Rise From the Humble

Chapter 631: something bad

  Chapter 631 The big thing is not good

  Yesterday’s violent storm fell all night like a flood from heaven. It was not until Yin Shi that the violent storm gradually stopped.

  In the early morning, although it was still gloomy outside, the rain had stopped.

  Zhu Ping'an, as usual, got up early to wash up and then leaned over the cloth bag and pushed open the door. Many fallen leaves and petals fell in the yard, all of which were blown down by the storm last night.

  The drainage system of Linhuaihou Mansion is very perfect. During the heavy rain last night, there was not much water in the yard. Only the stone troughs under the walls around the courtyard had gurgling water, which proved the rainstorm last night. When the water of the open channel meets the steps, it passes through the hole left under the steps, and bubbling into the open channel outside the gate of Tingyuxuan Courtyard, part of it flows into the pond of the Hou Mansion, and part of it flows into the drainage system of the capital. , into the moat.

  After the heavy rain, the air smelled of earth, smelling like returning to Xiahe Village. An inexplicable sense of homesickness haunts my heart. I don’t know if it’s raining in Xiahe Village, how are my parents at home, and there’s a certain goblin who didn’t show her temper at home. Oh, I almost forgot, I was thinking too much , she is the best at pretending to be a good daughter-in-law in front of her parents

  There was a burst of crisp magpie calls from the bamboo forest outside the east wall of the courtyard, chirping. It seemed to be celebrating the rebirth after a catastrophe, and it was full of joy.

   "Good morning, uncle."

  Hearing the sound of Zhu Pingan getting up and opening the door, the two girls in the ear room also got up with their clothes tightly closed and sleepy, and went out to say hello to Zhu Pingan.

They are no strangers to Zhu Pingan getting up so early. For so many days, my uncle always went to bed late and got up early. There was no exception. Yesterday, it rained so heavily, and they lay in front of the window before going to bed. The lights in my uncle's study room were on in the middle of the night. Before going to bed, I guessed that my uncle would sleep so late as usual under heavy rain, so tomorrow my uncle should wake up early.

   "Morning." Zhu Pingan replied with a slight nod.

  Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, the magpies outside the courtyard wall heard the movement in the yard, and they screamed more happily.

   "Chachachacha, a happy event is coming home." A little girl pricked up her ears, then squinted her eyes and smiled, "I heard the sound of magpies early in the morning, my uncle must have a happy event coming today."

   "Hehe, I entrust you with a good word." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and replied casually. Magpies are a symbol of good fortune and luck. The ancients liked this, so I naturally didn’t believe it. However, hearing the melodious calls of magpies early in the morning made me feel good.

   According to legend, in the last years of Zhenguan, there lived a man named Jing Yi in the south. He lived beside Kongqing Mountain and had a nest of magpies outside his yard. Jing Yi is kind-hearted, and every time he eats, he sprinkles some rice noodles under the tree for the magpies. One day, his neighbor lost several bolts of silk cloth and falsely accused Jing Yi of stealing it. Jing Yi was thrown into prison for several months. One morning, Jing Yi heard a magpie cry in the prison cell, and when he looked up, he saw the magpie he often feeds was singing happily outside, as if passing good news. The next day, the official called Jing Yi to the lobby, saying that the official met an imperial envoy wearing black clothes and plain skirts on the road, and the imperial envoy told him that the emperor gave him amnesty. Three days later, sure enough, the imperial decree of the emperor's amnesty came, so Jing Yi was pardoned and went home. When he got home, Jing Yi found out that Magpie turned into a human being and falsely preached the imperial decree to help him out of trouble. Xuanyi Sujin is exactly the color of the magpie's overall feathers. This is the origin of the Magpie Annunciation.

   "You don't need to keep me for dinner today, I'm going out to visit friends." Zhu Pingan went out as usual, and gave the two little girls a word of advice before leaving.

  Just as Zhu Ping'an was about to step out the door, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps outside, and then a servant girl's voice came over.

   "Uncle, Uncle, something is wrong, something is wrong."

  The little girl ran in in a hurry and almost bumped into Zhu Pingan who was about to go out. If Zhu Pingan hadn't been quick-eyed and took a step away, she would have bumped into him.

   "What's wrong, Sister Qiuyue." The little girl listening to Yuxuan asked nervously after trotting over two steps.

"Just now an official messenger came to the mansion and said he needed to find my uncle. Because my uncle was in the inner house, the long suit that my uncle accepted yesterday went first. After hearing the news, the official sent him away in a hurry, and then my uncle's long suit hurried over Those who came to find my uncle. The inner house is not allowed to enter, so they asked me to send a letter to my uncle." The little girl named Qiuyue said hurriedly.

"Send a letter, why are you yelling and saying that the big thing is not good, if the mother in charge finds out, you will have to eat and die." The little girl who listened to Yuxuan was relieved when she heard the words, and just sent a letter. , why are you making such a fuss, thinking what's wrong, it hurts people's hearts to the throat.

   "No." Qiuyue's little maid shook her head anxiously, with a fine layer of sweat on her forehead.

   "No hurry, just take your time." Zhu Ping comforted softly, guessing something in his heart. There are probably two situations when the official sends a letter, one is the petition of the Ministry of Punishment caused by the memorial, and the other is the incident that Zhao Daying's soldiers attacked him yesterday and was sent to the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion. And if it was the Criminal Ministry's petition, they wouldn't be in such a hurry, maybe something happened to the Yamen of Shuntian Prefecture.

   "Uncle, just now your chief follower sent a letter saying that the prisoners who were sent to Shuntian Mansion yesterday died inexplicably this morning. The official sent a message as soon as they got the news."

   Sure enough, what Qiuyue's little maid said confirmed Zhu Pingan's guess.

   "Oh dead!"

  Hearing this, the two little girls in Yuxuan yelled in fright, stretched out their little hands to cover their little mouths, their little faces turned pale with fright.

   Zhao Daying must have done it.

   Don't even think about it, Zhao Daying must have something to do with this matter, Zhu Pingan clenched his fists when he heard about it.

   Eight fresh lives! Say shut up, shut up! Zhao Daying is really ruthless, worse than a beast, in order to silence the future to prevent future troubles, even his own people can be so ruthless.

   It was also his own carelessness, thinking that Zhao Daying would have nothing to do if he was locked in the prison of the Yamen.

   Unexpectedly, Zhao Daying's hand could be stretched so long that it reached the prison of Shuntian Mansion through Zhou Zhifu! The prefect of Zhou himself can still trust him. It is estimated that Zhao Daying colluded with the lower officials of the government office, or bribed the jailer. He was still locked up in the prison of Shuntian Mansion, so he silenced him directly. It is too reckless! There is no law!

  If this kind of pest is not eradicated, society will be in danger for one more day.

   If Zhao Daying silenced the eight people, he would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble, so the Ministry of Punishment's appeal should be brought forward.

   Just right, I can't wait.

  Zhu Pingan took a deep breath, and looked in the direction of the Ministry of Punishment, like a sharp sword.

  (end of this chapter)

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