Rise From the Humble

Chapter 715: Sit Pai Jing Material Silver

  Chapter 715 Sitting Pai Jing material silver

The old story between Emperor Jiajing and Xu Jie reminded Zhu Ping'an of a modern joke. It said that if your name is XXX, your big boss wrote "XXX villain, never use it" and pressed it on the desk. Under the transparent glass, the boss can see these words as soon as he sits every day, and you can also see these words when you come to the boss’s office to report work every day.

   By the way, what will you do?

  I will obey you even if you insist on not resigning.

  However, as for Xu Jie, not only did Xu Jie not resign, he also worked step by step to become an executive and joined the board of directors.

  When Zhu Pingan recovered from his distraction, the court discussion in the hall had already progressed in stages.

  Watching the masters fighting against each other, Zhu Pingan, the little Si Zhilang, only listens and watches, not qualified to speak, and quietly waits for the outcome of the court discussion.

  The arm cannot twist the thigh, this truth is the unbreakable truth. In the end, the cost of performing the ceremony of calming the gods at Jianyuan Mountain in Wudang Mountain was still paid from the national treasury.

  Of course, Emperor Jiajing also passed several proposals from court ministers.

  The proposal that was first approved was to send Beijing material silver. This is based on the suggestion of Sun Yingkui, Shangshu of the Ministry of household affairs, and after being revised by Yan Song and others, the first sufficient technique is synthesized.

  Because of the urgent border defense situation, the number of soldiers and horses recruited by the towns is increasing day by day, and the cost is too high, so the Beijing material silver is sent. Except for Northern Zhili, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Huai'an, Yangzhou, Luzhou, Fengyang, Pizhou, and Xuzhou provinces and counties, if there is no recruitment of troops and no large-scale projects such as building city walls, Then you have to take Pai Jing material silver.

  Zhu Ping'an and Li Chunfang found out the records of recruiting soldiers and repairing the border wall archived by the cabinet. Those state capitals that have not recruited soldiers, repaired the border wall, or recruited will be sent to Beijing for money.

At the court meeting, Yan Song and other big bosses roughly determined the amount of Beijing material silver allocated to each prefecture: among them, Yingtian Prefecture allocated 30,000 taels of Beijing material silver, and Huizhou Prefecture allocated 35,000 taels of Beijing material silver. Ningguo Mansion allocated 25,000 taels of Beijing material silver, Chizhou Mansion allocated 20,000 taels of Beijing material silver, Taiping Mansion allocated 20,000 taels of Beijing material silver, Anqing Mansion allocated 20,000 taels of Beijing material silver, and Suzhou Mansion allocated 20,000 taels of Beijing material silver. Eighty-five thousand taels, Guangde, Hezhou, and Chuzhou sent a total of 9,000 taels of Beijing material silver. Zhejiang sent the most, with a total of 156,000 taels of Beijing material silver, and Jiangxi seated 120,000 taels , Huguang sits 140,000 taels, Sichuan sits 150,000 taels, Fujian sits 140,000 taels, Guangdong sits 150,000 taels, and Yunnan sits 57,340 taels.

  The total amount of Beijing material silver sent by various places is more than one million taels, and all of them must be handed over to the Taicang warehouse of the Ministry of Households before October this year.

  The Beijing material silver that sits on the pie is close to half of the annual cash register in Taicang.

  Emperor Jiajing, Hubu and others were all happy.

   It's just that the people of the world are pitiful.

  After hearing this, Zhu Pingan sighed in his heart. The wool still comes from the sheep, and it is impossible for the local officials to bear the money for Beijing materials distributed by local officials. In the end, ordinary people must pay.


The second court item passed was Xu Jie's proposal to reduce expenditures. Xu Jie proposed that Emperor Jiajing order all ministries and government offices to check officials, cooks, government servants, and school soldiers on their own, and eliminate redundant officials and staff. The Ministry of Households is requested to publish a comprehensive outline of income, expenditure and surplus items in the Dibao, so that the whole court can understand the plight of my Ming Dynasty and cherish national property.

  Xu Jie's proposal, Emperor Jiajing nodded and approved on the spot, and then arranged it.

   Seeing this scene of harmony between the monarch and his subjects, Zhu Pingan felt a little strange. He didn't know that Emperor Jiajing still remembered the eight words he carved on the pillars of the main hall: "Xu Jie villain, never use it".

The third thing was directly arranged by Emperor Jiajing. Emperor Jiajing thought that the military pay, border repairs, relief and other expenses were too much. This year, it was almost 10 million taels of silver, and the cost was too huge. Suspecting that there are fraudulent and intrusive parts in it, hand it over to Shizhong and Yushi, and order them to investigate the relevant expenses in various places, and impeach the officials who are hypocritical and intrusive.

The fourth thing is that Emperor Jiajing decreed that "the storage in the Taicang warehouse is for urgent needs. In the future, unless there is an imperial decree, one or two cents of silver from Taicang shall not be taken from the treasury." One took 200,000 taels of silver and used it for the imperial decree of Jianyuan Mountain in Wudang Mountain to perform the ceremony of calming the gods.

  After the court meeting, Emperor Jiajing kept Yan Song, Xu Jie, and Sun Yingkui, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and made other arrangements, and the rest of the officials left in an orderly manner.

  Zhu Pingan also followed the crowd out of the hall.

  Of course, it’s just out of the hall, and I have to work overtime tonight. The matters discussed by the court today have to be written overnight and distributed to various places.

  Because of the imperial court’s decision to distribute Beijing’s food and silver, Zhu Ping’an had no appetite. He felt that today’s imperial meal, which was delicious in color and fragrance, was also tasteless and tasted like noble wax. After two bites of imperial meal in a hurry, he was full and put down his chopsticks.

   Soon, Zhu Pingan and others were organized by Lu Ben Luge to draft official documents.

  Zhu Ping'an was assigned to draft the documents for sending Beijing material silver in Anqing, Suzhou, and Hezhou.

  Picking up the brush, Zhu Ping'an was on the spot, feeling that the brush in his hand weighed a thousand catties, and it was hard to bear the weight, and he couldn't write down a single stroke.

   Just a thought.

  The extra taxes that the common people increased were all official documents drafted and issued by himself and others. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but shudder, and there were fine sweat stains on his forehead

  Although he does not have a say in this kind of national affairs, even though he is only a person who is ordered to draft documents, Zhu Pingan also feels that

   "Hey, which one, why don't you write it?"

Everyone is racing against time for important military and state affairs. You, a young man, are distracted. Lu Ben Lu Ge always sees Zhu Ping'an's fuzzy appearance with a brush, and he is displeased. I couldn't remember Zhu Ping'an's name for a while, so I pointed at Zhu Ping'an, using "who" to represent it.

Zhu Ping was stunned for a moment before realizing that Lu Ge was talking about himself. He quickly got up and pleaded guilty to Lu Ge. Mistake, it's a bit late to write.

Seeing Zhu Ping'an sincerely admitting his mistake, and seeing Xu Jie's face, Lu Ben's displeasure eased a bit, and he waved his hand to let Zhu Pingan sit down. Not as an example, he ordered the officials on the side to give Zhu Pingan a sample document. Make Zhu Ping'an follow the scriptures.


  The important affairs of the imperial court are not something that I, a little sixth grade, can control, and it is not my turn to dictate.

  The imperial court is like a big stage, staged one after another, but I am not the protagonist, and I can't even take the role of a walk-on. I am just a melon-eating crowd off the stage, at best, a melon-eating crowd standing a little closer.

  Zhu Ping'an silently pleaded guilty to the people in Anqing, Suzhou, and Hezhou in his heart, then dipped his pen in ink, and honestly drafted official documents as required.

  However, a certain melon eater who wrote official documents did not expect that a drama in the near future would lack a protagonist.

  (end of this chapter)

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