Rise From the Humble

Chapter 737: boudoir interest

  Chapter 737 Boudoir interest

  The day is already late, and the sunset is unwilling to end.

   Riding out of the Taicang Bank, Zhu Pingan glanced back at the Taicang Bank, showing his white teeth facing the setting sun.

  The decadent Taicang, like the setting sun in the west, is about to end.

  Thinking about the appearance when Zhao Langzhong and others told him not to forget to come back tomorrow, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but think of the classic "Thank you" of modern Fan Wei, so that the corners of his mouth couldn't come down.

Zhu Pingan knew that Zhao Langzhong and others told him to come to Taicang tomorrow to complete the inspection process. According to the past inspection practice, when inspecting the Taicang bank, at least he had to look at the bank, look through the account books, check the running water, and pretend Make some comments, and the inspection work will be considered complete in this way.

Today, I just took a look outside the bank vault, which is barely enough, but I haven’t checked the books, books, running water, etc. Even if I pretend to be, I have to go through these procedures, so that the inspection work can be considered as a smooth end. They can also let go of a stone in their hearts.

  That's why Zhao Langzhong and the others will tell Zhu Pingan to come to Taicang tomorrow, put on a show, at least go through the process once.

Ha ha.

  However, in a day or two, Taicang will not welcome me.

  Zhu Ping'an withdrew his eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth, turned his head and pulled the horse's reins, tightened his legs on the horse's belly, and gave a "drive" sound, and rode the horse eastward, returning to Linhuaihou's mansion.

  The setting sun was shining, and the sunset glow dyed half of the sky red, and the weather was rarely cooler after a hot day.

Probably because he knew he was going home, the speed of the Shamat dark horse was no less than that of a BMW steed, as if it had sprouted wings on its sides, the horse's hooves were brisk all the way, and when the sunset put away its last light, it arrived at Linhuai Hou Fu.

"Grandpa, you don't know how many gift givers today blocked the road in front of the gate. The lady confiscated none of them. There is another person who is the worst. He buried gold in a flower pot, but the lady guessed it." , Hmph, Miss said that these people are not well-intentioned."


  The little maid of Baozi acted like a parrot when she saw Zhu Ping'an, telling everything that happened during the day.

Good wife.

This is Zhu Pingan's evaluation of Li Shu after learning about this matter. He may not be able to do better than Li Shu. With a girl like Li Shu who is as smart as a demon, he can completely put a hundred hearts on the backyard. up.

The dinner was very sumptuous. The little Lolita Niu and the bear child Rui came to eat again. The two young ones came with their meal in hand. In addition to bringing a small rice bowl with them, the bear child also held A small jar, there is a little turtle in the jar, this is a new toy for a bear child, what does the baby look like.

  Zhu Ping'an joked that he would add a meal and let people make the little turtle stew soup.

   After dinner, Li Shu asked the girl to send the two little ones to the old lady. During the meal, the old lady sent someone to look for it once.

  Zhu Ping'an went into the study after dinner, found a few pieces of rice paper, and began to concentrate on writing and drawing.

  Tomorrow, the books and records of the Taicang Bank will be inspected, so I have to make adequate preparations.

  Actually speaking, Zhu Ping'an is no stranger to checking accounts. He helped check accounts at Li Shu's house after winning the exam, which is considered experienced.

  In ancient times, the ledgers were all like that of the rich man Li, no, they were the ledgers of the father-in-law’s family, and they were all running accounts. In layman's terms, it is single-entry bookkeeping. This is the limitation of the times, and the bookkeeping method has not yet developed to the level of the modern double-entry bookkeeping method.

To put it bluntly, no matter how proficient and careful the people of this era are in keeping accounts, and how perfect they memorize the journals, Zhu Pingan can also tell in just a few minutes whether the accounts of this era are fake or not. Account, because Zhu Ping'an has historical experience hundreds of years ahead of this era, and this historical experience is beyond the reach of people of this era.

  So, when checking the accounts at the father-in-law's house, those Xiaochu in the accounting industry spent several days without finding out the problem, but Zhu Ping'an only took a few minutes to see the problem.

  Now, what Zhu Pingan writes and draws in the study is the double-entry accounting form he used when he checked the accounts at Li Shu's house.

It is strange to say that in modern times, Zhu Pingan could only draw this kind of form well with the help of a ruler. Now in Daming, after practicing calligraphy for so many years, he can draw without a ruler and only with a brush. Such straight lines.

  Horizontal and vertical.

   The first form was still a little unskilled, but when it came to the second form, Zhu Ping's drawing could be described as smooth and smooth.

   After drawing a double-entry accounting form on twenty sheets of rice paper, Zhu Ping'an stopped his hands when he was still unsure.

  As the treasury of the Ming Dynasty, the Taicang Bank Treasury must have a lot of receipts and expenditures, etc., and it is voluminous. If you don’t draw so many accounting tables, Zhu Ping’an is worried that it will not be enough.

  Hands are a little sore.

  The mouth is also a little dry.

  Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand to pour himself a cup of tea, but just as he stretched out his hand, he bumped into a Rou Yi.

  A jade hand appeared in my sight, holding a cup of hot tea with slender fingers, and handing it to myself.

  Slender hands, soft fingers.

   That’s all for now.

  Zhu Ping'an's gaze followed the jade hand, and when he looked up, he saw Li Shu standing opposite him with a smile.

Li Shu is wrapped in a loose bathrobe, her exposed skin is smooth, white and rosy, the bathrobe outlines a round curve, and the other hand is holding a towel to wipe her hair. She has just taken a bath and can smell The scent of moist rose petals and a faint milky scent. Knowing that Li Shu takes a bath, Zhu Ping likes to use rose petals and goat's milk soup.

   Clear water produces hibiscus, which is naturally carved.

   No matter how many exquisite words there are, it is impossible to describe the astonishment that Li Shu brought Zhu Pingan at this moment.

Li Shu was originally born with a thousand charms, like a demon girl, with a natural charm, now after taking a bath, her skills have increased greatly, and she looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile on her big watery eyes, as if she could seduce people's souls with a slight blink , looking at each other, Zhu Pingan felt like a fire was burning in his heart, and it was hard to control himself.

   "Why do you look at me like this, don't you know me?" Li Shu gave a coquettish snort.

   "How could it be?" Zhu Pingan lowered his head to drink water, and used it to cover up.

  The next second, Zhu Pingan, who was drinking water, paused for a moment, then suddenly looked up at Li Shu, as if he had just realized, "Have you taken a bath?"

   "Are you blind?" Li Shu rolled her cute eyes.

   "Ahem, that means your menstruation is gone." Zhu Pingan coughed. He still understands some basic physiological knowledge.

   "What are you, a big man, paying attention to these filth, if you don't leave, I'm worried that I will lose blood and die." Li Shu's pretty face flushed with shame, and she gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, full of reproaches.

   "Ahem, do you want me to give you some blood?" Zhu Pingan looked at Li Shu with burning eyes.

   Li Shu was taken aback, "How to make it up?"

   "Have you ever heard the saying that one drop of essence has ten drops of blood?" Zhu Ping'an's eyes were even hotter.

   "You! Woohoo."

  Li Shu’s words were not finished before they were eaten into the mouth. One side was eating marrow to know the taste, and the other side was wanting to refuse to welcome. There was a burst of knowledge, a burst of panting, and a burst of spring breeze.

  The little maid on duty outside the study clamped her legs tightly again.

  (end of this chapter)

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