Rise From the Humble

Chapter 688: boy don't be too crazy

  Chapter 688 Don't be too rampant

  How powerful can an impeachment memorial from a small sixth-rank official be? And the object of impeachment in this memorial is also backed by the cabinet chief and auxiliary party.

   That must be a fly shaking a big tree, it's ridiculous. From people's point of view, it is impossible to succeed, and people are waiting to see the jokes of this little sixth grader.

  However, the facts left people dumbfounded.

   within a day

One of the third rank, one of the fifth rank, and two of the sixth rank were demoted to the people, and they were escorted outside the Meridian Gate to beat the court rod; Deprived of life, beheaded and executed in autumn.

   All in all, one official of the third rank, two of the fifth rank, two of the sixth rank, and one of the seventh rank, a total of six officials all fell at the feet of this little sixth rank official.


   It's just because of a memorial from the sixth-rank official.

This kind of efficiency made Daming, including the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the officials of the Sixth Division, ashamed. For them, they spent their whole life as officials, and their record was nothing compared to the memorial of this little sixth-rank official. results.

  The experience department of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Luo Jiabin and Hu Ke, both told the incident. Zhang Hujiang's two cousins ​​were drinking at home, so they couldn't help talking about it.

"This mouse that gnawed at the foundation of the imperial court was caught by a puppy. Does it seem that us cats are too useless." Luo Jiabin touched a glass of wine with his cousin Zhang Hujiang, and after drinking Said.

"If it's just one, it's not enough. The key is that this is a litter of six big mice, and one of them is a spirit mouse..." Zhang Hujiang said with emotion. When he first heard the news, he was in a daze. of.

  Guest Luo pondered for a moment, shook his head and sighed, "I'm really ashamed. No matter how many cats, they can't catch so many rats in their lifetime, let alone rats. We should work hard, otherwise it will be too useless."

   "Yes." Zhang Hujiang nodded, and then looked at Luo Jiabin.

   "It's better to hit the sun than choose the day... We've been staring at that mouse hole for long enough." Luo Jiabin narrowed his eyes.

  Thus, while chatting, the two cousins ​​took advantage of the drink and drafted a memorial. The words were impassioned, like a beautiful article, and then they signed their names neatly. There was no delay at all, and they were sent out directly.

   It is said that the number of impeachment memorials received by the General Secretary’s office today is several times higher than usual, which makes the officials of the General Administration’s office look confused, not understanding why these officials are crazy, and there are piles of impeachments...

Today, there is also a private gathering at Yan Maoqing’s house, the deputy censor of Zuodu. There are not many people present. The few people present are friends of Yan Maoqing. There is Wang Xueyi, the minister of the Ministry of punishment, Zhang Guangzheng, the censor of the capital, and Zhao Wenhua, the minister of the Ministry of Industry. .

   It can be said that the people present at this table are all at the deputy ministerial level. Of course, they have one thing in common, that is, they are both strict parties.

  The table is full of delicacies from mountains and seas, fine wine and jade liquid. Yan Maoqing and others on the table are drinking and chatting about today's affairs.

  The case of Zhao Daying, they know more about the inside story.

   "If the case of Zhao Daying hadn't alarmed the Holy Majesty, Zhao Qiu and the others wouldn't be like this." Wang Xueyi, the minister of punishment, poured a glass of wine for everyone present, and said regretfully.

Wang Xueyi sat in the lower position. In fact, his official position was not much different from that of Yan Maoqing and others. He was even one level higher than Zhang Guangzheng, the imperial censor of Youqian capital. Far.

Needless to say, Zhao Wenhua is Yan Song's godson. He recognized Yan Song, who was a sacrificial wine, as his adoptive father when he was in Chinese studies, and it has been ten or twenty years; Yan Song and Yan Shifan are father and son, and it has been more than ten years; Zhang Guangzheng is also a veteran of the Yan Party, but due to limited ability, the promotion of official positions is slower than that of Yan Maoqing, Zhao Wenhua and others.

  Wang Xueyi only joined the strict party circle in the past few years, and his qualifications in the strict party are much lower.

  However, seniority is very important in seniority in the strict party. With seniority, promotion will come sooner or later. That's why Wang Xueyi is at the bottom.

"Zhao Daying deserved it. He even dared to kill the good and cheat Lord Yan, and the Lord Yan who harmed him asked the Holy One for guilt. Fortunately, the Holy Lord was aware of the situation. Not only did he not blame the Prime Minister, but instead praised the responsible spirit of the Prime Minister." Zhang Guangzheng shook his head and smiled, gloating at what happened to Zhao Daying's uncle, nephew and others.

  Zhao Wenhua glanced at Zhang Guangzheng slightly and did not speak. Zhang Guangzheng's attitude is not difficult to investigate. The strict party is not monolithic, and there are factional disputes.

   Zhang Guangzheng and Zhao Qiu not only belonged to two factions, but they also competed for the position of the left servant of the Ministry of War. Zhang Guangzheng did not compete with Zhao Qiu at that time.

  That's why Zhang Guangzheng gloated so much when he saw Zhao Qiu being dismissed as a civilian. I asked you to fight with me back then, but now it’s okay, I never fought with you back then, but now, I’m still the censor of the capital, you’ve been beaten to the end, and you can’t even become an official. When Yan Maoqing was in charge of the salt administration of Liangzhe, Lianghuai, Changlu, and Hedong, the position of deputy censor of Zuodu would be mine. The one who laughs last is the winner.

   "The holy will is something we can figure out." Yan Maoqing picked up the teacup, scraped it lightly twice, and said calmly.

"Of course, although Zhao Daying deserved what he deserved, but he, Zhu Ping'an, is too rampant. He knew that Zhao Daying was rewarded by Mr. Yan Ge with a nod, but he still did so." Words and deeds are brooding, thinking of the scene of repeatedly being beaten by Zhu Ping'an's hands when making a petition, it is still itchy at all.

   "Hehe, it's all about this problem, you don't know that there is still a long way to go in life." Yan Maoqing took a sip of tea and smiled disdainfully.

   "There is still a long way to go in life, young people should not be too rampant," Zhang Guangzheng added following Yan Maoqing's words.

Ha ha

  Hearing this, Yan Maoqing and Zhang Guangzheng looked at each other and smiled, feeling like heroes see the same thing.

   "Hehe, Mr. Yan and Mr. Zhang have good opinions. There are too many injuries in history, Zhongyong, and Zhu Ping'an is not bad." Wang Xueyi smiled, as if he had foreseen that Zhu Ping'an would be unlucky.

  Zhao Wenhua on the table looked at the few people, nodded with a smile, took a sip from the teacup, and covered the corners of his mouth with disdain.

  Being able to drag Zhao Qiu’s uncle and nephew off their horses in front of you, how can the word madness be able to do it.

  If Zhu Pingan was an idiot like Hu Zhongyong, how could I have been listed on the list to catch my son-in-law?

  A young man who was able to win the imperial examination at the age of thirteen, and the number one scholar at the age of fourteen, who can write such a strategy for governing the Japanese, how can he be easy to match.

  The last thirteen-year-old candidate was Yang Shoufu, who had power over three dynasties.

  (end of this chapter)

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