Rise From the Humble

Chapter 769: Different Jiajing

  Chapter 769 A Different Jiajing

  The news that Zhu Ping'an checked the three-year account books of the Taicang bank in three days, and the people from the East Factory escorted the Taicang account books to Xiyuan soon spread. This is not a secret thing at all, the account books have been escorted to Xiyuan, obviously they have already been checked, and anyone with a discerning eye will know it at a glance.

   "It took Zhu Ping'an three days to check the accounts of the Taicang Bank for three years? Could it be that he just took a quick look at the flowers and dealt with them in a hurry?"

   "Don't say that he is the only inspector in Taicang. Even if there are five inspectors, it will take at least half a month to complete the investigation."

   "Why do I find it so funny? Did you guys tell me a joke? The children in the neighboring village wouldn't believe it. How could it be possible to check the account books of Taicang for three years in three days?"

"Hehe, I think it's possible. If you look at me like this, Mr. Zhang, think about it. If it's a sampling, if Zhu Pingan takes dozens or more than a hundred of the account books for inspection, although it's a bit generalized, it will not Can make sense."

"Sampling, huh, huh, my lord Wang, thank you for being able to say it, you take it as a teacher asking students, and you still take a sample, how can you inspect the Taicang Bank by sampling? Isn't that enough?" ?!"

When the blood-dropping sword in Dongchang reported to Huang Jin, the governor of Dongchang, the ministers on duty at Wuyi in Xiyuan already knew the news, and there was nothing important to do today, they were in groups People gathered together, and by discussing articles and memorials, they got together and discussed in a low voice.

  Most people, what they say is full of sourness and criticism.

The article they contributed the day before yesterday, they worked hard one by one, and the article they contributed in a day is not as good as the article written by Zhu Pingan with a cup of tea, especially Emperor Jiajing also gave Zhu Pingan a banquet. Years and decades, they can't help feeling a little jealous.

  Besides, this time Zhu Ping'an only took three days to check the account books of the Taicang Bank for three years. This matter was originally a matter of criticism.

The three-year account books of Taicang escorted by Dongchang's Dripping Blood Sword and others were sealed in a palace not far from Wuyi Zun. At that time, all the people in Wuyi Zun saw it, and more than a dozen people with large mouths were escorted. The box was full of account books. With so many account books, how could it be possible for Zhu Pingan to check them all in only three days? !

While the ministers of Wuyi Xun were discussing, Huang Jin also reported the news that Zhu Pingan had finished inspecting the account books of the Taicang Bank Treasury to Emperor Jiajing, and at the same time presented the song "Seven Ancients: Ode to Frog" composed by Zhu Pingan to Emperor Jiajing. on the case.

   Emperor Jiajing was surprised at first when he heard that Zhu Pingan had checked the account books, thinking he had heard it wrong.

  Huang Jin recounted to Emperor Jiajing how serious Zhu Pingan's audits were, how he got up early and returned late, and how hard he had worked, as reported by the blood-dropping sword.

Emperor Jiajing was not particularly aware of the number of account books in the Taicang bank. After hearing that Zhu Pingan got up early and returned late to check the accounts, the surprise on his face suddenly disappeared a lot. While listening to Huang Jin's report, he picked up the "Seven "Ancient? Chanting Frog", I read it with great interest.

"Hmm, it's rare that Zhu Xiaozi wrote about the toad so vividly. A small toad is so heroic in Zhu Xiaozi's writing. It seems that Zhu Xiaozi suffered a lot of contempt in Taicang..." Emperor Jiajing read Zhu Pingan's writing After "Seven Ancients? Ode to Frog", he couldn't help but stroked his beard and smiled slightly, then turned to look at Huang Jin.

"This old slave doesn't know, but I heard that Master Xiao Zhu only wrote the first two sentences when he first checked the account books, and also drew a toad squatting on the lotus leaf. I heard that the painting is very vivid. The last two sentences were added after checking the account books." Huang Jin bowed and replied.

   "Oh, then I want to see what this fierce toad looks like." Emperor Jiajing said with interest.

   "The old slave will order someone to fetch it." Huang Jin bowed and said.

   "Don't worry, what's the result of Zhu boy's audit?" Emperor Jiajing waved his hand, put down the poem in his hand, and asked softly.

"Master Xiao Zhu has not yet reported the results of the audit, but I heard from the people below that Lord Zhu was filled with righteous indignation after checking the accounts and said several times, 'Shu Shu Shu Shuo Shu, I swear to you'." Huang Jin replied with his head down. road.

   "Hehe, it seems that the toad saw the worms, okay, very good, it seems that there are a lot of worms in my granary."

  Emperor Jiajing sneered, swung his sleeve vigorously, rested his right hand on the back of the dragon chair, and swung the wide Taoist robe sleeve in the air, before hanging down again.

   "Your Majesty, appease your anger." Huang Jin knelt down hurriedly to persuade.

   "Huang accompany you to get up, it's not you who should kneel, but those rats and bugs in those warehouses." Emperor Jiajing waved his hand, signaling Huang Jin to get up and speak.

   "It doesn't matter if the servant kneels, I hope you don't get angry with the dragon's body." Huang Jin, who was kneeling on the ground, said with concern.

   As expected of being the number one celebrity around Emperor Jiajing, anyone who heard these words would feel tight in their hearts.

   "It's okay, you bring me the memorial presented today." Emperor Jiajing shook his hand and ordered Huang Jin to fetch the memorial presented by the cabinet today.

  Huang Jin just got up, and carefully placed the memorial presented by the cabinet on the few cases in front of Emperor Jiajing with both hands.

Emperor Jiajing flipped through a book and began to read it. After a few glances, Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but frowned, and scolded displeasedly, "The enemy chieftain from the north has been jumping around endlessly. Today he violates my Xuanfu, and tomorrow Offend me in Datong! The cabinet drafted a document to stop the Datong horse market first as a warning, if the northern captives still have no shame and continue to violate our border, order all horse markets on all sides to be banned!"

   "The slave has written it down." Huang Jin bowed and nodded.

After reviewing the first memorial, Emperor Jiajing opened the following memorials one after another. After reading three books in a row, he was quite satisfied with the handling opinions drafted by the cabinet. At that time, Emperor Jiajing narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a moment, seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be talking to Huang Jin, "Rent reduction is worse than rent exemption. Although I am not Yao, Shun and Yutang, I also know people's livelihood. Back then When the Chengtian Mansion was enfeoffing the land, Huang Kao also took me to see the people's livelihood."

  The Chengtian Mansion mentioned by Emperor Jiajing refers to Huguang Anlu Prefecture, which was the vassal land of Emperor Jiajing when he did not inherit the throne. In the 10th year of Jiajing, in order to honor Emperor Jiajing’s land of flying dragons, that is, Anlu Prefecture, where he was born, he followed the example of Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and changed Haozhou, the birthplace of the state, into a state, and also changed Anlu Prefecture into a state, but Emperor Jiajing went a step further and named the mansion "Chengtian", which was on a par with Beijing Shuntian and Nanjing Yingtian, and expanded its jurisdiction to five counties and two prefectures, forming Chengtian Mansion.

After talking to himself for a while, Emperor Jiajing sternly ordered Huang Jindao, "Decree the cabinet to draft a document to exempt Jiangxi Nanchang, Linjiang, Ji'an, Ruizhou, Yuanzhou, Fuzhou, Ganzhou, and Nan'an from land rent due to drought. In addition At the same time, the daiming, Baoding, Hejian, Shunde, and Guangping prefectures in Northern Zhili will also be exempted from renting paddy fields."

   "The way of heaven has no relatives, and it is always with good people. The holy man has a kind heart, loves the people like a son, always thinks of the people, and rests with the people. The people of the world can have a father like the holy man. It is really lucky for three lives."

Huang Jin was very excited. He kneeled down to thank Emperor Jiajing on behalf of the common people in the world. He sincerely praised Emperor Jiajing's feat of avoiding drought and flood land rent. He was well-measured and his expression was true And naturally.

   Shoot but not make.

   This benefited Emperor Jiajing very much.

  (end of this chapter)

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