Rise From the Humble

Chapter 666: reason

  Chapter 666 Reason

How could this be? !

  Zhao Daying froze on the spot, staring straight at the head in the water tank, staring at the obvious net towel marks on the head's hair, he couldn't believe his eyes.

   I can't figure it out.

   Is it clearly the Tatar head offered by the frontier army?

  How did it become the head of the common people?

  At this moment, Zhao Daying looked like a gambler who had lost everything, his eyes were bloodshot, he kept shaking his head, muttering "impossible, impossible"

  How impossible!

  Zhu Pingan looked at Zhao Daying and twitched his mouth. You Zhao Daying killed the good and risked your merits, and some frontier generals are not good birds!

   Zhu Pingan might not be clear about other years, but last year was too special.

  The Change of Gengxu!

  Because less than a year has passed and there is another scandal, the current court is still blocking all kinds of information. At this time, the people of Ming Dynasty are not very clear about the inside story. However, the later history recorded this very clearly, and many historical books and classics have described it. Zhu Pingan had read a lot of materials in modern times, and he would not be mistaken.

  In June last year, the leader of the Mongolian Tumed tribe, that is, Altan Khan of Tatars, launched a war because Ming Dynasty closed the "tribute city" between Ming Dynasty and Tatars.

  The so-called tribute market means that the Tatars paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty, and then sent people to follow the tribute envoys with cattle, sheep, horses, etc., and trade with the Ming Dynasty at the location designated by the Ming Dynasty, in exchange for Daming salt, iron, tea, grain and other materials.

  Because Daming closed the tribute city, Tatars could not obtain materials such as salt, iron, tea, grain, etc. from Daming.

  But at this time, in order to consolidate the rule of Tatar, and at the same time, in order to defeat and conquer the Oala tribe, Altan Khan urgently needs to submit materials.

  In the beginning, Altan Khan did not launch a war, but sent envoys to Daming, expressing his tribute to Daming, hoping that Ming would open up the Tribute City, and hoped to expand the size of the Tribute City.

  The attitude of the Tatar envoys is not very good, and the scale of the tribute city is also very large.

  Da Ming was worried about the repeat of the civil engineering changes back then, and was stimulated by the attitude of the Tatar envoy. How can you look like paying tribute to a minister? So Daming rejected Altan Khan with righteous words, and beheaded the arrogant Tatar envoy by the way.

   Formal means were not available, so Altan Khan launched a war, aiming to force Daming to open the city of Gong through the war. From some perspectives, it is a bit similar to the Opium War.

"All my newborn children grow into big men, and my foals grow into big horses, but the Chinese bully my tribe unreasonably, killed my envoys, cut off my business, made my children eat meat without tea and salt, and made my girls marry No rouge. Today I swear to wash away this humiliation with blood. My sons and daughters will feed your horses, polish your scimitars, and sharpen your arrowheads. I will take your horses to the Central Plains and use our horses, scimitars and arrowheads to restore the ancestors. glory."

  In June, Altan Khan finished his oath, burned paper and threw it to the sky, and mentioned more than 100,000 people who controlled the strings from various Tatar ministries, and attacked Datong and Xuanfu aggressively.

At that time, the guard in Datong was the general soldier Qiu Luan. This guy saw how strong and murderous I Dahan was, and thought that he couldn't fight anyway, so he used his best big move and sent people to bring gold and silver. , Jewelry and other expensive gifts bribed Aldakhan, to carry forward the spirit of the dead friend Mo Sipindao, and let Aldakhan attack in another place.

  Altan Khan is also a person of integrity. After receiving the money, he really changed places and led the army to turn around and head east.

   This will bring disaster to the border town in the east.

  Originally, Alta Khan came for Datong and Xuanfu, and the border towns such as Gubeikou in the east were not prepared, but Alta Khan's army suddenly appeared. It was just in response to the military strategist's phrase of attacking them by surprise, and the result can be imagined. The Ming army in Gubeikou and other border towns collapsed at the touch of a touch.

   Then Altan Khan drove straight in from Gubeikou, full of murderous looks, and came all the way to the capital.

  In fact, if Altan Khan wants to approach the capital, he must first pass through the three important military towns of Huairou, Shunyi, and Tongzhou to reach the capital. However, the military defenses of the three important military towns of Huairou, Shunyi, and Tongzhou were all rotten to the bone, and their armaments were weak, which was worse than that of Gubeikou. The three important military towns, just like tofu, were penetrated by Al Da Khan without much effort.

  Altan Khan came to the capital without encountering any decent resistance.

  The capital shakes.

  At that time, the garrison of the capital was said to be 350,000, but in fact, according to statistics, there were only 40,000 to 50,000 troops. Emperor Jiajing urgently ordered soldiers from all over the town to help King Qin, and at the same time assembled militiamen and martial arts students from all over the capital who participated in the martial arts in the capital to defend the city. Well, by the way, Qi Jiguang, who will be very glorious in the future, was participating in the examination at that time, and presented the defense strategy.

  The person in charge of the defense of the capital is Ding Rukui, former minister of the Ministry of War.

  Ding Rukui remained calm in the face of danger, and quickly dispatched troops to resist Altan Khan's army. However, Ding Rukui was at odds with Yan Dang. Naturally, the trusted generals of the strict party would not cooperate with Ding Rukui. They would either work for foreign workers or give Ding Rukui false information.

   And Yan Song also wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the "thorn in the eye" Ding Rukui.

  When Ding Rukui came to ask Yan Song how to defend the battle, Yan Song analyzed the situation of the enemy and our forces, and then said to Ding Rukui very emotionally, "When this battle is alive or dead, I will definitely support Lord Ding with all my strength."

   This moved Ding Rukui a little.

"However, I have to explain the advantages and disadvantages of fighting and defending to Mr. Ding. If you fight outside the Great Wall, you can cover up your defeat, but if you fight in the suburbs of Beijing, you can't cover up your defeat. Our army is strong in defending the city, not fighting in the field. Therefore, Master Ding has to think carefully." Yan Song put himself in Ding Rukui's position and analyzed for Ding Rukui, implying that Ding Rukui should not fight.

"Now the situation is urgent. Altan Khan is burning, killing, and looting outside the city. I, Ding, received the emperor's favor, and should serve the country with my own body. I dare not be alone, so I ask to go out of the city to fight against the enemy. I, Ding, am not greedy for merit. Cooperate from inside to outside, attack from front to back, and you will be able to repel the enemy." Ding Rukui shook his head and asked to fight.

"Lord Ding, the Holy Majesty is resting in Xiyuan. If you insist on sending troops, you will surely disturb the Holy Majesty. You are not asking for your own crime. Besides, I will wait in full force, and King Qin will look aside. I dare not attack the city rashly. If so Master Ding went into battle recklessly. It’s okay if he wins. If he loses the battle, there will be no soldiers to defend the capital. What if the capital is destroyed? Can Master Ding be sure of victory? Be careful. I said that if I have snatched enough, I will naturally retreat, and I will report the details to the Holy One, and Lord Baoding is safe." Yan Songxiao persuaded Ding Rukui with emotion and reason.


  The Ming army sat and watched Alta Khan burn, kill and loot.

  The royal cemetery and the manors of the ministers outside the city were all burned and looted by Altan Khan.

  This is a big mess.

  So Ding Rukui, who was afraid of not fighting and lax in defense, became a scapegoat, and was ordered to be clicked by Emperor Jiajing.

   In short.

Since Alta Khan invaded Daming last year, Datong guarded Qiu Luan and bribed the Tatars, so naturally no Tatar leaders would be captured; the frontier troops in Beigukou, Huairou, Shunyi, Tongzhou and other places would collapse at the first touch, and it would be good if they could save their lives. No Tatar heads will be captured.

  Not to mention the capital city, if they didn’t go to battle, they would definitely not have captured the head of the Tatars if they sat back and watched Alda Khan burn, kill, loot and return.

   That is to say, there were basically no Tatar heads captured in the entire Ming Dynasty last year.

  So, even if Zhao Daying's uncle and nephew swapped the head, as long as it can be confirmed that the head is from last year, Zhu Ping'an is not worried. No matter how Zhao Daying's uncle and nephew struggled, it was useless. A fake is a fake after all.

   Killing the good and pretending to be meritorious is the most powerful in the late Ming Dynasty.

  The means of identifying killing good people and taking meritorious deeds was also the most abundant and standard in the late Ming Dynasty. Zhu Pingan's methods today are based on the identification methods of the late Ming Dynasty. Of course, for those in court, these methods are a bit enlightening and eye-opening.

  (end of this chapter)

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