Rise From the Humble

Chapter 658: non-me race

  Chapter 658 Not My Race

  Seeing Zhu Ping'an stand up and come back with a disgraced face, Zhao Qiu, Zhao Daying and all the military officers were very happy. Seeing Zhu Ping'an deflated, they felt extremely refreshed as if they had eaten dragon liver and phoenix marrow.

   "Master Zhao's uncle and nephew are very good at drawing salary from the bottom of the pot and stealing money for another day." The official of the strict party who knew the inside story looked at Zhu Ping'an gloatingly, and praised with a low smile. His uncle was close friends with Zhao Qiu, and he was very close to Zhao Daying, and he had already got a hint from Zhao Daying when he was eating at noon, and he knew the inside story.

"Shh, Brother Wang, be careful. Mr. Zhao acted in accordance with the rules of preserving the head, and he is upright. Why do you steal the beam for another day?" Another official hissed, reminding the official surnamed Wang to be cautious, but his face On the face is the same gloating expression.

   "Oh, yes, yes. Hahaha"

  The official surnamed Wang nodded with a suppressed smile, and couldn't hold back his laughter after speaking halfway through. In front of him, Zhu Ping'an, he fiddled with his head and watched him suffer. It felt good.

"He, Zhu Ping'an, still wants to use the first-level heads to come back, hehehe, what a fool's dream, come back? Turn him over! If this is him, Zhu Ping'an can still use this batch of heads to come back. Lao Tzu's name is written backwards. But he didn't This skill, haha."

   "Hurry up and open the coffin, finish the inspection early and go back to throw a celebration banquet for Mr. Zhao"

  Zhao Daying and the others already had the chance to win at this time, and they were already thinking about where to go for a table of wine and food, order a few brothels, and celebrate.

   Wang Xueyi, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, squinted his eyes at Zhu Pingan and the others, nodded and said, "Okay, since all the adults have confirmed that they are correct, let's open the coffin."

   "Open the coffin."

   Zhang Butou responded and led people to open the coffin.

  Wedge out the stone nails, scrape off the glutinous rice glue, and the guard lifted the black board cover vigorously, and put it under his feet. The lacquered black board cover has been treated with anti-corrosion, and a layer of black paint on it has the effect of isolating the air.

  After the plate cover was lifted, a stale smell mixed with lime came to the face.

Although Zhu Pingan can conclude that the head in the coffin has been replaced, Zhu Pingan still took care of the emotions of Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui. After the coffin was opened, Zhu Pingan bowed to the coffin to show respect. After all, Liu Dadao They thought the heads in the box were their relatives.

  The dead are the greatest.

  If the leaders inside are the innocent victims of Daming people, please rest in peace. I, Zhu Pingan, will do my best to seek justice for you and pay homage to your spirit in heaven.

  If the leader in it is a Tatar or someone who deserved it, I advise you to change your mind, reincarnate to be a good person, do more good deeds, and atone for your crimes in this life...

  Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands and went to the coffin box. He saw that the box was filled with stone powder, and the heads were buried in the stone powder.

  Stone powder is quicklime.

   This is a common method of preserving heads in ancient times.

  Since the Iron-Blooded Qin Dynasty in ancient times, there has been a practice of using heads to test their merits, and they are also quite experienced in the preservation of heads. The most common methods are lime preservation and plant ash preservation. Of course, there are also methods such as salting, frying, and lacquer sealing.

  Zhu Ping'an has seen the relevant records in modern times, and also carefully checked the relevant materials in the library of the Imperial Academy a few days ago, and did his homework well.

   Quicklime preservation is a relatively mature anti-corrosion method in ancient times. The method is relatively simple, but the preservation effect is very good. The first step is to wipe off the blood stains on the head, and then take out the brains in the head, and put it in the hot sun to dry for one to two hours. After the blood stains dry up, the head is completely submerged in quicklime and sealed for storage.

In fact, the principle of quicklime absorbing water is used to keep the inside of the coffin dry and alkaline, avoiding the growth of bacteria, and not easy to rot; at the same time, the coffin is sealed with glutinous rice glue, and the head is completely submerged in stone powder, which can isolate the air to a certain extent. , to avoid rot and deterioration.

   Fortunately, this is the way.

  Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief when he saw how the head was preserved. This method is the least destructive to the first level, and it is less difficult to verify and identify.

   "My lords, please read."

  The two foremen transferred from the class room of the Ministry of Punishment took out the heads one by one from the coffin box, cleaned the stone powder on the heads with a brush, and placed them on the wooden board. Fifty-nine heads are arranged in three rows. Wu Zuo has dealt with these things all year round and served these heads without batting an eyelid.

  But other officials don't have this concentration.

  Facing so many leaders at once, many officials dare not look this way.

   "Master Zhu, if you are afraid, don't hold on. It's not good to pee your pants when you are scared." Zhao Daying was confident at this time, and walked up to Zhu Ping'an with his arms folded, teasing with a sneer.


Zhu Pingan looked at the idiot and glanced at Zhao Daying, and couldn't bear the contempt, even if you, Zhao Daying, peed your pants, I wouldn't know it. Have you seen "The Grudge", have you seen "Midnight Ring", you see Have you seen "Ghost Doll Hanako", have you seen "Silent Hill", have you seen "Chain Saw"? Having experienced the baptism of these modern horror classics, Zhu Ping'an's heartbeat will not fluctuate much when he looks at these heads again.

   "You seem to talk a lot, are you guilty?" Zhu Ping'an replied lightly.

   "You have a guilty conscience." Zhao Daying shook his shoulders in disdain and sneered.

  When Zhu Ping'an was confronting Zhao Daying, Wu Zuo had already divided the heads on three wooden boards for everyone to check.

   "Guilan, little dog." Liu Dadao burst into tears, and the 1.8-meter man cried like a child, staggering to find his wife and children among the heads.


   let him down.

  The 20 heads on one board were searched all over, but they were not found, and then the 39 heads on the other two boards were carefully checked one by one, but they were also found.

  Then Liu Dadao stood there with a blank face, muttering: No, nothing at all, Guilan, little dog, where are you.

  The other Liu Dachui and the others looked blankly at the fifty-nine heads displayed on the wooden board.

  These heads are completely different from what they imagined, and none of them are their relatives.

on the contrary

  These heads all seem to be Tatars. It is easy to recognize that these heads all have Tatar hairstyles, and the prominent feature is the haircut. The hairstyles of foreigners are completely different from those of Ming people, which can be seen at a glance.

Some heads have the Tatar "Huhele" hairstyle, with the hair around the top of the head shaved off, a row of short hair left on the forehead, and the hair on the back of the head and on both sides of the hanging hair is braided into whips; some are braided with loose hair. A small braid; some are left and right shoulders

   At first glance, it is not my race.

   "These are Tartars."

   "The heads offered by Mr. Zhao are all Tatars."

   There were many officials who were familiar with Tatars at the scene, and many officials saw Tatars from a distance on the city wall when the Tatar soldiers trapped the capital last year, and they could recognize the hairstyle of Tatars. So when they saw these heads, they all nodded.

  (end of this chapter)

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