Rise From the Humble

Chapter 594: pay homage to Xu Jie

  Chapter 594 Visiting Xu Jie

Without watermelon, Zhu Pingan bought some lychees, cherries and other seasonal fruits, packed some snacks, and carried them to Zhang Siwei's house. Later, he said goodbye to Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen, and then went out to Huaihuai Visit the teacher Xu Jie in the tree alley.

   On the way, Zhu Pingan spent two taels of silver to choose a catty of West Lake Mingqian Longjing at the tea shop, and asked the shop to wrap it carefully and bring it with him. Longjing tea has always been said to be "the top grade before the rain, and the treasure before the Ming Dynasty". The former Longjing is twice as long and belongs to the nobles in Longjing tea.

   It’s not good to visit the teacher empty-handed, it’s too vulgar to give gold and silver, and I’m not rich, so I chose this top-grade Longjing tea as a gift.

  This trip is not to ask for Xu Jie's care, but to visit the teacher in accordance with official practice.

  The memorial before returning home is not a trivial matter, and getting married after returning home is a major event in life. In addition, I was not in the capital during the Dragon Boat Festival some time ago. Although Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei paid a gift for me, I have not arrived after all. After so many things, out of emotion and reason, I have to visit my next teacher, Xu Jie, otherwise I will be accused of not respecting my teacher.

   "Please inform me, my disciple Zhu Ping'an is here to pay homage to my master."

  Entering Huaishu Alley, and in front of Xu's Mansion, Zhu Pingan honestly passed the invitation through the concierge.

While waiting outside the door, the side door of the Xu Mansion door opened, and a handsome young man with a jade hairpin crown and a blue cocoon silk gown came out from the inside. , walked out of the door, suddenly a sense of elegance and handsomeness came to his face.

  The breeze picked up, and there was a faint smell of balsamic.

  Seeing this person, Zhu Pingan took the initiative to bow his hands and salute, with a simple and honest smile on his face, "Zihou has met Senior Brother Zhang."

  This person is Zhang Juzheng. Just like in the past, Zhang Juzheng pays great attention to appearance, his clothes are spotless, and he is smeared with makeup. This trend is hundreds of years ahead of those smeared Korean fresh meat.

  Zhang Juzheng also bowed his hands and returned the salute with a smile on his face, and the two exchanged simple greetings at the gate of the Xu Mansion. However, before chatting a few words, the concierge of Xu's mansion came to invite Zhu Pingan to enter the mansion, so Zhu Ping'an bid farewell to Zhang Juzheng and entered Xu's mansion.

  The exterior wall is bright and the interior is elegant. This is the second time that Zhu Ping'an has stepped into Xu's Mansion.

   "Master Zhu, please sit down for a while, the master is currently writing Qing Ci for the sage in the study." The servants of the Xu Mansion invited Zhu Pingan into the reception room, and the maid came in and poured a cup of tea for Zhu Pingan to sit for a while.

   "Thank you." Zhu Pingan nodded and sat down, thanking the maid serving the tea.

   Zhang Juzheng just left the house, is Xu Jie writing Qing Ci here? Is it because of the memorial that he deliberately neglected himself and showed his favor to Yan Song? Or did the Holy Majesty really suddenly have a request for Qing Ci, and Xu Jie worked overtime to meet the Holy Majesty's needs?

  Judging from Zhu Pingan's understanding of Xu Jie, the latter is more likely.

Xu Jie has a habit of encouraging and supporting young people. When Xu Jie was still in charge of the Hanlin Academy, Xu Jie often took time to talk with newcomers to the Hanlin Academy, encouraging the underachievers, discovering useful talents, and cultivating the team for his own use. . This is how Zhang Juzheng came into Xu Jie's sight. Thinking about it, he wouldn't be so bad that Xu Jie gave up on him so quickly, right?

Moreover, since Emperor Jiajing cultivated immortality, many officials who were good at writing Qing Ci have been promoted, and Qing Ci has become popular in this dynasty. The first thing Yan Song did when he entered the cabinet was to build a Qing Ci room next to the cabinet Zhilu, ready to serve the Holy Spirit Provide green words. Yan Song could see the importance of Qing Ci, and Xu Jie could naturally see it too, so judging from his understanding since entering Beijing, Xu Jie, like Yan Song, took Qing Ci as the top priority in his work. If there is a need for Qingci, Xu Jie must be the first to write Qingci for the Holy One.

  Perhaps it was on the way of Zhang Juzheng's visit that Xu Jie received the Holy Master's demand for Qing Ci, and Xu Jie had to work overtime to write Qing Ci, so Zhang Juzheng resigned.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that in order to please Yan Song, Xu Jie pretended to neglect himself. After all, in order to get rid of Yan Song in history, Xu Jie learned from Gou Jian and Wu Lai to paralyze Yan Song.

   Less than half an hour later, Zhu Pingan heard footsteps, and when he looked up, he saw Xu Jie, wearing a Zhongjing uniform, walking quickly with a kind smile.

Zhongjing Guanfu was designed by Emperor Jiajing himself seven years after he ascended the throne. Instructors can wear it. For the military officer, only the governor and above can wear it.

   "The student met the teacher."

  Before Xu Jie reached the door, Zhu Pingan hurriedly got up and went to the door to bow his hands and salute, paying respect to Xu Jie.

   "Welcome, Zihou, please sit down and talk." Xu Jie was very kind, took Zhu Ping'an's arm and walked into the room without putting on airs of a cabinet minister at all.

   "A month ago, the student got married at home and didn't inform the teacher in advance, so I came here to apologize." After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhu Ping sent the thank-you banquet invitation ten days later to Xu Jie with both hands.

Xu Jie took the invitation, put it in his sleeve after reading it, nodded and said in relief, "Very good, you are the youngest among my disciples, and I am very pleased to hear that you are married. The so-called getting married and establishing a career means that you will be rich in your family." Now that it has been accomplished, why worry about the karma not being established.”

   "Students have little talent and learning, and they are afraid of failing the teacher's expectations." Zhu Pingan said with some embarrassment.

"You don't need to be overly modest to be the number one scholar in Zihou. Oh, yes, I know that Zihou also has a lot of research on Qingci, how about the Qingci I just wrote?" Xu Jie said with a smile, and then took the He took out a copy of Qingci and put it on the table.

"Under the light of the student's candle, An dare to compete with the teacher's sun and the moon. Today, I am able to read the teacher's masterpiece. It is really a student's three lives." Zhu Ping stood up respectfully, picked up the Qing Ci that Xu Jie put on the table, and gently unfolded it. on the desktop.

Xu Jie shook his head with a smile, looked at Zhu Ping'an with admiring eyes, and said slowly: "I have seen Zihou's Qingci works, Fu Weitian is full of spirits, and he can write Qingci to such an extent. Yes, but not many."


Zhu Pingan smiled wryly. Of course, Qingci, which is widely circulated in modern times and selected as a textbook, is good, but unfortunately it is not original by himself. Although he has studied the "Zhaijiao Qingci Jing" presented by the mysterious old man, the level of Qingci is also higher than that of ordinary people. It is much better, but compared with Xu Jie, Yan Song, Yuan Wei and other people who are really good at Qingci and take Qingci as the top priority of their work, there is still a gap. However, these words cannot be said by themselves.

  (end of this chapter)

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