Rise From the Humble

Chapter 685: Hospitality Jinyiwei

  Chapter 685 Hospitality Jinyiwei

   "Xiaoqing Xiaohong, what are you two yelling about? I don't know that the lady and uncle are eating, ah. Wait, what did you just say, the official document came down?!"

When the little maid of Baozi heard the shouts of the two girls outside, she didn't react immediately. The first reaction was that they should not disturb the young lady and uncle's meal, so she opened the door curtain and took out the posture of being close to the big girl. There were two little girls who were yelling.

  But they only said half a sentence, and then realized it belatedly, wait, they just said that the official document of the Ministry of Punishment has come down? !

   "Miss, Uncle, the official document from the Ministry of Criminal Justice has arrived."

After Baozi’s little maid came to her senses, her little hand holding the door curtain trembled, then she turned around immediately and reported to Li Shu and Zhu Ping’an with an excited face. of.

  Zhu Ping'an had heard the yelling of the two girls outside.

   "Here, let me see."

  Zhu Ping'an put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and said to the little bun girl at the door.


  Li Shu pursed her cherry lips, looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile and shook her head, her beautiful eyes were flowing, bright and beautiful.


  Zhu Pingan was surprised, and out of habit, he blurted out a word destined to be understood by no one, but he quickly reacted, and quickly added, "I mean, why?"

   "Crooked? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Li Shu rolled her cute white eyes, her pretty nose was straight, her charming lips parted slightly, and she continued, "This is not an ordinary official document, it is related to your official career. You have to 'shower and change clothes, burn incense and wash your hands' first." Yes. You have to respect official documents, so that they won’t turn your back on you, and don’t reach out to hit smiling people. Some scholars still have to bathe and burn incense when they read Zhuang, Lao, Confucius, and Mencius, not to mention your official documents. , and it’s not too late.”

  Bather and change clothes, burn incense and wash hands? !

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan pursed his lips speechlessly. The official documents from the Ministry of Criminal Justice have already been issued. No matter whether you take a bath or are sloppy, the official documents are all there, and the official documents will not be destroyed just because you "bath, change clothes, burn incense and wash your hands". Change the content.

  In Zhu Pingan's view, this is somewhat formalistic.

  Of course, Zhu Pingan knew that Li Shu had good intentions, and it was precisely because of caring that he cared about these forms.

   Respect is one aspect, and another aspect is probably psychological comfort.

   Isn't it just bathing and changing clothes, burning incense and washing hands, as Li Shu said, it doesn't take much time.

  Therefore, there is no need not to meet Li Shu's request.

  So, Zhu Pingan shook his head with a smile, got up and went to the bathroom.

  When Zhu Ping’an went to the bathroom to take a bath, Zhaohui Jinggongfang, which was in the same west city as Linhuaihou’s Mansion, became noisy. Beibingmasi Hutong in Zhaohui Jinggongfang was the source of the noise.

Many guards with knives and whistle sticks appeared in Beibing Masi Hutong, as well as Jinyiwei with embroidered spring knives on his waist. Under the leadership of Baitou and Jinyiwei, they trotted all the way to the "Jianwei General's Mansion". At the door, the guards and Jin Yiwei were divided into two teams, one team went to the main entrance, and the other went around to the back door.

  Such a big battle naturally attracted many curious people. The brave ones followed closely behind the guards and Jin Yiwei, while the timid ones watched from afar.

  Beibing Masi Hutong is mostly military homes, both masters and servants are more courageous, most of them open the door, stop and watch at the door, guessing the whereabouts of Jinyiwei and the guards.

   "The government handles the case, while idlers avoid it."

  The guards and Jin Yiwei yelled loudly at the gate of General Jianwei's Mansion, stood apart, and separated the onlookers with a blank face, and isolated an open space at the gate of General Jianwei's Mansion to prevent the masses from affecting the handling of the case.

   "What are you going to do? This is the residence of Zhao Qianhu, commander of the Xicheng Bingmasi Bingma. You have gone to the wrong place."

  The two armored guards at the gate of General Jianwei's mansion, seeing this scene, revealed their identity as Zhao Daying, and stepped forward to inquire. It's just a hundred households and a headhunter who dare to break ground on the head of Mr. Zhao.

   "Take it!"

  Jin Yiwei's hundred households glanced at them without turning their heads. They waved to the guards and Jin Yiwei behind them, and spit out two words coldly.

   As soon as Jinyiwei Baihu's voice fell, two Jinyiwei stepped forward in response, and rushed towards the two armored guards with no expression on their faces.

Seeing this, the two armored guards subconsciously tried to draw the saber, and then pressed their hands on the hilt of the saber. However, the next second, they saw a flash of cold light in front of them. Jin Yiwei's Xiuchun Dao had already reached his neck, and the tip of the saber was tightly pressed Sticking to the neck, no more than an inch, no less.

  The gap is huge.

  The guard in armor was sweating profusely on his forehead and dared not move.

   Soon, an officer stepped forward and tied the armored guard with his backhand with a rope.

"My lords, what are you doing? We have something to say, so why bother to hurt our peace. Our Lord Zhao has admired you for a long time, Commander-in-Chief, and we had the honor to have a drink at the same table with Lord Lu in Lord Yan's residence. Come, my lords." It's just right, Zhuangzi below has just sent a deer, and there are several jars of good wine in the house, just to taste together. Our Lord Zhao is the most hospitable, if you know that you are here, you will be very happy."

  The door of General Jianwei's mansion opened, and a middle-aged man with the appearance of a housekeeper came out, dressed well, and said to the Jinyiwei Baihu and the headhunter outside the door with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, coincidence, our Jinyiwei is also the most hospitable." Jinyiwei's hundreds of households squinted their eyes and said with a smile, "Today, we just invited Mr. Zhao to our prison. It's hot, and we Prison is the coolest place, hehe.”


  Hearing this, the smile on the face of the housekeeper of the Zhao residence turned into a crying face. Damn it, no one in the world would know where Jinyiwei Imperial Prison is. It is a place that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones. Few people who go in can come out whole. It is notorious.

   "Please. Take us to see Mr. Zhao, so that I can hand over the 'invitation' to Mr. Zhao."

  Jinyiwei Baihu looked at the steward of the Zhao residence with a half-smile, took out an official document with several big red seals from his pocket, and displayed it in front of him.

  The official document is very long, some content in the front is not clear, but the content in the back is seen by the steward of the Zhao family:

"Thousand households of Zhao Daying received the emperor's favor. They didn't want to serve the country and defend the people. Instead, they killed the good and pretended to be promoted and rewarded. For the sake of the people, steal all the family property, arrest him and put him in jail immediately, and plan to execute him, as a model."

  The steward of the Zhao Mansion was like a thunderbolt, his face instantly turned ashen, and the cold sweat poured down his back.

  (end of this chapter)

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