Rise From the Humble

Chapter 543: Tarzan brutal

  Chapter 543 Mount Tai is brutal

  In the early morning, the cries of a few magpies woke up the dawn, and then the rooster crowed loudly not to be outdone.

  With the sound of the cock, Xiahe Village also ushered in the morning. Zhu Ping'an got up early, and Li Shu washed and dressed under the service of Baozi's little maid. Today is the day to accompany Li Shu back to the house. After accompanying Li Shu back to Shanghe Village, Zhu Pingan is about to leave for the capital.

  Huimen is also called Guining. Daughters and son-in-law go back to their natal family to recognize their relatives and visit relatives. Usually they return three days after the wedding. It is commonly known as "Three Dynasties Huimen". This is the last ceremony of the wedding. In ancient times, girls did not go out of the door. Marriage was the first time they had been away from their parents for such a long time. Returning home was to comfort their missing of their family and not to forget the kindness of their parents' upbringing.

However, there is another saying that the brides in ancient times were basically virgins, and the groom was a young man who was full of anger, and he didn't know how to pity and cherish jade. People worried that the bride would not be able to bear it, so they took the bride back to her natal home to heal her injuries in the name of returning home.

Mother Chen prepared the homecoming ceremony early on, and the homecoming ceremony should be even-numbered. Mother Chen prepared wine, tea cakes, goose and sheep fruits, and a lot of mountain delicacies, all of which were in the first two days. Tianzhu father and elder brother went to the mountain to harvest.

Three carriages were prepared and stopped outside the gate of the new house. The first carriage was a gorgeous carriage with the word "Zhu" embroidered on it, which was for Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu; The first carriage is for the old lady and the accompanying maid; the last carriage is for the door ceremony.

"When you go to Shu'er's house, you must speak calmly, wink more, and have something to do in your eyes. Don't just sit in the house and see what's going on. Even if it's serving tea or water, be active..." Mother Chen told Zhu Pingan over and over again in the carriage money, lest Zhu Pingan behave badly and leave a bad impression on his father-in-law's house.

   "Remember, mother." Zhu Ping'an rubbed his forehead. His mother had told him to do so since early in the morning, and he could recite it fluently.

   "Be sweet with your mouth, diligent with your hands, and take good care of Shu'er at Shu'er's house." Mother Chen took the trouble to remind her again.

   "Write it down, mother."

  Zhu Pingan nodded vigorously.


   Li Shu walked over surrounded by the old maids, greeted her mother Chen Shi as soon as she went out, walked two steps quickly, passed the old maids and came to her mother Chen Shi.

Li Shu is more like a married woman. The pink cloud smoked sweater is embroidered with elegant plum blossoms, and the winding skirt drags the floor, moonlight and thousands of waters. The corner of the skirt is embroidered with light blue butterflies that are about to fly. Three thousand blue silks are tied into a bride. In her bun, she inserted a pearl-encrusted jasper walker, light makeup was applied, her pretty face was white and pink, as if water could be wrung out, like flower petals moistened by rain.

   "Shu'er is so handsome, this silly brat is enjoying life." Mother Chen was extremely satisfied with the daughter-in-law she had chosen.

   "Mother..." Li Shu lowered her head slightly shyly when she heard the words, her cheeks were flushed, and she elongated her voice.

   How am I stupid? Is it his own? Why does it feel that in the eyes of his mother Chen, Li Shu farts better than his own son... Zhu Pingan touched his nose in a speechless voice.

"Okay, it's getting late, you young couple, hurry up and get in the car, don't keep your in-laws waiting too long. Go back and thank your in-laws for me. Last time I was at sea thanks to my in-laws for finding you." Mother Chen joked with a smile He asked them to say hello to rich man Li's house and express their thanks when they returned home.

  Xiahe Village is next to Shanghe Village, only ten minutes away, and you will arrive at Shanghe Village after crossing the bridge.

  In the carriage, Zhu Pingan thought a lot about what Li Shu's father and rich man Li said, and what Li Shu's brother said when he met Li Shu's brother.

  As soon as I arrived at the door of Li Shu's house in Shanghe Village, I heard a burst of firecrackers.

   "Shu'er is back."

   Even the sound of crackling firecrackers could not cover up the sound of joy, which was very clear.

  The voice was very familiar, Zhu Pingan immediately heard the voice of rich man Li.

   "Daddy, Shu'er is here."

   Li Shu in the carriage heard the voice, her pretty face was full of joy, before the carriage stopped, the girl jumped out of the carriage happily.

  When getting on the carriage, there was a girl who carried the stool and asked Li Shu to step on the carriage, so she jumped straight away... What if I fell...

Opening the curtain of the car, Zhu Pingan saw Li Shu running towards the wealthy man with her skirt in her hands, like a baby swallow returning to her nest, looking, looking, inexplicably a little sour, but he I didn't notice it myself.

  Master Li is dressed as a nouveau riche as usual, with a watermelon hat on his round head, a big gold ring on each hand, and a jade pendant hanging from his waist.

  As soon as he saw the carriage returning to the door, rich man Li became very excited.

  Seeing Li Shu jumping off the carriage, rich man Li was so nervous that he ran forward and shouted loudly, "Slow down, slow down, don't fall my little ancestor."

   Then he sternly shouted at the girl and old lady who came down, "How do you take care of Miss?"

  The bun girl lowered her head and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. The other maids and mothers chased after Li Shu resentfully, for fear that they would make the master angry if they didn't take good care of the young lady.


  Li Shu trotted all the way to rich man Li with her skirt in her hand, her pretty face flushed, and she called out in a coquettish tone.

"Shu'er, how are you doing over there? No one is bullying you. Don't be afraid. Daddy will make the decision for you. Are you still used to living here? Daddy asked my mother to make a copy of everything in your boudoir, and I will send it to you another day." They will be sent to the river for you. Daddy brought back two cooks from the south. The southern dishes are delicious and the pastries are also good. I will send them to you some other day."

Hearing Li Shu's father, rich man Li's eyes were wet, as if he could shed tears just by looking at it, he sucked his nose hard to control his emotions, and asked with concern, wishing to give away the good things at home Move them all to Li Shu.

   "It's alright, my daughter is alright. Daddy is so nice~~" Li Shu shook the rich man Li's hand and lengthened the ending sound.

   "You're tired from the car ride. Come home quickly. Daddy ordered the kitchen to cook a big table of your favorite dishes." Rich Li nodded and smiled lovingly, not to mention how kind his expression was, not to mention how gentle his tone was.

   It's really the same as when I was a child, anyone who spoils Li Shu's pets is spoiled to heaven.

  Zhu Pingan watched from behind, thinking so in his heart, and then waited for rich man Li and Li Shu to finish interacting, then stepped forward to salute, "My son-in-law has seen his father-in-law."


  Zhu Ping'an will never forget the way rich man Li looked at him. How can I put it this way, how loving and gentle the rich man Li was when he looked at Li Shu just now, how cruel he is when he looks at him now.

  One is summer

  One is severe winter

  The rich man Li looked at him like he was looking at a trafficker who abducted his daughter, as if his sins were so serious, his eyes were so cruel.

  (end of this chapter)

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