Rise From the Humble

Chapter 565: I wanna go on stage, put on a show

  Chapter 565 I want to go on stage and have a show

   "Zihou is a great talent, you can see the whole leopard at a glance, God is so unfair, Zihou's writing is so excellent, I didn't expect that his political vision is so unique." Zhang Siwei sighed, looked at Zhu Pingan and joked.

   "This can't be regarded as political vision..." Zhu Ping'an curled his lips disapprovingly, and picked up the teapot to fill Zhang Siwei and himself with tea.

   "Just be humble." Zhang Siwei shook his head and looked at Zhu Ping'an with a smile, then continued talking.

"During the event, Zhang Sijing and others were presenting congratulatory forms to the Holy One at Zhaiqiao, but they missed the word 'Longevity'. The Holy One was furious, and beat all the people in the event with the imperial stick, and specially ordered to give the matter In the middle, Zhang Sijing and others were wearing court uniforms against the imperial staff... none of the people involved in the six departments could hide from it, alas, it is so gentle." Zhang Siwei said with a sigh.

The six subjects are an important part of the Daming Yanguan, and the thirteen censors constitute the Daming Yanguan system. The Daming Yanguan's rank is not high, but the power is extremely wide. Although it is not real power, it can Advising the sage, the subordinates can supervise all officials, so it can be said that they are the Disciplinary Committee of Ming Dynasty.

  The six departments are closely related to the Hanlin Academy where Zhu Pingan and Zhang Siwei belonged. The six divisions give Shizhong, the thirteen censors, plus the Imperial Academy and the official department, and they are called the four yamen.

  The six subjects are of great importance to the matter, and Emperor Jiajing actually beat them all?

   "Did you get beaten during the whole incident?" Zhu Pingan was a little taken aback when he heard this, but he hadn't noticed this incident in modern times. Originally, Emperor Jiajing had a bad attitude towards the speaker, but now because of two words, he gave the whole thing a scepter. The insult to the public minister can be said to be unprecedented, and the speaker is getting more and more difficult to do.

   "Well, all of them have been beaten." Zhang Siwei nodded.

"But even so, even so, I did not forget my duty during the matter." Zhang Siwei said admiringly. I have my own private business, and use the power to coerce the local area, so that there is no department to collect taxes and tax, and it will be a burden on the grain. Please order the patrol censor to strictly investigate the tax on the encroachment and occupation of Lijia Zhuangtian, and use it as royal salary. If there is any department A Zong, punish him. Your Majesty will allow him to play."

  Zhu Pingan nodded when he heard the words. Land annexation is a cancer of the feudal dynasty. Last time he won the election and the villagers donated their land, he realized the seriousness of this problem. Of course, as a modern person, it is not surprising that I am aware of this problem. It is rare and valuable for Wang Mingchen to realize this problem and play it out.

   It can be seen that there are still many people of insight in Ming Dynasty. Although Wang Mingchen only saw a corner of the land annexation, it was only the land annexation of the royal clan's family, but it was still very rare.

   "The Ministry of Households reconsidered the matter and gave Chen Jiecai six things: 1. The rewards given by the frontier army should be based on the distance of the place and the speed of the time. The inland officials and troops should not be asked for help..."

   "Xu Shen, the censor of Jiangxi Province, please dismiss redundant officials..."

   "The Ministry of Households changed the salt law, the Ministry of Industry minted money..."

"Half a month ago, Mongolian Alta led more than 20,000 cavalry, broke through the side wall from the north of Datong, and plundered the left and right guards of Datong and the 17 guards of Andong. Within a few days, they divided their troops to plunder Pingluwei, Shuozhou, and Yingzhou. , Shanyin, Mayi, etc. Afterwards, the troops were divided again to attack Shanxi Sanguan and Ningxia. Fortunately, they did not continue to go south, otherwise it would be another disaster... Du Yushi Mao Bowen and others once went to the Shu and asked to build the outer city of the capital to prevent previous years However, the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry have been unable to start work due to insufficient money and silver... For this reason, the two sides have been fighting for a long time..."

   "Because of the Mongol Altan Khan incident, the day before yesterday, the Holy Spirit issued an edict to change the old inner teaching ground into the inner government camp, and practice the internal servants. The purpose is to think that the capital soldiers are not enough to defend against the enemy, and want to rely on the internal servant camp as a defense against the enemy and defend the capital."


"Oh, and there are too few people in the Shengshang Xiyuan Palace in Yange. Please choose 300 folk girls from eight prefectures, including inside and outside the capital, and Shuntian, who are between the ages of eight and fourteen to enter the palace. Your Majesty Zhunzuo, yesterday Shuntian Mansion has started to select women from the people..."

  Zhang Siwei briefly explained what happened in the capital, and Zhu Pingan was silent for a long time after listening.

It can be said that the political situation in the capital is all performed by Xu Jie, Yan Song, and the six major officials. The last time it is for these political veterans who have already made their mark in the event. It doesn't matter if you become a petty official.

   Not to mention performing on stage, even the seats under the stage may not be their turn.

  They are far from qualified, so they can only stand aside and watch from a distance.

  Of course, Zhu Ping'an didn't lose his silence because of this, but because the bigwigs in the capital were ups and downs, and the political situation ebbed and flowed, but almost none of them was related to people's livelihood. I have come all the way from Xiahe Village, but I have seen a lot of hardships in people's lives.

  Especially when passing through Henan and Shandong areas, I have a deeper feeling for the hardships of ordinary people.

In the past two years, Henan and the southwestern part of Shandong have experienced natural disasters, floods, droughts, locust plagues, etc., which have ravaged the people in these areas. The last time I was rushing to take the exam, I encountered a disaster that caused people to be displaced. The Jiaxiang area was the hardest hit.

  Actually, during this journey, Zhu Ping'an also knew a lot about the Ming Dynasty's official administration, and the officials of the Ming Dynasty were very corrupt.

  The result of natural disasters and man-made disasters is that the people are destitute, hungry and displaced.

More than a month ago, a private salt dealer named Shi Shangzhao in Henan led the hungry people to rise up, and was rebelled by Emperor Jiajing. He was also a private salt dealer. I feel that private salt dealers were one of the occupations with the highest rebellion rate in ancient China. Cheng Yaojin at the end of the Tang Dynasty, Huang Chao at the end of the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Shicheng at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Qian Liu of the Five Dynasties...

This Shi Shangzhao put forward the slogan of "no killing, no robbery, large-scale disaster relief, and relief of the poor". Within a few days, tens of thousands of armed forces were developed, and they were also supported by the people. Plagiarized far and near, broke Guide, moved to the east, and destroyed one prefecture, two prefectures, and eight counties.

  Of course, when Zhu Pingan was passing through Henan and Shandong, Shi Shangzhao’s uprising had already failed, and he himself, including his clansmen, were all hanged on the city wall by the heads of owls.

   This is the peasant uprising closest to Zhu Ping’an. I saw it in books before. This time it’s a **** reality. When Zhu Ping’an passed by the place, the blood under the city wall hadn’t been washed away...

  This uprising exposed many problems of Ming Dynasty. Although the government army suppressed and wiped out the rebel army in just 40 days, the combat effectiveness of the government army was severely reduced, and it was not much stronger than the peasant uprising army.

   Moreover, Shi Shangzhao mentioned the slogan "No killing, no robbery, large-scale disaster relief, and relief for the poor", which can easily call on tens of thousands of armed forces...

  This proves how disappointed the common people are with the government, there is a way to survive, who will work hard to revolt.

  The common people are living in dire straits and are displaced.

  However, the bigwigs in high positions looked at them stingily, and could not blame the common people for being disappointed enough to follow the rebellion.

  Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country; everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. As state managers, we officials are naturally duty bound.

  I want to go on stage...

   Come to a show.

  Zhu Pingan picked up the wine glass, drank a cup, turned his gaze out of the window, and looked at Xiyuan, the political power center of Ming Dynasty.

  (end of this chapter)

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