Rise From the Humble

Chapter 541: I don't move, she moves

  Chapter 541 I don't move, she moves

  Nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, and the delicacy is chewed, and the broth is drunk with nectar and nectar.

  The dinner dishes tasted very good, especially the soup that was simmering in a casserole on the table, which was even more difficult to make. Open the lid, and a particularly mellow and attractive aroma came to the face.

  Hua'er filled two bowls of soup from it and brought them to Li Shu and Zhu Ping'an. The soup was golden in color, with attractive ripples in the small blue and white porcelain bowls.

How could such a delicacy not be eaten up, Zhu Pingan naturally didn't feel wronged by his stomach, first ate a few dishes with chopsticks, and then regardless of the heat of the soup, he took a sip when he went up, and he couldn't help trembling all over his body, his lips and teeth suddenly rippling It has an extremely delicious mellow aroma. After eating, the mellow aroma is like an atomic bomb exploded in the stomach. It is so delicious. After a few mouthfuls, I drank a bowl of soup. more conquered.

   Wanting to take another sip, he picked up the bowl, only to realize that the bowl of soup had bottomed out before he knew it.

"Giggle. If you like it, drink more, Huaer, and serve me a bowl of soup." Li Shu pursed her rosy lips, glanced at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and then ordered the little maid to serve Zhu Pingan. soup.

  The delicacies on this table were basically prepared by Li Shu's order to the cook, and only the soup simmered in this casserole was cooked by Li Shu herself. At this moment, seeing that Zhu Ping'an had a special liking for the soup he made, and wanted to drink another bowl after drinking it, Li Shu's rosy mouth couldn't help evoking a rounded arc, she was very satisfied and happy.

   "No, no, I'll do it myself." Zhu Ping'an reached out his hand to stop the little girl with buns who came over to serve him soup, got up and poured himself a bowl of soup. Zhu Ping'an has always believed in getting enough food and clothing by doing it himself, and is not used to being served by others.


The bun girl puffed her round bun face and pursed her mouth. Why doesn't my uncle let me serve? Is it because I am not good at serving? But I am the best at serving soup and vegetables. There is no such thing in the house. better than me.

Delicious food, Zhu Pingan never stopped eating at the table. He drank two bowls of soup alone. When serving the third bowl of soup, Zhu Pingan glanced at Li Shu who was eating at the same table, and couldn't help but look at it more Two eyes.

   I have to admit that eating can be so elegant.

  Compared with Li Shu, my eating habits are not much better, although they are not gobbled up.

Sitting at the table, Li Shu exudes a ladylike and elegant temperament, eating is also elegant and pleasant, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, making people want to take a second look, maybe this is a real nobleman, even eating so eye catching.

  The word "beautiful and delicious" was not deceived by the ancients. Watching Li Shu eat, Zhu Pingan felt that he could eat two more bowls of rice.

   "Grandpa giggling has been watching Miss all day long, but he hasn't seen enough." Seeing this, the little maid beside Baozi couldn't help laughing while covering her mouth, and joked in a drawn out voice.

  Cough cough, Zhu Pingan coughed twice, feeling a little hot on his face, he is also a visual animal.

   "Idiot~~ eat your meal well"

  Li Shu let out a coquettish cry when she heard the words, and glanced at Zhu Pingan, her eyebrows and eyes were full of spring, and her big watery eyes seemed to drip water.

I don’t know if it’s because of the embarrassment of what happened just now, or because I was in a hurry to eat, or because the food was a little hot. Zhu Ping’an always felt a little hot after dinner, his face was a little hot, and his body was also a little hot, and he felt that the temperature of his whole body had risen several degrees It seems strange, the fever was not so hot before.

   After dinner, take a shower. Zhu Ping'an washed it by himself, and the little maidservant in the middle came to serve Zhu Ping'an to take a bath according to Li Shu's order, but Zhu Ping'an naturally refused.

Probably the bath water was too hot. When Zhu Pingan took a bath, he felt hotter than when he was eating. It is better to add more cold water. Zhu Pingan added half a bucket of cold water after thinking about it. It fell down, but the body seemed to be getting hotter, probably due to psychological effects, Zhu Pingan didn't think much about it, and continued to take a cold bath. After taking a bath, Zhu Pingan changed into clean pajamas and walked back to the bedroom.

   When she got to the bedroom, Li Shu was already on the bed in the bedroom. Then, Zhu Ping'an felt his body getting hotter.

  Girl! You are fishing law enforcement, tempting to commit crimes!

  Zhu Ping'an was speechless. As soon as he entered the door, it was just such a visual feast. How could he bear it at such a young and vigorous age? In an instant, a rush of blood rushed to his head, and his rationality was losing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing Zhu Ping'an come in, Li Shu wrapped her gauze pajamas tightly, puffed her mouth and said complainingly, "It's all Mother Liu, if you insist on letting people wear such clothes, why do you pay so much attention to getting married? It’s really embarrassing for people not to wear them well.”


   It turns out that this is the particularity of newlyweds, but this kind of attention is not too ancient, and it can't reach this level in modern times. The groom can't hold it at all! Maybe it's because I can't hold back, I want to have more children and grandchildren. Traditional but open, ancient times is really an era of fine division!

   "Ah, why do you have a nosebleed again?"

Li Shu on the bed let out an exclamation, got up from the bed in a hurry, and came to Zhu Ping'an wearing gauze and silk cloth with a fragrant wind. He took out a clean white handkerchief with deodorant, and wiped Zhu Ping'an's nosebleeds as he stood on his feet.

  This posture is like the heroine asking for a kiss from the heroine in a modern idol drama. Not to mention how confusing it is, it is hard to refuse.

  Especially when the body was so close, Zhu Pingan breathed normally, and all he could smell was the delicate fragrance of Li Shu.

   It’s really killing me.

   This fragrance is like adding fuel to the fire.

  Zhu Ping'an was already unbearably hot, and it was even worse at this time. His whole body was so hot that he was about to burn. Zhu Ping'an even wondered if he was going to spontaneously combust.

  God knows how much effort Zhu Pingan took to control the restless thoughts in his mind and his restless body, and tried his best to learn from Liu Xiahui to sit still.


  However, it still failed.

  I don’t move, she moves

   Li Shu put one hand on Zhu Ping'an's shoulder, padded her feet, held up a handkerchief, and wiped Zhu Ping'an's nosebleed. One of them couldn't stand still, and the whole person fell into Zhu Ping'an's arms.

   It's over, Li Shu's fall, let Zhu Ping'an's previous efforts come to naught, and after all, he failed to become Liu Xiahui.

  (end of this chapter)

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