Rise From the Humble

Chapter 616: Every scar is my merit

  Chapter 616 Every scar is my contribution

  Jinggongfang, Zhaohui, the capital, is the brightest pearl among the 28 workshops in the capital.

  Fang is a unit of ancient residential area and the name of the pattern of ancient urban planning. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the city was divided into several closed "li" and "fang" as residential areas, commonly known as "fang". The Ming Dynasty divided Shuntian City (the capital) into 28 "squares", among which Zhaohui Jinggong Square merged the Zhaohui Square and Jinggong Square in the Yuan Dynasty into one, called "Zhaohui Jinggong Square" .

The layout of the capital is roughly "rich in the east, expensive in the west, poor in culture and poor in Xuanwu". If Xicheng District is the most prosperous district in the capital, then Zhaohui Jinggongfang located in Xicheng District is the most prosperous one in Xicheng District. It is a veritable place of riches and magnates. The streets and alleys in the square are dotted with homes of dignitaries, palaces, mansions, and courtyards of dignitaries. All kinds of dignitaries and celebrities are proud to live here.

Fang District runs north-south, continuing the "chessboard" pattern of the city since the Spring and Autumn Period. Eight hutongs are neatly arranged in the east and west, including the "Gonghou Street" where the Linhuaihou Mansion is located, and the "West Chang'an Street" where the Yansong Mansion is located. Zhaohui Jinggong square. The sixteen hutongs are like the legs of a centipede, arranged left and right in Jinggong Square of Zhaohui, making the area look like a centipede. In the northernmost area of ​​the area, there are two sweet and delicious ancient wells, just like the eyes of a centipede, making the area look like a centipede. The square area is even more centipede.

  In addition, dignitaries and dignitaries mostly act on the avenue, a typical centipede style.

   Therefore, Zhaohui Jinggong Square is also called Centipede Street.

  There is an alley in Zhaohui Jinggong Square called Beibing Masi Hutong. As the name suggests, the alley is mostly the home of military forces. At this moment, the smell of wine came from the alley, and it was true that the smell of wine was not afraid of the depth of the alley.

   Walking through the alley, you will find that the source of the aroma of wine is the mansion named "General Jianwei's Mansion" in the alley. Of course, if you look carefully, you will find that there are still two small characters "Zhao Mansion" that are a few times smaller on the plaque of "Jianwei General's Mansion".

  General Jianwei is the name of a military officer. In the Ming Dynasty, he was a first-rank official. This official position first appeared in the Western Han Dynasty. During the Three Kingdoms period, Ma Dai, who beheaded Wei Yan in the Shu Kingdom, once held this official position.

  There is a reason for this Jianwei General's Mansion - Zhao Mansion. The great-grandfather of the Zhao Mansion once held this official position, and this mansion was left over from that time. This experience is the pride of the Zhao family. In order to commend this experience and to urge the future generations to make progress, the Zhao family engraved this on the plaque of the mansion.

  When Zhu Pingan saw this plaque, he twitched the corners of his mouth and spit out five words in a speechless manner, "How can you pretend to be so **** good"!

  There are two one-meter-high stone lions in front of the gate of Zhao's Mansion, which are a bit shorter than those in front of Yan's Mansion, but they still look majestic. The mansion occupies a large area, with tall courtyard walls and many buildings. There are two armored soldiers on duty in front of the gate of the mansion. There is a martial arts arena in the mansion, where horses can be raced, archery targets, 18 kinds of weapon racks, and some stone locks and stone piers are placed, all of which show that this is a martial art. Family

  At this moment, there was a burst of aroma of wine and vegetables in the Zhao Mansion. The maids in the mansion brought all kinds of delicacies and fine wines to and from the martial arts field, and sent them to a courtyard in the mansion. At this time, the courtyard was decorated with lanterns and festoons, the guests were full, the sound of silk and bamboo could be heard endlessly, there were interlaced cups of wine, bursts of laughter, and from time to time there were a few bantering sounds of men and women.

  Following the curtains were lifted by several maids carrying food and drinks, the scene of the banquet appeared in sight.

   There were three tables for the banquet, each with about eight people, a total of twenty or thirty people. At the banquet, there were a few fireworks girls dancing in neon dresses, and two disheveled ones were playing the pipa.

   Sitting in the middle of the banquet was Zhao Daying, who had recently been promoted to Qianhu.

  The rest of the people at the banquet were pretty much the same, either groping around with the firework girl in their arms, or making fun of the firework girl.

   Judging from the clothes, most of these guests were military officials. Many people took off their soft armor when they were drinking, and drank with bare arms. Of course, there is also a table of civil servants. Compared with the other two tables of military officials, they are more refined and of course only relative.

  When the maid is serving food, no matter which table she is at, she will be molested. No matter how you look at it, this is an indecent banquet.

   "Today, thank you all for your kindness. Come to my poor place, Mr. Zhao. The house is lit up. Come, do one." Zhao Daying, a thousand households, held the girls' school book in his arms, raised his wine glass and toasted politely.

   "Go ahead, Mr. Zhao is right."

   "Master Zhao's wine here is good and the people are beautiful, I have to come here no matter what."

  The military officers at the banquet toasted one after another, showing face. Of course, their empty hands were not idle, touching the body of the firework girl beside them.

   "General Zhao's eloquence is so impressive, he is really a Confucian general. It is a great blessing to have General Zhao here."

   You want to say that the plum is shining, right? ! If not, don’t be conspicuous. Why are the houses all lit up? Are you going to set fire to the house? The civil servants at that table were disdainful in their hearts, but they also showed enough face on the surface, and they raised their glasses to congratulate each other.

   Zhao Daying’s official rank is second. No matter how high the position of these military officers is, they can’t get into the eyes of their civil officials; the important thing is that he is now a celebrity in the Yan Mansion, and the above is interesting. They, members of the Yan Party, naturally need to know how to read.

  For a while, the guests and the host were happy together, and the fireworks girl in the banquet also cooperated very well, and the atmosphere of the banquet became better and better.

  When the wine was in full swing, it was unavoidable to talk about the memorial problem that Zhao Daying, a thousand households, is currently facing.

   "Zhu Ping'an is a **** idiot! Can't understand the situation, and even slandered General Zhao, and didn't even look at how much blood our soldiers and soldiers shed for my Daming!"

  A shirtless military officer stepped on a chair, blushed and said impassionedly while holding a glass of wine.

"That's right, that idiot is so stupid to study! The rumors slandering General Zhao that he heard from nowhere, he actually took it seriously, and he didn't know where the courage came from to dare to play it! I don't know that our General Zhao is Yan Xiang. Did Grandpa pull it out by himself?!"

   Another military officer heard the words and slapped the table vigorously, causing the food and wine on the table to jump up and down, and echoed.

"That's right, the guy surnamed Zhu thinks he's awesome because he won the first prize, but he doesn't know that he's born to be bullied, and this kind of person has to beat him up so that he can see the situation clearly. Damn it, Give him face, dare to play!"

   "It must have been hit by a pig when I went out, and it broke my head!"

  Other people at the banquet echoed one after another, and you insulted and abused Zhu Ping'an all kinds of words.

"Thank you for your compliments. Mr. Zhao is upright and not afraid of the slanting shadow. Let that little thief Zhu Pingan jump around for a while. I believe that the adults from the Ministry of Punishment, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the factory guard will clear me up. My official position But it was all made by me, Zhao, with one knife and one gun, and I earned it with blood and sweat, unlike that little thief like Zhu Pingan who is talking and hurting people with bad words!"

Zhao Daying, a thousand households, raised his wine glass to thank everyone at the banquet. The little thief and the thief satirized Zhu Ping'an in his mouth. After finishing speaking, he drank it all, then hiccupped, got up and took off his clothes while smelling of wine Next, he showed his entire back to everyone, showing off the scars on his back, as if they were medals.

  On the back of Qianhu Zhao Daying, there were four centipede-like scars criss-crossing, with red scars turning outwards. The real scars, the short ones were five or six centimeters long, very eye-catching.

   "This knife wound was left by me, Zhao, when I fought against the Tartars in the Xuanfu. At that time, the wind and sand were full of wind and sand. I fought against two Tartar scouts alone. I killed one and ran away, leaving this scar."

   "This gunshot wound was left by someone from me, Zhao, when I fought against Jurchen in Jizhou."

   "This knife wound was left by me, Mr. Zhao, when I went out of the fortress with the General Soldier at the National People's Congress. This knife almost killed me, Mr. Zhao. I lay in bed for seven days and seven nights before waking up."

   "This place."

  Qianhu Zhao Daying, with his upper body bare, stretched out his hand and pointed at the scar like a treasure, explaining the origin of the scar to everyone, his face full of pride.

   Every scar is my merit, can you Zhu Pingan do it? !

  (end of this chapter)

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