Rise From the Humble

Chapter 556: Life is not only good and far away, but also the troubles in front of you

  Chapter 556 Life is not only good and far away, but also the troubles in front of you

   The bumpy pig cage is crumbling.

  The river pool is unfathomably deep, and the water flow has whirlpools. The two people in the pig cage were chained hands and feet, and stones were placed. If they were thrown into the river pool, there would be no reason for them to survive.

  The onlookers were furious, and the elder in his fifties waved his hand vigorously and shouted "Shenhu".

  Hey yo, hey yo.

  The eight strong young men chanted, threw the pig cages, and were about to throw them into the river pool in front of them.


  Zhu Ping'an stood up again, how could he turn a blind eye to the cruel way in which two lives disappeared in front of him by dipping in a pig cage. In order to achieve his goal, his voice was also more powerful than the previous few times.

  Zhu Ping'an's voice was very obvious in the crowd, interrupting the rhythm of the younger generation.

The eight burly young men paused and turned their gazes. The fifty-year-old man glared at Zhu Ping angrily, "Once again, again and again, what right do you, a foreigner, treat me like that?" Majia Village is pointing fingers, if you continue to make trouble, don't blame us for bullying foreigners!"


   "Then do you think I am qualified?!"

  Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly when he heard the words, then reached out and took out the official dish, shaking it in front of everyone, especially the old men.

  Although the Ming Dynasty has issued a unified law, which is applicable throughout the territory, the villages below will always elect a respected old man, or the village official, to judge disputes and disputes in the village according to tradition. They can decide who is right and who is wrong, who should be punished, can carry out lynchings, and even control the life and death of the village.

  Today's immersion in pig cages is the death penalty in lynching.

   Zhu Ping'an would respect it if it was an ordinary matter, but it was a matter of life, and Zhu Ping'an couldn't turn a blind eye to it. Moreover, the way of soaking the pig cage is too inhumane.

   There is no way, life is at stake, Zhu Pingan had no choice but to use power to suppress others.

After thinking about it, they may not know the official certificate, so Zhu Pingan took out an ebony dental plaque from his waist. This is the Ming Dynasty's rank identity certificate. In addition to personal basic information, official position, etc., it also has the seal of the Imperial Academy .


   "For the grassroots, please refer to your lord."

  The elder in his fifties took a closer look at Zhu Ping'an's official certificate and dental plaque, and when his face changed, he was about to kneel down and salute. These village elders also had the opportunity to meet the county magistrate, and their Majia Village also had officials. They were no strangers to official certificates and tooth cards, so they recognized them immediately.

  In ancient times, the idea of ​​official standard was strong. When these villagers saw the officials, they were in awe from the bottom of their bones.

   Seeing the old man kneeling, the villagers knelt down one after another. Especially those eight juniors also hurriedly put the pig cage on the bank and plopped on their knees.

   Seeing this, the desperate eyes of the two people in the pig cage lit up...

How could Zhu Pingan have the heart to kneel down for such an old man? He quickly reached out to help the old men in front of the villagers, especially the old man with the white beard who was helped by Zhu Pingan before he knelt down. stand up. As soon as the other villagers knelt down, Zhu Pingan quickly asked them to stand up.

The old man in his fifties was in awe of Zhu Ping'an's status as an official, and he dared not issue orders to sink into the lake. But looking at the two people in the pig cage, he was heartbroken, and his heart was filled with depression and anger, and the wrinkles on his forehead were almost squeezed together. Capitalized "I disagree". The villagers also knelt down because of Zhu Ping'an's status as an official, and they had to kneel;

  The villagers were in awe of Zhu Ping'an on the face, but their eyes and hearts were full of depression, resentment, dissatisfaction and deep disapproval.

  When everyone was in awe of Zhu Ping'an, there was also a tall and straight figure who stood up. It was the old man who spoke first, with a white beard and a stooped back, but now he was as tall and straight as relaxed.

"My lord, all evil and adultery are the first! Murder and arson are only partial suffering, but adultery harms others and oneself, and all evil will come from a lifetime of lust, which will eventually destroy our Majia Village! This is by no means alarmist, there are so many lessons learned in history! "

"Our Majia Village has been farming and studying for generations. The village atmosphere is clean and upright. There are five chaste archways, which show the door and the county government. The adults also read the Four Books and the Five Classics. Starving to death is a small matter, and injustice is a big thing. Besides, this kind of corrupt village The matter of the wind must not be tolerated, my lord."

  People were in awe of Zhu Ping'an and dared not go forward, but this old man with a white beard straightened his back and stood in front of Zhu Ping'an in grief.

  Looking at the distressed white-bearded old man, Zhu Pingan narrowed his eyes slightly.

   "Hey, my lord probably doesn't know the inside story yet." The white-bearded old man sighed, looked at Zhu Ping'an and said.

  Zhu Ping'an nodded. He just heard the general idea from the cursing of the crowd on the two people in the pig cage. However, because people are emotional, it is inevitable that they will exaggerate or make up the truth.

"This matter started nine years ago. At that time, Mr. Wang's business in our village had just started. Mr. Wang's family was poor when he was a child. When he was more than ten years old, in order to help his family, he went to a shop in the town as an apprentice. Self-motivated, he quickly made his way in the store, started as an apprentice and slowly became a manager and shopkeeper, and was appreciated by the owner, so he was able to open a branch. Master Wang never lacked in business, and he operated with integrity. Everyone was satisfied with my own losses. With my reputation and word of mouth, I quickly made a fortune. Master Wang bought a huge family business in the village, and also built roads, bridges, and schools for the village. If anyone has difficulties, he will He always helps and never asks for anything in return. Hey, he is a good man."

"Master Wang saved a family nine years ago. Hey, it was the family of the prostitute. Their family was in trouble that year. Her parents were seriously ill at the same time. It seemed that they were going to die. It was Master Wang who heard about it. In addition to the money, he spent hundreds of taels of money to see a famous doctor in Fucheng. After he recovered from his illness, his parents took a fancy to Mr. Wang's worth, saying that there is no way to repay a great kindness, so they betrothed her I gave it to Master Wang, and I also asked for a gift of one hundred taels of silver... Hey, I am so greedy. After getting married, I would steal money from Master Wang in different ways every year. Master Wang is also filial, no matter what they want, I will give it to them Over the past few years, their original three-acre thatched house has now become a two-entry house with three hundred acres of fertile land..."

"Master Wang is also honest and honest. Thinking about his age, he felt that it would be good if the adulteress was younger and older. He was afraid of being treated badly. That would be obedience, especially after the adulteress gave birth to him a son, he even gave away the family property. All of them were handed over to the adulteress for safekeeping, and everyone said that the adulterer was kind and reconciled."

"Hey, I didn't expect that for such a flirtatious woman, Mr. Wang treats her so well, but she cheats and cheats, and she is immoral! Mr. Wang works outside in the dark, but she hooks up with the steward of Mr. Wang's house! Especially When Master Wang was away doing business, he was even more unscrupulous, and the two of them stayed together for two nights..."

"The manager is that wolf-hearted beast!" The white-bearded old man pointed angrily at the invisible figure in the pig cage, "This beast lost its mother when it was young, and lost its father when it was ten years old. It competes with pigs and dogs for food. The clothes are not covered, it is Mr. Wang who sees him as pitiful, kindly took him in, brought him to teach him carefully, taught him how to do business, taught him how to survive, promoted him to be a steward, and paid him to start a family marry a wife..."

"But this kind of wolf-hearted beast is not only ungrateful, eats the meal of the king, takes the money from the king, and lives in the house of the king, but this beast climbed into the bed of the mistress and worked with the whore. When the master was out of the house, he had **** with the adulterer, and in order to have **** with the adulterer, he deliberately induced the master Wang to go out to do business as a manager. The obscene things are spreading everywhere... These two disasters will not be eradicated, and my Majia Village will be ashamed, what is the sky, what is the justice of the village!"

  When the white-bearded old man said this, he looked up to the sky in grief and indignation, and almost wanted to vomit blood.

  The villagers and others also groaned everywhere.

  (end of this chapter)

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