Rise From the Humble

Chapter 719: Things with my aunt (Part 2)

  Chapter 719 Things with my sister-in-law (Part 2)

  Because there is an ice basin to cool down, the temperature inside the study is seven or eight degrees lower than outside. The temperature is suitable and comfortable, and it is not much more than the current air-conditioned room.

  The bear boy and the little Lolita in the study, sitting on the chairs, dangling their short legs, holding a bowl of milk, melon and fruit ice in one hand, and a small spoon in the other, digging and eating happily.

  The mouth of the bear is full of milk, and the outer corner of the mouth is also full of milk. It looks like it has a white beard. It is also a snack, but the little loli girl is white and clean.

   "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, tell us another story." The bear yelled loudly while eating.

  Little Lolita also looked at Zhu Ping'an expectantly.

Zhu Ping'an had just finished telling them a story. In addition, he had been working overtime in Wuyi Temple for the past few days, and his body was a little tired. After telling a story, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help taking a nap. Woke up with a yell.

  Looking at the big watery eyes that Little Lolita looked forward to, Zhu Pingan cheered up, nodded and agreed: "Okay, then I'll tell you another story, um, what story should I tell?"

  Zhu Pingan paused, thought for a while and said, "Well, then I will tell you a story about pirates in Malacca."

  The Malacca pirates that Zhu Ping’an mentioned are actually adapted Pirates of the Caribbean, but they have been transformed into Malacca in the South China Sea of ​​Ming Dynasty. Well, yes, there are no disputes in the South China Sea at this time. Those small countries in Southeast Asia are still paying tribute to Ming Dynasty. If it were put back to the era when Zheng He sailed to the Western Ocean more than a hundred years ago, let alone the South China Sea, even the sea power of the Indian Ocean was in the hands of Daming.

   "Brother-in-law, what is a pirate?" Little Lolita raised her chubby hand, blinking her big eyes and asking in puzzlement.

   "A pirate is a robber on the sea, a robber who specializes in robbing merchant ships and other ships on the sea." Zhu Pingan explained.

   "Then they are bad people." Little Lolita Niuniu nodded.

   "Then I'm going to catch the pirates in the future and confiscate the silver they robbed." Brother Rui, the bear kid with bright eyes, waved his fat paws and made a grabbing motion.

  Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smiled, touched the heads of little Lolita and Xiongzi, and began to talk about the Malacca pirates:

"In this world, apart from our Ming Dynasty, there are many other countries, with tens of millions of people in the big ones and tens of thousands in the small ones. Some countries are rich in ivory, some countries have mountains of gold and silver, some countries have There are gems and spices everywhere, and some countries are poor and only have population. Walk west along the Silk Road, and after a few years, there will be a western country near the sea, and these countries have relatively developed navigation.”

   "Are we as developed as we are?" asked the brat.

"In the past, we were not as developed. When Zheng He sailed to the West, the giant ships were much more advanced than the West. But since our Daming Sea Ban, our giant ships have disappeared, and we have not developed new ships. Now Western navigation is more advanced than the West. We are developed, and the artillery and muskets on their ships are better than ours." Zhu Pingan touched the bear's head, and explained slowly, and by the way, popularized some knowledge about the West and sea power to them since they were young, and watered them to open their eyes. Eyes see the buds of the world.

  Da Ming needs to open his eyes to see the world. Now Da Ming has scuttled huge ships and burned charts, while the West is setting sail, discovering and opening up new sea routes, catching up with and surpassing Da Ming to achieve corner overtaking.

In history, the Ming Dynasty continued to sink, and in the Qing Dynasty, it was even more secluded. In the end, it was reduced to the point where any Western country can pose for a fancy dress, and it was blackmailed by the Eastern vassal state—now the country of Japanese pirates—230 million Two hundred and thirty thousand taels of silver, what is the concept of two hundred and thirty thousand taels of silver? It is the fiscal revenue of the Ming Dynasty for 50 years, and the country of Japanese pirates has quickly realized the modernization of the country by relying on these two hundred and thirty thousand taels of silver, and has entered the ranks of developed countries in one fell swoop. , and continued to invade our country, intending to devour it.

  Zhu Pingan doesn’t want history to repeat itself. If Daming starts to change from now on, it’s not too late, and there is still a lot to do. He can participate in the magnificent era of great voyages and get a share of the action. No, Daming will share a big pot.

"Western countries have advanced navigation. They rely on strong ships and cannons to conquer those small countries that are rich in gold, silver, and spices, and ship the gold, silver, and spices back to the West. Those countries that do not have special products such as gold, silver, etc. Western countries capture people as slaves. And the Malacca I just mentioned is a necessary place for Western countries to transport gold, silver, and spices back to the West.”

"Because there are so many gold, silver, spices and slaves, Malacca pirates also appeared. They robbed the western gold ship and made a fortune. The most famous pirate was the young Captain Jack. He owned a ship that made the western The Black Pearl that the country is frightened by.”

   Zhu Ping'an slowly preached, and the modern famous Pirates of the Caribbean was born from Zhu Ping'an's mouth.

  The bear listened very seriously, more seriously than ever, and was also very excited. He would bark his teeth and claws excitedly when he heard Xingchu.

   But little Lolita Niuniu didn’t seem very interested. Listening to it, she dozed off, her little head bouncing bit by bit.

  Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smiled, picked up little Lolita with both hands, and carried her to the soft couch in the study.

   "Brother-in-law, I'm not sleepy, I still want to listen." Little Lolita Niu grabbed Zhu Pingan's sleeve, blinking her big watery eyes pitifully.

   "Okay, then I'll talk about it here." Zhu Pingan smiled, took off his shoes, and sat on the bed.

   Seeing this, the bear child ran over with short legs, holding two ice bowls of milk, melon and fruit for him and little loli, and wanted to go to bed with him.

  However, when the bear child ran to the bed, he didn't hold the two ice bowls in his hand properly, and suddenly buckled them on his chest.

  These two ice bowls have been eaten for a while, and more than half of them have melted.

   Now, with one buckle, the milk and melon fruits in the two ice bowls poured on his clothes at once, drenching from top to bottom, making him sticky.

   Just here, the brat was about to climb up the soft slope, Zhu Pingan reached out to stop the brat, "You can't."

Seeing that Xiongzi was sticky and dirty, Zhu Pingan didn't change his clothes, thinking that Xiongzi was brought by the second lady, and she should have a change of clothes, so he said to Xiongzi, "Go to your second sister, Tell your sister to take off her clothes and come to bed."

  The brat was stunned for a moment.

   "Go quickly." Zhu Pingan waved his hand.

   "Oh." The brat turned his head and ran out.

  In the living room, Li Shu was talking about jewelry with the second lady of the Hou Mansion. The second lady was full of praise for Li Shu's Dongzhu earrings, saying that she had never seen such a round Dongzhu.

  At this time, the bear child came running in a rogue, came to the second lady, and said loudly: "Second sister, my brother-in-law asked you to take off your clothes and go to bed with him."

  (⊙o⊙) Ah!

The second lady who was holding the Dongzhu earrings took two steps back in fright, as if being struck by a thunderbolt, she opened her small mouth wide, and turned her eyes dullly to the brat, as if she was stupid, her face changed in an instant It was bluish white, and then turned extremely red.

  Li Shu was also startled by the bear's voice, and her heart stopped for a moment.

  The little girls in the living room were all dumbfounded.

  The air seems to be stagnant.

  Nie Ma is cheating.

  Zhu Ping'an in the study heard the words and almost fell off the bed, his back was so frightened that cold sweat dripped down his back.

  (end of this chapter)

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