Rise From the Humble

Chapter 775: Become famous all over the world (2)

  Chapter 775 Become famous all over the world (2)

  By the time the craftsman put the door on the iron vault, two hours had passed, and the sun had already risen to 10 o'clock.

  The reason why Zhu Ping'an played to replace the warehouse door before was to ask for a seal to close the silver warehouse, so as to prevent the possibility of fraud by Zhang Guanku and others in Taicang. Now that the new warehouse door has been replaced, the bank can no longer be closed, so it is necessary to take inventory of the Taicang bank as soon as possible, so as not to give people in Taicang a chance to cheat.

  So, as soon as the craftsmen replaced the new door, Zhu Pingan decided to take stock of the Taicang Bank.

Zhu Ping got up and whispered a few words to Dongchang's blood-dropping sword, and then he waved his hand and ordered Dongchang's fans to divide into two rows and stand in the open space outside the bank door, prohibiting all irrelevant people from entering the bank .

  All the officials who watched the Taicang replacement of the warehouse gate all around knew that Zhu Pingan was going to take inventory of the warehouse.

  Taicang Zhang Guanku and the others looked at each other, and then walked over to Zhu Ping'an in unison.

  Among the officials watching the ceremony at this time, there were two very young officials in the corner. They seemed to deliberately avoid Yan Shifan and others, and sat in a corner far away from Yan Shifan.

One of them held the certificate of King Yu's residence, claiming to be Shi Siyou, the head of King Yu's mansion. He wore a black gauze hat, but pulled the net scarf very low. He looked young, but he had a thick beard and a round beard. It always looks a little uncoordinated.

  This person is obviously the right chief official of Prince Yu's Mansion of the fifth rank, but he gives people a feeling like a thief. He obviously has a rough beard and is strong and powerful, but overall he gives people a very reverse impression, cautious and weak.

The other person is also holding the qualification certificate of King Yu's Mansion. According to the qualification certificate, this person is from the Jiupin Companion of the Chief History Department of King Yu's Mansion. He is not very old. He looks about fourteen or five years old, very young. It was astringent, and there seemed to be a ring of fuzz on the lips on purpose, but even so, it was difficult to conceal the delicateness.

It looks like a woman disguised as a man, but in this era, the **** atmosphere is still very strong. A handsome and handsome companion can read with ink like a bookboy, or add red sleeves like a maid, hehe, this is also true. Nothing strange.

  Perhaps King Yu also has this kind of interest. When it comes to the prince's privacy, the people in Taicang are tactful and didn't ask.

  The two officials from Prince Yu's Mansion didn't come here to watch the ceremony, they just happened to catch up with them, and they had another purpose.

  The two of them came here with King Yu's letter, which ordered the Taicang Bank to issue the three-year-old gift as usual.

  But as soon as he took out King Yu's handwritten letter, he was overthrown by Langzhong Zhao from Taicang for any reason, saying that Taicang has regulations, and only after seeing the official document of the household department can the money be released. The right chief of Yu Wang's mansion argued on the grounds of ancestral practice, but Zhao Langzhong dismissed it easily and casually on the grounds of changing the Kumen and busy work.

  Zhao Langzhong and others have long been hinted by Yan Shifan that they deliberately withheld the yearly gift from King Yu. As for the reason, Zhao Langzhong didn't know, anyway, Master Yan had hinted, so just do it.

   "Auntie is so mad, what kind of slave, she said she was the housekeeper of our house, but in the end she didn't even give out the master's gift!"

  Yuwangfu Nine Grade Companion Reader's voice revealed her identity as a woman disguised as a man, with a crisp female voice of Huang Ying, full of savage energy.

   It is not difficult to analyze her identity from words such as housekeeper, master, and year gift, and it is obvious that she is a little princess from the royal family.

"Princess, keep your voice down." Yu Changshi quickly covered the little princess's mouth with his hand, and at the same time looked around, seeing that everyone around him was attracted by Zhu Pingan's actions in front of him, and no one noticed this scene. Only then took a deep breath.

  From the words of this You Changshi of Prince Yu's Mansion, it can be seen that the identity of this You Changshi is not simple, he must also be a member of the royal family.

"Brother Huang, am I fighting for you? They dare not even withhold your yearly gift. These dog slaves should report to their parents and drag them to the Meridian Gate to behead them! Look at them Dare you!" The little princess snorted and said angrily.

"Ning'an! How many times have I said it, you are not young anymore, don't always yell and kill, girls must always remember De Rong's words. Always so savage, let the emperor find you a dare to marry Your son-in-law is here." Yu Wang You Changshi said helplessly.

  Yu Wang You Changshi, to be precise, is the third son of the Ming Emperor, His Royal Highness Zhu Zaihou (hòu), one of the only two surviving princes of Emperor Jiajing, and the older one. Theoretically speaking, after the death of Prince Zhuang Jing the year before last, according to the principle of the eldest son inheritance system, the older prince should be established as the prince.

But it is a pity that he, the third son of the emperor, has not been established as a prince for a long time, and there is no sign of being established as a prince in the future. On the contrary, because his mother and concubine Du Kangfei are not favored by Emperor Jiajing, and Because of his own character and ability, he, the prince, was very unpopular with Emperor Jiajing.

  The last time I saw his father was during the Chinese New Year, and I only listened to a few words of lectures.

  Compared to him, Emperor Jiajing obviously prefers his brother who is one month younger than him, the fourth son of the emperor Jinggong Wang Zhu Zaizhen.

The girl dressed as a man in front of King Yu is his imperial sister—Li He, the third princess of Ming Dynasty who is most favored by Emperor Jiajing. Princess Sirou passed away successively the year before last.

  Princess Ning'an is the second daughter of Concubine Cao Duan, the favorite concubine whom Emperor Jiajing misses day and night. The eldest daughter is Princess Chang'an.

Concubine Cao Duan is the most beloved concubine of Emperor Jiajing, not one of them. It is a pity that during the Renyin Palace Incident ten years ago, Empress Fang took advantage of Emperor Jiajing's shock, and framed Concubine Cao Duan as the responsibility, and ordered Concubine Duan to be taken as the concubine. The big rebellion was executed without exception.

What you can't get is the best. Emperor Jiajing missed Concubine Cao Duan day and night, so he transferred his favor to the two daughters left by Concubine Cao Duan. The eldest daughter also died the year before last, so Emperor Jiajing transferred all his favor It's Princess Ning'an.

   It can be said that Princess Ning'an is the most favored among all the princes and princesses, which also led to Princess Ning'an being favored into a savage and willful character.

   "Emperor~! Brother~!"

  Princess Ning'an stomped her feet vigorously, and stared at King Yu vigorously with her big eyes, so that King Yu waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

"Brother Huang, I think you are too kind, that's why you were bullied by their dog slaves. If you want me to say, we will report to the father and drag them to the Meridian Gate to be executed. In the future, who will dare to deduct your yearly gifts?" .”

  Seeing that the imperial brother begged for mercy, Princess Ning An proudly raised her head and suggested with her mouth pursed.

   "If such a trivial matter troubles my father, my father will think I am useless and incompetent again." King Yu shook his head again and again and said no.

  (end of this chapter)

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