Rise From the Humble

Chapter 625: Gift to Zhou Zhifu

  Chapter 625 Gift to Zhou Zhifu

   "Master Zhou lives in the fourth rank, but his life is so simple, which is rare in the world." After listening to Zhang Butou's explanation, Zhu Ping'an greatly admired Zhou Houjie's simple style.

  Although it is said that the official salaries of the Ming Dynasty were notoriously low in the past dynasties, the official salaries are still much higher than that of ordinary people. Moreover, Zhou Houjie, as a fourth-rank magistrate, is highly appointed by officials in the Kyoto area, half a rank higher than the local officials of the same rank, and his salary is also half a rank higher than that of the local fourth-rank magistrate. It is rare.

  According to this year’s salary standards, the salary of the fourth-rank magistrate is 24 shi (meters) per month. Zhou Houjie, the prefect, is an official in the capital, and his salary is half a level higher than that of the local government, with a monthly salary of 25 shi (meters).

  Here, "stone" is read as dan.

  Shi, dou, sheng, and he are all ancient traditional units of measurement. They are all in the decimal system. Ten he is a liter, ten liters is a bucket, and ten dou is a stone. It is very convenient to calculate.

The Ming Dynasty issued salaries in units of "stones". Before the Ming Dynasty, official salaries were issued in units of "dou" or "sheng". If the official salary is issued, it is obvious that the imperial court is petty, and it is not enough to show the imperial court's style of loyalty and respect, so "stone" is used to distribute the salary instead. To give a simple example, it is equivalent to that a company used to pay wages in units of "corners" and "cents". The new boss felt that this was too petty and could not show the company's loyalty to employees' wages. Use "yuan" as the unit.

  One "stone" of rice is equal to 10 buckets, which is equal to 100 liters. One liter of rice weighs about 1.25 jin, and one stone of rice weighs about 125 jin. Zhou Houjie's monthly salary is 25 shi, which is 3125 catties. According to this year's prices, it is equivalent to 13 taels of silver.

  If calculated according to the current salary, Zhou Houjie earns about 8,000 per month. With a salary of 8,000, he only eats cabbage, tofu and salted radish sticks every day. This is really very, very commendable.

"Zi Hou, you are from the countryside, so you are confused. Every meal has three dishes, and white flour and steamed buns are enough. How simple is this. Think about how many people in our Ming Dynasty still eat a lot of food. , I can’t fill my stomach. Compared with them, this is already a luxury.” Zhou Houjie suddenly said seriously.

  Zhu Pingan smiled wryly when he heard the words, "What your lord said is that if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your wife and Mr. Ling. It's simple to reduce one vegetarian dish and add one meat dish to each meal."

"Zihou is too worried. Zhuojing and Quanzi are both in their hometown in Anhui. Although I am not a wealthy family, my ancestors also left more than ten acres of Susukida to grow melons, vegetables, chickens and ducks. The two of them eat more than me. It's convenient." Zhou Houjie waved his hand and smiled.

"Master Fuzun has been an official in Beijing for many years. He is alone and has never brought his family with him. Last year, the young master originally planned to visit Mr. Fuzun, but he was unable to make the trip due to the long distance and lack of travel arrangements." As soon as Zhang Butou finished speaking in Zhou Zhifu, he endured I couldn't help adding a sentence.


  Zhu Ping'an heard the words, turned his gaze to Zhou Houjie, and couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

   Naked officials!

   This is an ancient naked official!

  Modern times are different. Modern naked officials are officials whose spouses and children have emigrated from the country (territory).

  Naked officials in ancient times were not like modern ones. They didn’t go to other places to be officials and bring their families because the official salary could not afford to support their wives, children, and servants. Zhou Houjie was like this. Therefore, most of the naked officials in ancient times were honest and upright officials, and every single hair of them was a hundred times more magnificent than those naked officials in modern times.

   "Talky." Zhou Houjie glanced at Zhang Butou.

"My lord, it's not that my subordinates talk too much, but my subordinates are wronged by your lord. Look, my lord, how many officials are like you. To put it bluntly, the dinner table of your subordinates is better than yours. Much richer. Cabbage tofu, pickled vegetables, how can your body be able to bear it for a long time, and how can you be the master of the people. No family members, no maids, only an old housekeeper. To put it boldly, you You’re not an official, you’re a monk.” Catcher Zhang seemed to have been holding back for a long time, but this time with Zhu Pingan by his side, he was so bold that he took advantage of the topic to say what he had been holding back for a long time.

  Hehe, the words are not rough, Zhu Pingan nodded, and it is true that the official Zhou Houjie is really close to an ascetic.

"It's easy to go from simplicity to extravagance, but it's hard to go from extravagance to frugality." Zhou Houjie smiled slightly, took a sip of tea and said, "Although I am a fourth-rank official, the salary plus special salary and rewards are quite a lot. However, if you are not in charge of the family, you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are. Although you earn a lot, you also spend a lot. Han Bo and I need 2 taels of silver for food every month, and we have to spend 2 taels a month for Zhuojing and Gouzi. Where are the parents? We should also honor 2 taels of filial piety, 4 taels of filial piety to the grandfather, 2 taels of incense in the clan ancestral hall, and 3 taels of subsidy for the descendants of the clan. These are all used for nine out of ten of the salary, and other expenses are not counted. Now it is very good. "

   Zhang catcher heard the words, raised his head to look at Zhou Houjie, muttered for a long time, but didn't dare to say what was in his mouth.

  Zhu Pingan knew what Zhang Tutou wanted to say, and it was nothing more than gray income such as embellishing pens, fire consumption of silver, etc. Zhang Tutou was right for not saying anything. With Zhou Houjie's temper, Zhang Tutou would probably be reprimanded if he said it.

"Ping'an has benefited a lot from a meal today. Although Ping'an may not be able to be as clear as an adult and happy to suffer as an official in the future, he must also learn from an adult with a bright moon on his shoulders and a breeze in his sleeves." Zhu Pingan sat upright, serious bowed his hands in admiration.

   Zhu Pingan benefited a lot from this meal, and learned a lot from Zhou Houjie, and he was inspired a lot just by being clean and honest.

"Okay, what a bright moon on one shoulder and cool breeze on two sleeves! Zihou and I have known each other not long ago, but he knows me and understands me." After hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, Zhou Houjie couldn't help but said, "I'm a farmer. Zizi can get to where he is today, relying on the bright moon on his shoulders and the breeze on his sleeves. As an official, I don’t want to be famous in history, and I don’t want to show my name. I only want to serve the country and the people. I know that my ability is limited. What I can do for the Ming Dynasty and the people of the Ming Dynasty is limited. Since I, Zhou Houjie, have not done much for the country and the people, I can’t even bring disaster to the country and the people. This official is not for the sake of fame, but for the sake of being worthy of the heaven, earth, and people. I will be an official in the future Turning into a handful of rotten soil can also nourish the earth." Zhou Houjie put down his teacup and said with emotion.

  When Zhu Pingan heard the words, he was touched by the scene, and couldn't help but think of a poem from the Qing Dynasty, which was very suitable for Zhou Houjie. Seeing the pen, ink, paper and inkstone beside me, I couldn't help myself for a moment, took the pen in my hand, and wrote it down.

  For a while, pen and ink flow freely:

   "Gift to Zhou Zhifu"

  The day is slanting in the mighty sorrow of leaving, and the east point of the whip is the end of the world.

Fallen flowers are not heartless things, into Chunni more quadrangle.

  (end of this chapter)

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