is a real abacus master!

Guishou Zhang smiled slightly, and then when he looked at the abacus, his expression suddenly became serious, as if he only had the abacus in his eyes, his whole body was like a martial arts master who was the best in the world, and his whole body was covered with a kind of People have to face up to the momentum.

  Flick the abacus upwards with the right hand, press the abacus with the left hand instantly, stroke the hands in the air, and instantly there is a dense and crisp sound of the abacus hitting the beam, as if playing a musical note.

   It is the blink of an eye.

The left hand and the right hand pressed the abacus and landed on the upper right corner of the table. It seemed to be open and closed, but the abacus landed on the table without making a sound. The mastery of it has reached the highest state of lifting weights like light and combining people and calculations.

  After the abacus fell on the table, the upper beads and lower beads were neatly arranged on both sides of the beam, without any misalignment at all.

   That is to say, at that moment in the air, the left and right hands of Ghost Shouzhang reset the chaotic arrangement of beads to a neat arrangement.

   "Ghost Hand."

   "As expected of a ghost hand, this hand alone is beyond my reach."

  The officials who knew the abacus and the other four accountants were shocked by Zhang's hand, and they all admired it.

  Zhu Ping'an was also taken aback by the astonishing hand speed of Guishou Zhang, and then curled his lips slightly, uh, this hand speed is beyond the reach of those young men who have been single for 30 years in modern times. If Ghost Shouzhang is in modern times, this hand speed or playing the piano or playing professional e-sports such as LOL, DOTA2, and Glory of Kings is a good seed with potential.

Seeing Zhu Ping'an's surprised appearance, Ghost Hand Zhang hooked the corners of his lips in satisfaction, and then recited softly like a master: "The family of seven sons is separated by two lines, and everything belongs to one vicissitudes of life. The five lakes and the four seas make calculations, and the three teachings and nine streams are on the top." Busy. Firewood, rice, oil, salt and small Li Shu, Jiangshan Sheji and Dachao Hall. Eight directions of heaven and earth are in charge of management, six and six are infinite, present and ancient. This abacus seems small, but in fact it is infinitely magical, and you can point to mountains and rivers with your fingers."

"What Zhang Zhangfang said is very true, but the abacus is a big truth. Tao Zongyi's "Nancun Stop Farming Records" has a saying: Fanna's servants, when they first came, they called the beads, and they didn't speak automatically; after a while, they called the abacus beads. If you dial it, it will move; even if you dial it, it will not move."

   "Zhang accountant is in such a state, it really makes us ashamed."

   Several other accountants echoed one after another, and started the professional mutual blow mode.

  Zhu Pingan glanced at them, then lowered his head calmly, fetched a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to count their data.


  You don’t even know how to do calculations, what kind of calculations and statistical data do you use, and you actually use pen, ink, paper and inkstone to pretend to be like that, haha, what a joke.

  Seeing this, Guishou Zhang shook his head and snorted coldly, then glanced at the other accountants, nodded, and began to count.

   Suddenly, there was a series of crackling abacus sounds in the office.

Guishou Zhang is worthy of being a leader in the accounting field. Putting his hands on the abacus is like installing a motor. What are the "left and right bows", "shuttle play", "flick of the fingers", "three lines at a glance" and other difficult tasks The abacus method and eye method are all handy, and the abacus in the hand has already been typed out by looking at a data with the eyes.

Although the other four accountants are not as fast as Gui Shou Zhang, they are not slow. They are chasing after Gui Shou Zhang, and they are chasing after each other. They want to show themselves among so many officials. The style of play and so on are also unique skills and tricks.

  In contrast, Zhu Ping'an's place is very ordinary. It can be said that in terms of momentum, Zhu Ping'an has lost a long time ago.

  In the eyes of outsiders, Zhu Pingan is just staring at the data, occasionally using a brush to list some incomprehensible ghost symbols on the rice paper.

   About five minutes passed.

  Zhu Ping'an leaned over and wrote a few numbers on the rice paper. After finishing writing, he put the brush in his hand on the inkstone, and then folded his arms to watch the fancy abacus performance of Ghost Shou Zhang and others on the opposite side.

The ghost hand Zhang glanced at Zhu Pingan's movements from the corner of his eye, and the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth became wider, hehe, now he can't even put on a show, it's really ridiculous, just now your arrogance, does your face hurt, hehe .

   Zhang Guanku and others and the other four accountants also smiled knowingly when they saw Zhu Ping'an's abandonment of treatment.

  (end of this chapter)

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