Rise From the Humble

Chapter 755: full of confidence

  Chapter 755 full of confidence

The sun is setting, and the setting sun is like a pungent girl in Huaichun. When she sees her lover at the corner, she puts away the glaring light and hides herself outside the palace wall. Only half of her blushing face is exposed, which is rare tenderness. stand up.

  Located in the Longevity Palace in Xiyuan, the roof is covered with pieces of glazed tiles. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the light is golden. Looking from a distance, it looks like it is embedded in a golden ocean.

Although it was sunset and dusk at this time, the light was still bright, but several exquisite octagonal auspicious Ruyi palace lanterns had already been lit in the outer hall of the Longevity Palace. Lifelike, the fuel used in the palace lantern is a kind of imperial animal fat mixed with kerosene fuel invented by Shen Kuo in the Northern Song Dynasty, which is smoke-free and dust-free; six night pearls are suspended around each octagonal palace lantern, which evenly refracts the light and illuminates the entire palace. The outer hall of the Longevity Palace was brightly lit.

  The first assistant of the Ming Dynasty Yan Song, the second assistant Xu Jie, and Li Chunfang were in the brightly lit outer hall of the Longevity Palace, and their mood gradually became clearer.

They were all more optimistic about the second piece of Qingci presented, especially the chief assistant Yan Song, the wrinkles on his face were stretched after a day of seriousness, like an Antarctic fairy, and there was a faint smile in his kindness .

Yan Song is very satisfied with his son Yan Shifan's Qing Ci. In Yan Song's opinion, this Qing Ci is excellent both in terms of conception and literary talent. It is the best work of Qing Ci that Yan Song has read that day. up.

  Xu Jie, Li Chunfang and others are also more optimistic.

   "Huating, I think your second article has an excellent conception and outline, which is three-thirds better than the first article." Yan Song looked at Xu Jie with a smile and said, "This time I will win the Sacred Heart."

   "Mr. Ge praised it absurdly. If you talk about the conception and outline, the originality of Mr. Ge's article is ten times better than that of the class." Xu Jie smiled and shook his head, and in turn highly praised Yan Song's article.

  After Xu Jie spoke, Li Chunfang and others also highly praised Yan Song's article.

   Yan Song smiled modestly and shook his head.

  Yan Song is very confident in this batch of contributed articles. Most of the worries about Emperor Jiajing's mind are gone, and he can be distracted by other things.

"Huating, I heard from Wenhua a few days ago that you intend to recommend Nie Bao to be recalled to the imperial court?" After talking about the article, Yan Song stroked his beard, squinted slightly and looked at Xu Jie and asked, with a casual tone, There is no meaning of provoking the teacher.

   "I was just looking for an opportunity to talk to Mr. Ge about it." Xu Jie replied with a slight smile, while getting up and filling the teapot for Yan Song.

  Yan Song held the teacup empty with one hand, watched Xu Jie pour the tea, and nodded slightly, his face as kind as ever.

   "Hehe, I'm not afraid of Old Ge's jokes when I talk about it. If it's strictly speaking, I should be called Old Master Ge." After pouring tea for Yan Song, Xu Jie sat in front of Yan Song and said with a smile in a teasing tone.

   "Oh?" Yan Song pretended to be puzzled.

"Elder Ge may not know that although Master Nie Bao Nie and I have no name as masters and apprentices, we have the reality of masters and apprentices. I was young and went to school in Huating County, and the magistrate of Huating County was Master Nie. Master Nie was in the county many times. To teach us students, I often ask Master Nie for advice and study; I also heard Master Nie mention Mr. Ge many times. Master Nie said that when he took the Zhengde 12th year examination, the examiner was Mr. Ge, and Mr. Ge was Mr. Nie. Master Nie is my teacher, so strictly speaking, shouldn’t Jie be called Master Ge, hehe.” Xu Jie smiled and briefly outlined his relationship with Nie Bao and Yan Song, saying Wan also smiled and performed a student salute to Yan Song.

   "You, Huating." Yan Song shook his head with a smile, and Xu Jie's low profile made Yan Song's grudge a bit less.

   "How did Nie Bao mention me to you?" Yan Song asked.

Although Nie Bao is Yan Song's student, Yan Song actually doesn't like Nie Bao very much. The main reason is that Nie Bao is an upright person. When he was in the court, he disliked some officials and phenomena. He impeached others at every turn and offended many people. On the one hand, Yan Song was implicated, and on the other hand, some of Yan Song's subordinate officials were impeached by Nie Bao.

  At the beginning, Yan Song admired this township party student very much, and he supported him a lot, but gradually he hated iron but not steel, and then gradually disliked it.

   "Master Nie said that he and Mr. Ge are from the village, and they are also students of Mr. Ge. After enrolling, he was taken care of by Mr. Ge." Xu Jie replied.

   "Confused, how can this old man be a nepotism, but just because he still has a little bit of talent to learn something." Yan Song narrowed his eyes slightly, and pretended to reprimand him.

"Of course, it's not that I don't know the old man. I recommend Mr. Nie not because of such a relationship. It's mainly because of Mr. Nie's achievements. During his tenure, Mr. Nie has made a lot of achievements. Many officials recommended Master Nie, and they recommended Master Nie three times in the midst of the incident, and eight other governors and inspectors who had been to Master Nie’s office recommended Master Nie in the form of memorials. This is also the case of Meicun (Yan Song Godson Zhao Wenhua) told me. In addition, in the 21st year, the enemy chieftain in the north led tens of thousands of northern captives to attack Shanxi. Wherever they passed, our frontier troops either fled or avoided the war. No man's land, even Datong guarded by Mr. Weng Wanda Weng also avoids fighting. In the whole of Shanxi, only the Pingyang Mansion stationed by Master Nie is able to resist the invasion of the enemy chieftain. The holy emperor ordered that all the internal and external officials, no matter how big or small, take six years to complete , those who are outstanding and capable, will be promoted', Master Nie's assessment period has come, so I have such considerations, and I am looking for an opportunity to ask the elders to make a decision." Xu Jie reported back.

  Yan Song didn't speak, but picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea.

   "Strictly speaking, it is not to recall Master Nie back to the court, but to consider recommending Master Nie to be Governor Shuntian." Xu Jie added.

"As usual, there is nothing wrong with it, but Nie Bao is my student, so I can't let people think that I, Yan, is nepotism. You still need to think carefully, and you can come to my house to discuss this matter some other day." Yan Song nodded slightly, and said to Xu Jie recommended Nie Bao's expression.

   "If you don't follow orders, I'm afraid you will take advantage of the old man's meal again." Xu Jie smiled and clapped his hands in response, the light in his eyes flashed away.

  The matter was resolved satisfactorily, Yan Song and Xu Jie laughed and talked about other things in a low voice, and occasionally whispered a few words with Li Chunfang and others.

  Of course, when they were laughing and chatting, everyone paid attention to the movement in the inner hall from time to time, just like a confident and outstanding student who handed in the test paper, waiting for the teacher to mark the test paper and announce the result.

Yan Maoqing is the one who pays most attention to the movements of the inner hall, but he is not confident in the articles he contributed, but in the articles contributed by Zhu Pingan. He knelt before the Buddha for three thousand years, hehe, this Yan Maoqing couldn't be more confident in this kind of masterpiece that is "unprecedented and never seen in the future" and "brilliant to the eye".

  (end of this chapter)

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