Rise From the Humble

Chapter 651: confident

  Chapter 651 Have no fear

  The time is getting closer to noon, the sun above the head is like a burning fireball, steaming the whole petition scene, the heavy rain last night is almost evaporated, the whole petition scene is like a steam oven.

  The presiding judge's seat and public auditorium are all fine, there is a pergola to cover them, so they don't have to face the scorching sun.

  Zhu Ping'an was not so lucky. The sun was burning, and the sweat on his face dripped down his chin from time to time.

   It really is summer.

   I really miss the modern air conditioner, even if it is a fan.

   Hemp eggs

  Now I even feel a little envious of Zhao Daying. This guy is shirtless, and he is supposed to be much cooler than himself.

However, Zhao Daying didn't think so. After noticing that Zhu Ping'an glanced at him, he always felt that Zhu Ping'an was mocking the scar on his back, so his resentment towards Zhu Ping'an became stronger. Come on, then, There are times when you cry.

"Zhu Pingan, what proof do you have for impeaching Zhao Daying for killing someone who has committed meritorious deeds?" Wang Xueyi and Zhao Daying looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to Zhu Pingan. asked the same.

   "Of course, my lord, please order the witnesses Liu Mu, Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang, Liu Dahammer, Liu Dafu, and Liu Dagang to go to court." Zhu Pingan replied with cupped hands.


  After Zhu Ping'an's voice fell, many people let out a cry of surprise.

  Many people did not expect that Zhu Ping'an would have a witness. This was beyond the expectations of many people. They had not heard that Zhu Ping'an had a witness before.

  If there are witnesses, then Zhao Daying is a little suspenseful.

Many officials turned their eyes to Zhao Daying, but Zhao Daying's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations. After hearing the news that Zhu Pingan asked the court to pass the witnesses, Zhao Daying was not surprised at all. Not worried at all, but calmer than before.

   "My lord, please order the witnesses to be circulated. The lower officials are also curious about who the witnesses in Master Zhu's mouth are. The lower officials are not afraid of the shadows, but they should see these witnesses well."

  Zhao Daying clasped his fists confidently, not only did not stop him, but he was more active than Zhu Ping'an in requesting the court to summon witnesses.

  After that, he gave Zhu Pingan a provocative look.


  Regarding Zhao Daying's reaction, Zhu Ping'an showed a look of astonishment on his face.

  Seeing Zhu Ping'an's stunned reaction, Zhao Daying felt so relieved, he let out a big breath of anger, and the smile on his face grew stronger, looking confident.

  Seeing the reactions of Zhao Daying and Zhu Pingan, the military officers in the auditorium felt more relieved. It seemed that Zhao Daying had already dealt with it. They were all nervous after being pressed by Zhu Ping'an just now, and now they can finally relax and have a cup of tea and watch a good show.


  The military officers in the auditorium raised their teacups, drinking tea while waiting for the good show to start.

  The presiding judge was as good as good, Wang Xueyi took out a lottery, and asked an officer to pass Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, who were outside the hall of the Criminal Department, to the court with the psychic lottery.

   But in fact, Zhao Daying still thought too much. Zhu Pingan was not surprised by Zhao Daying's fearlessness, but was surprised that Zhao Daying recovered so quickly after being slapped in the face.

   I think the reason why Zhao Daying is confident is that he has already learned about Liu Mu and Liu Dadao in advance. Although Zhu Pingan really wanted to hide the news about Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, until Chen Qingshi gave Zhao Daying a sudden blow. However, Zhao Daying had already made preparations to learn about Liu Mu and Liu Dadao in advance.

  The relationship between the Yan Mansion and the commander of Jinyiwei, Lu Bing, has not been a secret since the Xia Yan incident, and Zhu Pingan also knows a lot about Lu Bing from history.

   Lu Bing is not a good person, nor a bad person. Although the power is all over the world, he is still a little timid. When Xia Yan was the chief assistant, he didn't dare to fight against Xia Yan, until Xia Yan wanted to punish him, he colluded with Yan Song to overthrow Xia Yan; when Qiu Luan won the favor of Emperor Jiajing and suppressed Yan Song, Lu Bing also pretended Flattering Qiu Luan and befriending him with money, it wasn't until Qiu Luan was critically ill that Lu Bing revealed Qiu Luan's plot to misconduct; now that Yan Song is the chief assistant, even though Lu Bing is powerful, he dared not stand against Yan Song, but made friends Yan Song.

  Shen Lian is a subordinate that Lu Bing admires, but when Shen Lian impeached Yan Song, Lu Bing did not dare to rescue Shen Lian, which can be seen from this incident.

  So, as long as Yan Song's power is stable, Lu Bing will only befriend Yan Song and show his goodwill to Yan Song.

  Lu Bing is the supreme commander of Jinyiwei, and if Lu Bing makes friends with Yan Song, that means Jinyiwei makes friends with Yan Song. Now Jin Yiwei has suppressed Dongchang and restored the glory of the Taizu. Jin Yiwei has fans and eyes all over the world. What a secret.

   Zhu Ping'an's taking in Liu Mu and Liu Dadao was a secret, but he didn't have the confidence to hide it from Jin Yiwei. If you can't hide it from Jin Yiwei, then you can't hide it from the Yan Mansion, and naturally you can't hide it from Zhao Daying.

  So, when Zhu Pingan was preparing for Chen Qing, he made two-handed preparations. Seeing Zhao Daying's confident and confident appearance at this moment, Zhu Pingan was only slightly taken aback, and the corners of his lips curled up without any trace.

  At this moment, outside the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Wang Shizhen, Zhang Siwei, Liu Mu, and Liu Dadao were blocked by Jin Yiwei and soldiers.

  Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others have been blocked outside the alley under martial law for a long time. They were blocked outside the alley without even reaching the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment. After Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen arrived, they recognized Liu Dadao and the others. After learning that they were stopped, they wanted to take them in as officials, but let alone taking Liu Dadao and the others in, they were also blocked. up.

   "I'm Zhang Siwei, the editor of the Hanlin Academy, why can't even I go in?" Zhang Siwei, dressed in official uniform, stepped forward and said to the Jinyiwei who was blocking the way.

   "I am the Dali Temple Guanzheng, let me go in." Wang Shizhen also stepped forward and argued with Jin Yiwei who was blocking the way.

   "I'm sorry, my lords, anyone who has not received the official letter from the Ministry of Punishment will not be allowed to enter." Jin Yiwei stood in front of the door expressionlessly and shook his head.

   "Then how did those two adults go in just now?" Zhang Siwei asked.

   "Just now, the two lords held the official letter from the Ministry of Punishment. If the two lords also had it, the humble officials would not dare to stop it. If there is no official letter, the two lords should return it." Jin Yiwei clasped his fists in his hands, without the slightest hint of accommodating.

   This is a differential treatment, Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei are aggrieved.

  Just after they found out that officials were allowed to attend the petition, they immediately changed into their official uniforms and came in a hurry, ready to come to the scene of the petition to serve as Zhu Pingan's backup. But I didn't expect that even the audition was arranged in advance, and I couldn't get in without an official letter.

   "Let's testify against Zhao Daying for taking credit for the murder, let's go in." Liu Dadao and the others said anxiously.

   "No official letter, no entry." Jin Yiwei's eyes were cold, and he was not as polite to Liu Dadao as he was to Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen.

Just when Liu Dadao and the others were helpless, they suddenly heard a message from the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, "Your Excellency has an order, send Liu Mu and Liu Dadao to the court", and then saw an officer running out all the way holding the order .

  (end of this chapter)

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