Rise From the Humble

Chapter 559: young genius

  Chapter 559 Young and cunning

  The flow of people is like a tide, and there is a lot of traffic;

  The air is filled with the smell of prosperity in the capital, the smell of rouge and gouache on women, and the aroma of wine and tea in restaurants and teahouses ferment in the air, brewing this prosperity.

  Although it was not the first time to come to the capital, he would still be overwhelmed by the prosperity of the capital. Zhu Pingan entered the city gate and looked at the bustling capital, feeling a sense of pride spontaneously. This is the largest and most prosperous city in the world, bar none. Compared with any European city in this era, it is too rustic; as for the American cities, the Americas that are still under the rule of the Indians are even more backward and there is no comparison.

  Zhu Ping'an led his horse into the capital, lost himself in the crowd, found a wine shop along the street full of hawking and haggling, and went straight in.

   Don't be in a hurry to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to make a statement, wait until you have filled your stomach and settled down.

   Arriving in the capital, Zhu Ping'an was thinking about a question, should he go to eat first now, or go to Linhuaihou Mansion first.

In addition, this time Zhu Ping'an is not going to spend the night in the Marquis of Linhuai's Mansion anymore. The last time he stayed in the Marquis of Huaihuai's Mansion for the imperial examination, it was a short time. It’s too embarrassing to eat, drink, and live; on the other hand, the Marquis of Linhuai went to work in the coastal area, and now the Marquis of Linhuai’s mansion is full of female relatives except Fatty Zhou, so I feel a little uncomfortable staying in the Marquis’ mansion again. too suitable.

  However, I still have to go there first. After all, I am now the son-in-law of the Marquis of Linhuai, and I always go to the Marquis of Linhuai to say hello when I come to the capital. Of course, I have to fill my stomach first before going.

   This is a small restaurant, but the business is very good. Several shop waiters shuttle between the tables and chairs carrying wine and food, and diners drink and laugh from time to time in the restaurant. Zhu Pingan found a vacant seat and sat down. When the waiter came to entertain him, he ordered a fried belly, a stewed stew, and a bowl of mixed liver soup, and he ate it with big mouthfuls.

   This small shop at the foot of the emperor in the imperial city is also full of atmosphere, with a lot of dishes, both in terms of presentation and craftsmanship, and the taste is also very delicious.

   After eating a full meal and sweeping the last sip of soup into his stomach, Zhu Pingan checked out and left the shop, leading the horse towards Linhuaihou's mansion.

When Zhu Ping'an was on his way to Linhuaihou's Mansion, the news that Zhu Ping'an had arrived in the capital had been handed over by Jin Yiwei to Lu Bing, the commander of Jin Yiwei, on the desk. By then, the news had already passed.

  What is Jinyiwei?

   This is Jin Yiwei! The most professional spies in this era, as long as they don't want to find out, there is nothing they can't find out.

  The common people in the Ming Dynasty changed their colors when they heard the Jinyiwei. In fact, it should be the officials of the Ming Dynasty who heard the Jinyiwei's color change. The Jinyiwei's supervision and reconnaissance of the Ming officials is the top priority of their work. The original reason for the establishment of the Jinyiwei was the need for the struggle between the imperial power and the civil officials. Knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can win a hundred battles. Jinyiwei is the emperor's eyes and ears, and it is also a tool for the emperor to maintain the imperial power.

  The inventor, Comrade Zhu Yuanzhang, lacked a sense of security after conquering the world and becoming an emperor. He was afraid that his subjects would rebel against him, so he never let go of his subjects' every move. Not only to monitor the words and deeds of the courtiers at work, but also to control every move after returning home from get off work.

At the time of Zhu Yuanzhang, the civil servant Qian Zai was ordered to compile the "Book of Mencius Festival". It was common for him to work hard and overtime. Once he came home from the imperial court, feeling sore and exhausted. He wrote a poem in his study when he touched the scene: Dress, it's too late to meet at the Meridian Gate. When will you have the joy of the countryside, and sleep until the food in the world is cooked.

The next day Qian Zai was proclaimed to the palace by Zhu Yuanzhang. Comrade Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Qian Zai with a smile and said, "I heard that Aiqing wrote a good poem last night, but I don't think Aiqing is late in court. Do you use ' Worry' better?"

   "My minister is guilty, the emperor is wise, the word 'worry' is better than 'late'." Qian Zai broke out in a cold sweat on the spot, thankful that he didn't talk nonsense last night, otherwise today would be a bad day.

"Actually, Aiqing is much happier than I am. I have worked so hard for Bill and others." Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head with a smile, and then improvised a poem, "I got up before I woke up, and I didn't wake up before I fell asleep." Sleeping. Why is the rich man in the south of the Yangtze River still wearing a quilt when he is thirty feet high every day?"

   From this, it can be seen that Jin Yiwei monitors civil and military officials to such a degree that they don't even let go of the private matters when they return home, let alone explain the surface.

  Because Jin Yiwei's supervision of all civil and military officials in the world is so pervasive, so it is not surprising that the news of Zhu Ping'an's entry to Beijing reached Lu Bing so quickly.

Lu Bing took the paper carrying the news in his hand, put the paper back on the table after reading it, and then took out another letterhead. There was a word "Li" on the letterhead, and the other two characters were written by Lu Bing. Can't see it.

  Lu Bing read the letter paper twice, smiled slightly, and then threw the letter paper into the stove beside it and burned it.

   "My lord, do you want to pass the news of Zhu Zihou's arrival in the capital to Elder Yan Ge?" A Jin Yiwei asked respectfully as he stood under Lu Bing's head with his hands folded.

Lu Bing smiled and looked at Jin Yiwei under him, then waved his hand, and said indifferently, "The past two days, Mr. Yan Ge presided over the fasting ceremony, and he has not closed his eyes for two days. This morning, he finally received the grace of the Holy One to go back to rest. Today Don't spare Yan Ge Lao Meimeng with such a trivial matter."

   "My lord is thoughtful, and my subordinate almost did something bad."

Jin Yiwei immediately apologized, and the whole person was enlightened. Yes, what can be more important than Mr. Yan's rest. Mr. Yan is old and has been busy with fasting for two days without closing his eyes. If he disturbs Mr. Yan to rest, let Mr. Yan What happened to my body, I couldn't bear it.

  As for Zhu Ping'an's memorial, it's been so long, and there's no rush. Moreover, how can this matter be compared with Mr. Yan's body.

   "It's okay, you young people can't hold your breath. You should think twice before doing anything in the future. It will be beneficial to your future growth." Lu Bing's eyes fell on Jin Yiwei for two seconds, and he waved his hands.

   "Thank you for your teaching, my lord." Jin Yiwei knelt and thanked.

   "Okay, I have to do business in the future, and I have to rely on you to secure this position." Lu Bing waved his hand, signaling Jin Yiwei to leave.

  After Jin Yiwei left, Lu Bing fetched another book and started to read it. If Zhu Ping'an was here, he would be surprised by the page that Lu Bing was flipping through. The content of this page was exactly the "Thick Black Studies" written by Zhu Ping'an to Zhang Siwei and the others before he left Beijing.

   "What a cunning talent, seeing things so clearly, but why did he write such a memorial in a daze? He is still young and easily impulsive." After reading it, Lu Bing shook his head slightly and made a comment.

  (end of this chapter)

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