Rise From the Humble

Chapter 587: my master please

  Chapter 587 My master welcomes you

   "It's a pity, if you are on the same team as me, with Master Xiao Zhu's talent, the seal of the Supervisor of Rituals will be in Master Zhu's pocket."

   Under the willows hanging from the palace wall, Feng Bao, who is dressed in gorgeous **** clothes, highly admires Zhu Ping'an's suggestion.

   "Cough cough." Zhu Pingan almost choked when he heard the words. The chief of ceremonies is the position of eunuch, and he is not as interested in eunuchs as Wei Zhongxian.

"Hehe, the miscellaneous family is not joking. It is the luck of my generation of eunuchs that Mr. Zhu does not do our business, otherwise we would have no way out." Feng Bao covered his lips with one hand and smiled, his eyes under his black eyebrows were piercing Glow, like little flames jumping in the night.

After listening to Zhu Ping'an's suggestion, the burden in Feng Bao's heart was completely let go, and the sword of Damocles above his head was wiped out. He felt very relaxed. After this incident, the relationship with Zhu Ping'an was one step closer , as if they had become close friends, they couldn't help but joked with Zhu Ping'an.

   "Elder-in-law was joking." Zhu Ping shook his head and smiled wryly, "Ping An is just a fluke."

"Master Xiao Zhu, you don't need to be modest. If it wasn't for Master Xiao Zhu's guidance today, the life of the Zajia family will not be long. The grace of saving lives will never be forgotten by the Zajia family, and the gratitude is beyond words. Frown." After the joke, Feng Bao was full of gratitude, solemnly saluted again, and swore the oath from the bottom of his heart.

  Farewell to the thankful Feng Bao, Zhu Pingan abducted back to the Hanlin Academy. Under the gloating or sympathetic eyes of everyone in the Imperial Academy, Zhu Pingan greeted all the Hanlin as usual and went to Zangshuge.

When he came out of Zangshuge, Zhu Pingan brought two books "Northern Barbarian Alien Chronicles" and "Wala Shihuo Zhi", which were also registered on the Zangshuge borrowing list. The library management system, of course, must lead by example.

After leaving the Hanlin Academy, Zhu Pingan went to the restaurant where he and other Hanlins used to go, had a brief lunch, and asked about the banquet. The shopkeeper gave him a discount, and Zhu Pingan paid with satisfaction I paid a deposit of two taels of silver, and made a reservation for a banquet ten days later.

   No matter how many people from the Hanlin Academy come to the banquet, the process still has to go. I started a family and started a business in Xiahe, so I had to host a banquet and let my colleagues know.

  Zhu Ping'an left the Imperial Academy, detoured Zixuan Hutong to Zhang Siwei, and planned to briefly tell Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen about his going to the Ministry of Criminal Justice today. Zixuan Hutong is a very popular Hutong in Ming Dynasty at this time. The streets are wide and the shops on both sides are also large-scale. Many officials' families have properties on this street.

  There is no urban management in Daming, so many peddlers along Zixuan Hutong, uncles who pick up goods shirtless, and old men who hawk, make the whole alley extremely lively.

The melons and fruits in May are fragrant, and the watermelons, melons, and lychees are also on the market, which is not much later than modern times. The wild river fish is full of waves in the bucket, and the farm snails are plump in May. Zhu Pingan wants to buy some after seeing it. Brought back to the Hou Mansion.

  But thinking that I am staying in the Hou Mansion, and the Hou Mansion has rules for purchasing ingredients, so I let go of this idea.

   "Watermelon, sweet and big watermelon." An old man in plain clothes pulled a cart of watermelons and stopped not far from Zhu Ping'an, selling them one after another.

Watermelon was already very common in Ming Dynasty. Li Shizhen, who is still working in the Imperial Hospital, wrote later when he wrote the Compendium of Materia Medica: "According to the melon species obtained by Hu Qiao in Huihe, the name is watermelon. Watermelon has been in China since the Five Dynasties; Today there are both north and south."

  Hearing the old man hawking watermelon, Zhu Ping'an felt very cordial. In modern times, watermelon is one of Zhu Ping'an's favorite fruits. In the hot summer dormitory, buy a watermelon, eat it with a spoon, and then soak a bowl of instant noodles. The watermelon absorbs the excess oil in the instant noodles, and the instant noodles absorb the sweetness of the watermelon. The excellent watermelon instant noodles are absolutely delicious.

  The watermelons at this time are ten and a half months earlier than the normal watermelons on the market, and the price is relatively expensive. It is estimated that they are early-season watermelons grown with hot spring water.

  When Zhu Ping'an walked to the old man's watermelon stand, many people surrounded the old man to inquire about the price. At this time, the general watermelon has not yet been on the market and is a rare item, so everyone is very interested.

   "Hot spring watermelon, six coins per catty, guaranteed to be sweet, and money back if it is not sweet." The old man is very confident in his own melons, and promises to the onlookers that they will not charge money if they are not sweet.

   "Six words?"

   "It's so expensive, it's enough to buy three catties of peaches."

   "The lychees shipped from the south are only five renminbi. The six renminbi a catty are almost as good as pork, forget it."

  After hearing the price, the onlookers retreated one after another, thinking that the price is too expensive, and it is not worth buying at this time. If we wait another ten days or so, when the watermelons grown by melon farmers in the suburbs of Beijing are on the market, the price will be more than half cheaper.

   It's better to wait a little longer, or buy some other fruits, so everyone shook their heads and walked away.

   Seeing that people were leaving one after another, the old man hurriedly stretched out his hand to persuade them to stay, but the effect was not great, people still shook their heads and left.

  The uncle looked at the backs of the crowd and sighed in disappointment. He also pointed out that this batch of watermelons should be sold at a good price, and then begged for a wife for his son.

  After discovering the hot spring from the mountain last year, the old man was overjoyed. When he was working part-time at a noble family in Dongcheng District, he accidentally learned about the method of growing watermelons in the hot spring from a manager. So, the old man bought an acre of deserted sandy land at the foot of the mountain, and took his sons to spend half the winter plowing the land and digging ditches without even doing part-time labor. The eldest son asks for a wife, then the second son next year, and then the youngest son.

  Fortunately, the watermelon was planted very successfully. It matured half a month earlier than ordinary watermelons, and the taste was also sweet.

  However, they encountered problems when selling watermelons.

  The watermelons that started to be sold yesterday pulled a whole truckload of watermelons, and only five watermelons were sold in one day yesterday. Today is not as good as yesterday, the place has been changed twice, but not a single watermelon was sold.

   "Old man, is this melon sweet?"

   Just when the old man was lost, he heard a boy's voice.

   "Sweet, sweet" the old man answered repeatedly, and when he looked up, he saw a young gentleman in official uniform, standing in front of the car and looking at him with a smile.

   "Six coins per catty?" Zhu Pingan picked up a watermelon, tapped it, and asked the old man with a smile.

"It's the little old man's blessing that the old man can see the watermelon. He doesn't charge money." Suddenly seeing Zhu Ping'an in official uniform, the melon seller had a stiff expression on his face, and his hands and feet felt a little ignorant. Why let it go, I'm so nervous and scared.

   It is the survival instinct of ordinary people not to fight against officials.

  Any one who is an official is superior, and they are not offended by ordinary people like them.

   "Hehe, if the melon is not sweet, I won't give it to you even if you want it, old man." Zhu Pingan smiled, "If it is sweet, I won't lose a penny, old man."

   "Hehehe, sweetness guaranteed, sweetness guaranteed" Seeing Zhu Pingan's gentle smile, the old man also grinned.

   "Master Zhu, my master has invited me, and I also invite you to show me your face."

  Just as Zhu Ping'an was picking melons, a servant suddenly came over, walked up to Zhu Ping'an, and pointed to the restaurant across the street to invite him.


  Zhu Pingan raised his head when he heard the words, and saw a door opened in the private room on the second floor of the opposite restaurant, revealing a delicate face.

  (end of this chapter)

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