Rise From the Humble

Chapter 723: The ill-fated inspection team (Part 2)

  Chapter 723 The ill-fated inspection team (Part 2)

  Looking so disgusting, forget it, let Huaer try it another day. When Li Shu destroyed the **** pictures in the bathroom, she whispered to herself.

   When Li Shu returned to the bedroom after washing, she found Zhu Pingan sitting in front of the dressing table, drawing something with her eyebrow pencil.

  What is this villain doing with my eyebrow pencil?

   Li Shu stepped forward curiously, and found that Zhu Pingan was drawing with an eyebrow pencil on a piece of rice paper, drawing a long strange thing with wings.

   "What did you draw?" Li Shu asked curiously.

   "Well, how should I put it, this is called a sanitary napkin." Zhu Pingan raised his head and explained after a pause.

  The reason why Zhu Pingan painted sanitary napkins was because when Li Shu got out of bed to wash, Zhu Pingan saw her menstrual belt through her pajamas. When he saw it for the first time, Zhu Ping'an was very surprised. He thought that Li Shu was wearing T-string pants. It really looked like it, but it was a little wider.

  However, Zhu Ping'an soon realized that Li Shu was menstruating.

  Although Zhu Ping'an doesn't know much, he also knows that sanitary napkins are much more advanced than menstrual belts in terms of physical hygiene and comfort.

Sanitary napkins are not difficult to make. The first generation of sanitary napkins is to wrap cotton fibers and pulp with soft cotton cloth to make long strips of cotton pads with wings. Capable, it is nothing less than a revolution for girls.

   "What is a sanitary napkin?" Li Shu looked blank.

   "Exactly." Zhu Ping'an told Li Shu the relevant knowledge he knew, including methods and advantages, and selected the key points.

   "Bad guy! What are you doing studying these things, a big boy?"

  Li Shu let out a coquettish cry of shame and annoyance, but was deeply moved by Zhu Ping'an's care and thoughtfulness.

   It is said that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, not to mention these things about girls. It is too late for other men to think it is unlucky. This fool actually researched those things about women for himself.

  How could Li Shu not be moved by this.

   And it sounds like it’s easy to use. Why don’t you let the embroiderer try to make a few tomorrow. If it’s really easy to use, then we girls will enjoy the blessings in the future.

   You can also sell this item in the rouge gouache shop

  The moon is not yet young, and the heart is rippling.

  The next morning, before dawn, Zhu Pingan had already left the Marquis of Linhuai Mansion, and accompanied by Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, he rode to the Ministry of Officials on horseback. Because he received the job of inspecting the Taiyang Bank, he didn't have to go to Wuyi Hall Sizhi during the inspection.

  Taicang Bank Auditor Liu Guangzuo is the right servant of the Ministry of Officials. According to the arrangement of yesterday's mobilization meeting, Zhu Pingan came directly to the Ministry of Officials to report and wait for Liu Guangzuo's arrangement.

  At the gate of the official office, Zhu Pingan asked Liu Mu and Liu Dadao to go back, and entered the official office by himself.

  When Zhu Ping'an arrived, Gao Rui, a doctor of the Ministry of Industry's Department of Affairs, and Si Nan, the supervisory censor, had already arrived. Zhu Ping'an stepped forward to greet them, and then found a seat to sit down and wait.

   After a long while, Deputy Envoy Qu Tongyang arrived late.

Qu Tongyang's complexion was not good, as if he was preoccupied. After entering the door, he glanced at Zhu Ping'an and the other three, cleared his throat and announced the news, "Just now I got a notification that Liu Zheng sent his hometown to the capital to report the funeral last night. His uncle at his hometown is old. Mr. Liu lost his father when he was young. He was adopted by his uncle. To Mr. Liu, his uncle is his father. Mr. Liu was very sad when he heard that his uncle had passed away. Fu Que's excerpts, and now I have set off to return to my hometown Ding You in Yanggu County."

  Dingyou is a kind of etiquette system in ancient feudal society, which is only aimed at officials.

According to the Confucian thought of "filial piety first", when an official is an official, if his parents, grandparents, etc. pass away, no matter what official you are, you must start on the day you receive the funeral report, resign and return to your hometown to observe filial piety. .


   Liu Guangzuo and Ding You came home? !

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an had a strange expression on his face. He always felt that Mr. Liu and Ding You's timing was too coincidental, and Ding You only died when his parents and grandparents passed away. In the Ming Dynasty, Ding You was strictly stipulated in the law In general, Ding You is needed to go home only after the death of the parents, and Ding You is not needed after the death of the grandparents.

  Master Liu’s uncle passed away. Although he was brought up by his uncle and the uncle is the father, it is a bit far-fetched.

  Like Zhu Ping'an, Gao Rui and Si Nan were also very surprised by the news that Lord Liu Ding You had returned home.

"Although Mr. Liu and Ding You have returned home, we cannot let go of the work of inspecting the Taicang Bank. At critical times, I, Qu, will not be polite. From today onwards, I will be in charge of the overall inspection of the Taicang Bank. I hope everyone here will cooperate. , let’s work together to do a good job, and don’t disappoint the Holy Majesty’s expectations of us.”

  Deputy envoy Qu Tongyang glanced at Zhu Ping'an and the three of them, clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and encouraged everyone to speak energetically.

  Qu Tongyang's enthusiasm and encouragement made Zhu Pingan look at him with admiration.

  Qu Tongyang's words swept away the haze of Liu Zheng and Ding Youzhi, and made everyone active again.

   "Master Qu is right, we will definitely cooperate with you." The three of Zhu Ping'an stood up and replied.

"Okay, with everyone's cooperation, I'm relieved. It's not too late, let's start now. Today, let's borrow Mr. Liu's office room for the time being, and go to Dali Temple tomorrow for my office." Deputy Envoy Qu Tong Yang nodded in satisfaction, and immediately led everyone to get busy in the Ministry of Punishment with great enthusiasm.

  In fact, I am not busy with anything, mainly because there is not much information, and the data and account books of the Taicang Bank have not been handed over.

   At noon, Deputy Envoy Qu hosted Zhu Pingan and the others for lunch, and in the afternoon he was busy at the Ministry of Punishment.

  Before getting off work in the afternoon, Deputy Envoy Qu told everyone to go to his official office in Dali Temple on time tomorrow morning, and then everyone went back to their homes.

  Early tomorrow morning, Zhu Ping'an went to Dali Temple early and was the first one to arrive.

  It wasn't long before I arrived, and I hadn't found Deputy Envoy Qu's office when I was told a speechless news by the officials of Dali Temple.

  Last night, Vice Envoy Qu worked overtime at the office of Dali Temple until late at night and early in the morning. The unfortunate illness attacked Deputy Envoy Qu mercilessly, making this dutiful man unable to fall ill.


  The deputy song caused him to have a stroke.

   Now he is still lying in the duty room of Dali Temple.

The official led Zhu Ping'an to the duty room, saw Deputy Envoy Qu, and Deputy Envoy Qu was lying on the bed, drooling, and when he saw Zhu Pingan coming in, he stretched out his hand excitedly, and said no for a long time. After uttering a word, in the end, because he couldn't speak, he wanted to punch the bed in a hurry, but after a long time, he couldn't fall down tremblingly.


   Oscar owes you a trophy.

  Zhu Pingan endured the carelessness in his heart, stepped forward and held the hand of King Actor Qu, and said a few words of comfort against his will, "Master Qu, take good care of your baby, no, take good care of your illness."

  (end of this chapter)

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