Rise From the Humble

Chapter 554: Sacrificial River

  Chapter 554 Sacrificial River

  After the case was solved, the magistrate of Chun'an immediately dredged the waterway on the river and resumed water traffic.

  Before boarding the ship, the magistrate of Chun'an specially expressed his gratitude to Zhu Ping'an for his assistance in solving the case.

  Of course, in order not to delay everyone’s progress in time, the magistrate of Chun’an simply thanked him, but Zhu Ping’an seemed to be hearing thunder, just like Cao Cao and Liu Bei were cooking wine and discussing heroes, and Liu Bei dropped his chopsticks in shock. Until boarding the boat, Zhu Ping'an was still in a somewhat abnormal mood.

  Hai Rui!

  The county magistrate of Chun'an turned out to be Hai Rui!

   It is the basic etiquette of ancient literati to call oneself by name and name, and to call oneself Hai Rui when the county magistrate of Chun'an just said thanks! The name Hai Rui can be said to be a business card of the Ming Dynasty.

   I didn't expect to meet Hai Rui here. Now that I think about Hai Rui's patched official uniform, and his arrogance and integrity, as well as his demeanor of no favoritism and no fear of power, he should guess it is him. Especially the county magistrate of Chun'an, this is Hai Rui's first official position as a magistrate.

  Although he had met Yan Song, Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng before, Zhu Ping'an was still very excited when he saw Hai Rui this time.

  Hai Rui is an upright official in Chinese history that can be compared with Bao Zheng, a model official in ancient times, and one of the few Qingtian masters in the common people's mouth. Stories about him are widely circulated among the people.

  Of course, Hai Rui is also a controversial figure in history. There are also many words about Hai Rui in wild history. For example, the story of Hai Rui forcing his 5-year-old daughter to starve to death. According to unofficial records, Hai Rui had a 5-year-old daughter who was innocent and cute. A servant gave her a cake to eat. When her daughter was eating, Hai Rui found out and asked her where the cakes came from, and she answered truthfully. Hai Rui was furious, and reprimanded, starving to death is a small injustice and a big one, how can a girl accept a manservant's cake? If you know shame and starve to death, you will be my Hai Rui's daughter. His daughter was so frightened that she cried, refused to eat any more, and then really starved to death.

  If this unofficial record is true, then Hai Rui is simply unreasonable! He is simply a sanctimonious, pedantic pervert and hypocrite!

  However, thinking about it, this record is too nonsensical! Zhu Pingan also checked the history books before, and there is no record of finding this matter in all the official histories of the Ming Dynasty. The story of Hai Rui starving to death of his daughter was not recorded until "Wanli Ye Huo Bian". In other words, Hai Rui's death was at least twenty years after the unofficial records, and the author also said that this incident was just what he heard, and there was no confirmed rumor.

   It is very possible that the matter of Hai Rui starving to death of his daughter was just spread by political opponents to smear it.

   Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no possibility.

  Modern people can't prove it, but I can. I just met Hai Rui, just to verify whether the official history and unofficial history's records about Hai Rui are consistent with the facts. Who made it difficult for me in this dynasty.

  Hai Rui starved to death of her daughter

  First of all, Hai Rui must have a daughter. It seems that there is no record in the official history that Hai Rui has a daughter.

  Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly and smiled, then calmed down and ate breakfast with his head down. This is the breakfast sent by the ship owner. The four dishes and one soup are very rich. The fresh fish soup in the river and seasonal vegetables are delicious.

  Because the owner of the ship knew Zhu Pingan's identity as an official of the Imperial Academy, he refused to let Zhu Pingan live in the original cabin again.

  Breakfast was also just delivered.

   Zhu Pingan declined several times to no avail for the kindness of the ship owner, so he had no choice but to accept it. This is the superiority of the status, no wonder so many people have to sharpen their heads and want to take the imperial examination to become an official.

  Not long after breakfast in Zhu Ping'an, Ying Tian Mansion was within easy reach, and after another two quarters of an hour of sailing, we arrived at Ying Tian Mansion.

  After the ship stopped, Zhu Ping'an packed up his things and left the cabin. Outside, the owner of the ship was already waiting on the deck with Zhu Ping'an's horse, and he sent Zhu Ping'an off the ship very courteously. After getting off the boat, the owner insisted on sending Zhu Pingan a 50 taels of silver, but Zhu Pingan firmly refused.

  Living in the upper-class cabin, eating other people's breakfast is already very embarrassing, how can I take money from other people, and I am not a corrupt official.

  After getting off the boat, Zhu Pingan didn't want to stay in Yingtian Mansion for a long time. Out of etiquette considerations, Zhu Pingan considered visiting his uncle and other villagers and set off northward. The inn where the uncle and the others stayed was not difficult to find. After thinking about it, Zhu Pingan went to the inn where the uncle had the last childbirth test. Sure enough, he went to the counter and asked, and he knew that the uncle and the others lived in this inn again this time.

   However, the uncle was not visited.

  Uncle and a few villagers went to support a newly released school book for girls. I heard that uncle and others have been going out early in the morning in recent days, returning before the curfew or returning early the next morning

   Well, this is the uncle Zhu Shouren.

  Based on his uncle's actions, Zhu Ping'an had already predicted his uncle's ending without taking an exam.

  Girls' school book?

what is this!

   Exams should look like exams! What are you doing at the girls' school! It's really a free trip! ! Lesson was never learned! ! If the grandparents knew about this, they would definitely be **** off!

  Since the uncle is not there, forget it, Zhu Ping'an is too lazy to go to the romantic place, and Zhu Ping'an is too lazy to look at the face of the uncle and others chasing girls' school books, it is too hot for the eyes. In the lobby of the inn, Zhu Pingan left a note and left. The note was roughly written in a few lines to let the uncle and others know that he had been there. Before leaving, he asked the store clerk to hand it to the uncle when he came back.

  Out of the inn, Zhu Pingan rode his horse all the way north.

  Traveling during the day and lodging at night, either in post stations or houses, sometimes in temples, almost no one sleeps in the barren mountains, even if it is a little later, Zhu Ping'an will walk a few minutes longer to find someone to spend the night in.

  There are many paddy fields in the south of the Yangtze River, and dry fields in the north. Zhu Ping'an has a deep understanding on the road. The further north you go, the fewer paddy fields. When staying with other people or meeting farmers on the road, Zhu Pingan would always chat with the local people for a while to learn about the harvest and taxes. I also learned a lot about life.

  In the era of feudal rule by man, people's living standards had too much to do with local parents and officials.

   Exorbitant taxes, government orders to settle cases, and so on.

   Zhu Pingan recorded what he saw and heard and the problems mentioned in people's chats before going to bed at night, and he will study it slowly after arriving in the capital.

On this day, Zhu Pingan passed by a village called Majiazhuang. The village seemed to be an empty city. He didn't see a single person. If it wasn't for the sound of dogs barking and livestock coming from the village, Zhu Pingan would have suspected that he had arrived. Abandoned village.

  But as soon as he walked out of the village, Zhu Pingan saw the sound of people in front of him, the sound of gongs and drums, and a sea of ​​people surrounded by the river. It turned out that all the villagers had come here, and it seemed that something major had happened.

  Looking at the posture, it seems to be offering sacrifices to the river?

  (end of this chapter)

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