Rise From the Humble

Chapter 576: Naotomi

  Chapter 576 Fuzhan Zhichen

   "Master Xiao Zhu has other things to do, if you don't have other things, it's better to go with you." Feng Bao invited, as if he had something to say to Zhu Ping'an.

   "Dare not to obey orders." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, and then stretched out his hand to make a gesture of asking, "Please, Eunuch Feng."

   "Master Xiao Zhu, please." Feng Bao also extended his hand.

After being courteous, Zhu Pingan and Feng Bao stepped out of the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. When they passed the duty room, Zhu Pingan heard an affectionate send-off from his father, and turned around to see the person who was in charge of registration when he just entered the door. The official of the Ministry of Justice, who was hot and then cold, was smiling brightly like a pug, and bent over and looked warmly to send Feng Bao off.

   "Eunuch Feng, please go slowly, Eunuch, please take care of the steps."

  The official in charge of registration sent off the little **** Feng Bao warmly and carefully, it was like meeting a real father. This Eunuch Feng came from the palace, and He Shangshu went out to greet him just now, if he could fawn on this Eunuch Feng and give him some gifts, wouldn't he be able to be an official?

   My Grass

beware of the steps

   This voice is simply irritating to the ears.

  Zhu Ping'an is also the first time to see a person who is so humble and humble.

  The registration official sent Feng Bao warmly. As for Zhu Pingan who went out with Feng Bao, he was ignored by others.

  Praise the high and depress the low, the world is like this, there is nothing worth caring about.

Seeing this, Zhu Pingan smiled indifferently, and walked out of the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Justice with Feng Bao, and then looked back at the couplet at the door, "Powerful ministers must not take kindness and resentment as an excuse, and the emperor must not take happiness and anger as a priority", and even more so. Feel inexplicably ironic.

   It is not far from the Yamen of the Criminal Ministry to Xiyuan, passing through the Hanlin Academy, and then walking a short distance to Xiyuan. Zhu Ping'an and Feng Bao seemed to have a tacit understanding, they walked very slowly, and the journey together took five or six times the usual time. A Hanlin foreign minister and an inner court eunuch, about the same age, walked along the official road at the foot of the palace, talking and laughing freely.

  In other words, if Zhu Yuanzhang saw this scene, he would probably blow the two of them off. Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang forbade eunuchs to intervene in politics, and even more closely related foreign ministers to make friends with eunuchs in the palace.

  However, although the iron plate that says "inner ministers are not allowed to interfere in political affairs, and offenders will be killed" hangs high on the palace gate, the entire Ming Dynasty has ignored the iron law set by Taizu.

   "It's not that I said, Mr. Zhu, you are a little anxious in this memorial."

  The topic at the beginning was Zhu Ping'an's memorial, Feng Bao looked at Zhu Ping'an and reminded.

   "Really? I still think it's late. If it could be earlier, those villagers wouldn't be borrowed by their own family." Zhu Pingan shook his head and sighed softly.

"My little Zhu, do you know that His Majesty lost his temper a lot when he saw the memorial? I heard it through the door. Later, when I cleaned up, I found that His Majesty had missed half a bowl of breakfast." Feng Bao said rather distressed.

   "For disturbing the body of the holy dragon, then I really deserve to die." Zhu Pingan confessed.

   "I'm still going to die, one death is enough." Feng Bao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then carefully looked around, before saying in a low voice mysteriously, "But you can't die if you want to."

   "Oh?" Zhu Pingan's expression changed.

  Feng Bao carefully looked around, saw no one, then approached Zhu Pingan and whispered two words, "Fu Zhan."

   Help occupy?

Zhu Ping'an is a little unclear, so Fuzhan is Emperor Jiajing's unique way of communicating with gods. In modern terms, it is a feudal superstition. Emperor Jiajing enjoyed this and that all his life.

  Emperor Jiajing’s Fuzhan is roughly like this: a large sand table, two shelves, two big tree branches, two small eunuchs, and a Taoist priest. The Taoist burned Emperor Jiajing's words to the gods, and then the two young eunuchs seemed to have a convulsion, and pressed their fingertips on the branches of the tree to scribble for a while.

   Well, the ghostly symbols that appear on the sand table are the answers of the gods. As for the ghost symbols on the sand table, it doesn't matter whether they look like characters or not. Emperor Jiajing and Taoist priests will think about it and explain it.

  Zhu Ping'an thought that no modern person would believe this thing, but Emperor Jiajing liked it very much. Emperor Jiajing was definitely one of the smartest people in Ming Dynasty, but he acted like an idiot at this time.

   Cultivation of Immortals and Alchemy

   This is one of the fatal flaws of Emperor Jiajing.

  But what does Fuzhan have to do with me? Could it be that the ghostly symbol presented by Fuzhan on the day I played it has something to do with me? Although judging by Feng Bao's expression, the result of this support was beneficial to him, but Zhu Ping'an still felt that it was too nonsense.

"On the morning when you performed the memorial, Tao Tianshi explained that 'there is a direct minister presenting the memorial today'. But by coincidence, your memorial, Mr. Zhu, arrived on the Holy Majesty's desk not long after the memorial was held. Xiaode When Zimao was presenting the memorial to His Majesty, he slipped his foot and messed up the memorial presented by the cabinet. He picked it up and placed it by himself. It happened that your memorial, Mr. Zhu, was placed at the end of the stack of memorials. Above." Looking at Zhu Ping'an's ignorant look, Feng Bao couldn't help feeling a sense of accomplishment, and whispered in Zhu Ping'an's ear.


  I see, Zhu Pingan nodded.

  Early in the morning, Fu Zhan, Xie Zhan's answer was "There is a direct minister presenting the memorial today", and then the memorial was sent up by coincidence.

   I guess this is Tao Zhongwen's cleverness. Is there a direct minister to play today? There must be thousands of officials in the Ming Empire that day. Among the hundreds of officials, there must be a direct minister. Anyway, I didn't name who it was.

   This is an open-ended charade, absolutely correct, and no one can say that Tao Zhongwen is wrong.

  As for the cabinet’s memorial being delivered after the liberation, it is probably not a coincidence. The time for the cabinet to submit the memorial is fixed every day. Tao Zhongwen must be very aware of this time after staying with Emperor Jiajing for so long.

  Therefore, as long as the time of holding is slightly controlled, this "coincidence" can be achieved.

  Actually, this Fuzhan probably had nothing to do with him. The cabinet sent a huge pile of memorials to Emperor Jiajing.

   However, the real coincidence appeared at this time.

The little **** named Xiao Dezi who presented the memorial was careless, maybe his feet were slippery, or his hands were shaking, or it might be that the little eunuchs were plotting against each other for favor. In short, when he sent the memorial to Emperor Jiajing's desk, , This stack fell on the desk, or it may have fallen on the floor, anyway, the order was messed up, and then Xiao Dezi arranged it again by himself.

   Then my own memorial appeared first in this coincidence.

  Such a series of coincidences

  Perhaps it was God’s will in the eyes of Emperor Jiajing, and the first memorial was the direct minister referred to by the immortal letter.


  Can Naoko kill him?

   Is it Mingjun who can't tolerate his direct ministers?

  (end of this chapter)

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