Rise From the Humble

Chapter 568: All ready to go

  Chapter 568 Ready to go

  It was almost dark, Zhu Pingan stood at the table by the window, stretched out his hand to open the window, and the evening breeze with a bit of coolness came oncoming, and the remaining half of the wine completely disappeared.

  The state is just right at this time, and the good time should not be missed.

  Zhu Pingan spread rice paper in the slight cool breeze, researched the ink, picked up a pen and dipped it in the ink, and analyzed his current situation on the rice paper. The so-called knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can win a hundred battles. Many people often focus on analyzing their opponents, but forget to analyze themselves. As a result, they are at a disadvantage when the two sides confront each other head-on. The so-called victorious in a hundred battles is nothing more than attacking the enemy's weaknesses with one's own strengths, so it is necessary to know both the enemy and yourself. The information I got from Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen today can help me analyze better.

  Actually, my current situation boils down to that memorial.

  Zhu Pingan left the word memorial at the top center of the rice paper, and then wrote the word Jiajing at the beginning of the second row.

   Regarding the memorial, Emperor Jiajing is the most important factor that should be considered first. Regardless of how powerful Yan Song is and how he influences the government, the real and only master of the Ming Dynasty is Emperor Jiajing. What was the purpose of Emperor Jiajing's cultivation of alchemy and immortality in order to seek longevity, not to be able to control Daming forever? His possessive desire for power is unquestionable. How to deal with the memorial is ultimately up to Emperor Jiajing. Regardless of the conclusion of the Criminal Ministry's statement, it must be reported to Emperor Jiajing to make a decision.

  How Emperor Jiajing decided, no one knows now, and no one can guess with certainty. After all, Emperor Jiajing is a drug addict, cultivator of immortals, and he is always talking about it, and he also likes to make secrets so that his subordinates can't figure it out.

  Even Yan Song was not fully sure of guessing Emperor Jiajing, and Yan Shifan, the genius who claimed to know Emperor Jiajing best, did not dare to say.

  Of course, even if Zhu Pingan from modern times has read all the records about Emperor Jiajing in the history books and unofficial history, even if he takes advantage of history to familiarize himself with Emperor Jiajing's personality, hobbies and habits, it will not work.

  Psychologists in the world who can 100% guess every move of a normal person can't guess what an abnormal person's simple and simple hey giggle means.

  The elixir that Emperor Jiajing ate every day contained heavy metals, and various strange substances, accumulated over time, who knows if it will affect the nerves...

  However, although it is impossible to guess, it can be analyzed to a certain extent.

  It was completely dark outside, so Zhu Pingan filled some kerosene into the oil lamp, lit the oil lamp to illuminate the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the desk, and then wrote the word "reward" in two spaces after the word Jiajing.

   "Reward" is an essential factor in analyzing Emperor Jiajing's attitude, and it is also a topic that cannot be avoided in the memorial. The reward was issued by Emperor Jiajing last year. It was issued after the Gengxu Incident when Alta led an army to the foot of the capital in Mongolia. Here, Alta had just left the capital on the front foot, and Emperor Jiajing issued a reward on the back foot.

  Reward rules: If one enemy is captured, one level of official will be added, and the reward will be 20 taels of silver, and those who do not want to be officials will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver. If you recruit a strong man, you will be rewarded with five taels of silver; if you recruit three people, you will be promoted by one level, and the reward will increase progressively. One well-known person among the enemies, three-level official, will be rewarded with three hundred taels of silver. Those who have been donated by the chiefs of the enemy will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of silver.

  Emperor Jiajing did this to inspire the morale of the army and encourage the soldiers and civilians to make meritorious deeds and kill the enemy, and I was also annoyed by my answer.

  The Zhao Daying impeached by Zhu Ping'an was the first batch of beneficiaries of the reward promulgated by Emperor Jiajing. Yan Song promoted Zhao Daying from a hundred households to a thousand households at once, and one of the basis was the reward.

  Emperor Jiajing used to be complacent about the effect of rewards. Zhu Ping's impeachment of Zhao Daying also made Jiajing unable to step down to a certain extent.

   The effect was good, but it didn't work out...

  So, to a certain extent, Zhu Pingan has a disadvantage in the memorial to Emperor Jiajing.

  However, it also depends on the point of view from which point of view, Zhao Daying committed crimes and "borrowed" the heads of the common people to receive the reward. Emperor Jiajing's reward does not mean that the heads of the common people are used to receive the reward! The bounty is about using the head of the enemy to accept the crime. Zhao Daying can be said to be deceiving the emperor, and it can be classified as the crime of deceiving the emperor. The stimulation of Zhao Daying's bullying to Emperor Jiajing was much greater than that of Zhu Ping'an.

   Moreover, Zhu Ping'an's memorial was not aimed at Jiajing's reward, but at killing good people and taking meritorious service.

   Angle is important.

   In this regard, you should pay more attention.

  After the word "reward", Zhu Pingan wrote the word "Zhao Zhou" in another line. Zhao Zhou refers to Zhao Jin, the Yushi of Yunnan and Guizhou, and Zhou Mian, the military officer of the Ministry of War. Emperor Jiajing's treatment of Zhao and Zhou had a great impact on his own situation, not only that they were sent to prison and dismissed as civilians, but also the speed at which Emperor Jiajing dealt with them. It can be said that Emperor Jiajing dealt with the two very quickly, and almost sent them to prison the very day Emperor Jiajing saw the memorial. However, Emperor Jiajing has read his own memorial for so many days, and he has not dealt with them as quickly as he did with the two of them. Does this mean that Emperor Jiajing treats his memorial differently from Zhao Zhou...

  When Zhu Ping'an was lighting up the lamp and waving his hair, the two girls in the ear room looked at Zhu Ping'an's figure from a distance, their eyes were full of surprise.

   "It's so late, why is my uncle still reading and writing?"

   "Young master is very hardworking. Master Zhou in the mansion has already fallen asleep like a pig at this point, or he is doing those unscrupulous dirty things."

   "My uncle is already the number one scholar, why are you still reading and writing? You are so hardworking. My uncle is working so hard, and I am sure that the official will become bigger and bigger in the future."

After the two girls were surprised, they blushed and bit their ears. They fantasized about the happy life of the two in the uncle's backyard. up.

   Tick tock, tick tock...

  In the dead of night, there was a sound of falling rain hitting the ground, and it also hit the window under the breeze, which wet the rice paper on the desk by the window. At this time, the rice paper was densely packed with more than half a page, and several outlines "Jiajing", "Yan Song", "Zhao Daying", "Ministry of Punishment"...

  When a drop of rain hit Zhu Ping'an's forehead, Zhu Ping'an realized that it was raining outside. He put down his brush, stretched his waist, moved his wrist, and looked out the window. In the pitch-black night, you can't see the trajectory of the rain, but you can only hear the sound of rain falling on the ground, leaves, flowers and windowsills. The breeze is still there, sending a dusty breath between the nostrils.

  The rain washes the world;

   Presumably it will be much cleaner tomorrow.

Close the window, complete the contents on the rice paper, check for gaps and make up for omissions, go through it again, remember every point you wrote in your heart, then fold up the rice paper and light it close to the candle, hold a corner and watch the rice paper burn until It was thrown to the ground when it was almost burned to the finger.

  This piece of paper cannot be seen by others...

  After it was completely burned, Clinging to the oil lamp went to the bedroom, put it on the table, took off his clothes after a short wash, covered the lamp with the lamp cap, and fell asleep quietly on the bed.

  The next day, the rain had stopped and the sky was getting brighter. Zhu Ping'an had already gotten up to wash up. There were official uniforms, official hats and other accessories hanging beside the bed.

  When you arrive in the capital, you should also go to the Ministry of Punishment.

While Zhu Pingan was washing, there were already a few Jinyi guards in front of the gate of Yan's Mansion, waiting for the pass. The majestic Jinyiwei in the past, like a pug dog seeing a tiger, nodded and bowed at the gate of Yan's Mansion. Waiting outside.


  The side door of the Yan Mansion opened, and a man in his forties who looked like a housekeeper walked out, picking his teeth, and walked out without looking at the guards in brocade clothes at the door, "What's the matter with you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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