Rise From the Humble

Chapter 592: Selling melons (2)

  Chapter 592 Selling Melons (2)

   "How can I get watermelon for free?"

   "Is it really free watermelon?"

  People gathered around and asked in a hurry, what is it like to be crowded.

"If you want that watermelon, you can weigh the watermelon with your hands, and then report the weight to me, which must be accurate to two. As long as it is within two taels of the actual weight, it doesn't matter whether it is two taels more or two taels less. This watermelon , you can submit it for free, and I don’t want a piece of it, little old man. Of course, if you guess wrong, you have to buy this watermelon, and it costs six cents per catty.” According to Zhu Ping’an’s words, the melon seller said, Said it loudly to everyone.

   "Two taels more, two taels less, can you take away the watermelon for free?" Someone in the crowd asked.

   "Yes, as long as you guess correctly, you can take it away for free, and the little old man doesn't want a piece of it." The old melon seller nodded vigorously.

"The big guys have heard it, and they can all testify. I'll come, I'll come first." A man stood up first, taking advantage of any advantages, and picked out the biggest one, and weighed it with his hand , reported a weight, "fifteen catties."

   It was the first time, and the melon seller was also a little nervous.

  Under the urging of the man, the melon seller weighed it in front of everyone on a steelyard, and it weighed fifteen catties and four taels.

   Four or two errors, wrong guess. Because there is a word first, if you guess right, you will take it away for free, if you guess wrong, you will have to spend money to buy it. So, the man had to spend money to buy the watermelon back. Six wen per catty, a total of 92 wen, the odds were erased, and 90 wen were collected. Touching the heavy copper coins in his pocket, the old melon seller burst into laughter.

   "Hey, just a little bit."

  Everyone let out a sigh of regret.

  People always want to take advantage. Although the first guy failed, he was just short of taking away the watermelon for free, and more people couldn't wait to start picking melons.

  The second person hugged a watermelon that was a little smaller than the one just now, weighed it, and reported a weight of fourteen and a half catties.

   Weighed it, fourteen catties and two taels, and then I had to buy the watermelon too.

  The third person was lucky. He picked a watermelon and estimated it at thirteen catties. After weighing it, it happened to be thirteen catties, so under the envious eyes of everyone, this man carried the watermelon away. He carried the watermelon while walking with arrogance, talking and bragging to everyone when he came out. So, those who heard it rushed all the way to the watermelon stand.

  The success of the third person ignited everyone's enthusiasm at once, and more people challenged melons.

People challenged one after another, but only the third person was lucky and took away the watermelon for free. The rest of them failed. There were three or two errors, half a catty error, and one catty error, so they paid for the watermelon one by one. went back.

   There were even a few competitive ones who failed to guess correctly three or five times, so they bought all three or five watermelons and went home.

   Soon, in less than an hour, the melon seller sold out all the watermelons in his car, not even the smallest one left. Not only that, people also asked the old man whether he still had melons at home, and whether he would come here to sell melons tomorrow, saying that he would come to buy melons next time.

  The purse brought by the old melon seller was not enough to hold the copper coins, so he simply wrapped the excess copper coins in his clothes, which was heavy.

  The old melon seller looked at the money-wrapped clothes and grinned, unable to close them.

The old maids on the second floor of the opposite restaurant were all stunned. They opened their mouths enough to stuff eggs in. Since the first melon was sold, they couldn’t close their mouths. The scene of the melons, one by one, was like being struck by lightning, and I couldn’t recover for a long time

   Li Niang also widened her beautiful eyes in surprise, staring straight out of the window without moving, with her mouth open and unable to speak.

  Only Miss Yan Er was not surprised at all, she bit her red lips and cursed, "Cunning little thief!"

   "Huh? What about others? Why are they missing?"

   After the little maid came back to her senses, she looked out the window and cried out in surprise.

  Then the other little maids also looked out of the window. The old man selling melons was still there, and all his carts of watermelons were sold out, but Zhu Pingan, who had just been despised and cheated by them, was gone.

   "He doesn't seem to have bought a single melon."

   "It seems like hey, all the watermelons in the car were sold out just now, and he didn't leave a single watermelon."

  The little maids thought about it, and then they were all stunned suddenly, as if they had thought of something.

"That, that, I really want to see it. When many people came to guess the melon just now, he seemed to have left, empty-handed. No, he seemed to be holding two books." A little maid raised her little hand , whispered.

   As a result, the little maids became more silent one by one, and their little faces couldn't help but feel a little hot. Just now I despised that person for cheating melons, worthless, shameless, shameless, but he didn't take advantage of a melon

   "My lord, my lord"

The old melon seller looked at the money for selling melons, grinned silly for a long time, and after a while he came back to his senses and went to thank Zhu Pingan, but when he turned his head, he found that Zhu Pingan was gone, so he couldn't help but feel anxious shouted several times.

  The person at the booth next to him told him that Zhu Ping'an had left long ago.

   "Master, benefactor, benefactor" the old melon seller yelled a few times vigorously, looked at the empty car and patted himself on the head in regret.

   Not a single melon is gone!

  My lord wants to buy melons, twice, but as for me, I only think about myself, and I didn’t even leave a single melon for my lord.

  But the adults gave me a method of selling melons without any secrets. It is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish.

  The eyes of the old man who bought melons were a little moist, and his face became hot. He really blushed for himself. At the beginning, not only did he not believe the good intentions of the adults, but he also scolded the adults in his heart. I thought the adults wanted to plot against my own watermelon, but it turned out to be really embarrassing.

  Adults are adults.

  I am a villain!

  What did I do, hey, I really blush. Tomorrow, when I come to sell melons, I must bring the biggest and sweetest melons at home to the adults, but I don’t know if the adults will come tomorrow, and I don’t even know the names of the adults.

  Good official, the old melon seller looked at the direction where Zhu Ping'an left, and couldn't get back to his senses for a long time. It would be great if there were more good officials like this.


  The charming Li Niang stood in front of the window and looked out of the window, looking at the direction of someone's departure. Her watery eyes flowed like spring water, her crimson lips were slightly raised, and her breath was blue.

  (end of this chapter)

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