Rise From the Humble

Chapter 537: Saifu the world

  Chapter 537 Zaifu the world

   "The master writes about bamboo, with thousands of poles hidden in his chest, and he can take advantage of it freely, dripping with ink, and it is natural. The student is willing to take a bamboo in the painting and use it as a fishing pole in the Qingfeng River."

  Zhu Ping'an carefully looked at Old Master Sun's painting of wind and bamboo, and was amazed by Old Master Sun's painting skills. Old Master Sun expressed the character of bamboo vividly and vividly with a few simple strokes.

  I would like to take a piece of bamboo in the painting and use it as a fishing rod in the Qingfeng River.

  Zhu Ping'an used Zheng Banqiao's sentence when he resigned from office, "Write a thin branch of bamboo, and use it as a fishing rod on the autumn river", and he also felt the strength of character revealed by Mr. Sun Huazhong.

   "Zihou, I'm exaggerating." Old Master Sun stroked his beard and shook his head.

"No, the students are expressing their feelings." Zhu Ping'an's honest and honest face was full of sincerity, and he pointed to the wind and bamboo picture on the stone table and continued, "The bamboo in the master's painting is slender and tall, the **** of bamboo Also: Ling Yun is heroic, the growth of bamboo; depending on the stone but not limited to the stone, the joints of bamboo are also; falling on the form and not stagnant in the outline, the quality of bamboo is also."

  God, life, festival, product.

   These are the four flavors of bamboo, which is also what Master Sun thought in his heart when he was painting. Zhu Pingan said it without missing a single one, and it immediately reached the heart of Old Master Sun.

  Of course, Old Master Sun would not show it. He still stroked his beard and shook his head, but he looked at Zhu Pingan with more satisfaction.

"This painting has not been inscribed yet. I just thought about it for a long time and I couldn't think it through. It just so happens that you are here, so let me inscribe it for the old man. The old man can steal half a day away." Old Master Sun stroked his beard and smiled. Indicate Zhu Ping'an's inscription on this picture of wind and bamboo made by him.

  From Old Master Sun's words, Zhu Ping'an also knew that Old Master Sun had just had a rest on the table, and really fell asleep while pondering over the inscription.

   Now listening to Old Master Sun asking him to write an inscription, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, "The student is afraid of ruining the teacher's painting."

"Zi Hou, don't be polite. This old man would rather eat without meat than live without bamboo. If he ruins it, let him paint again. Anyway, he has to paint some bamboo every day. Besides, Zihou is now the champion. No matter how you write it, it is worthy of his paintings."

  The teacher's wife walked over with a smile, brought over the brewed tea, and said that she was about to pour tea for the two of them.

   "Teacher, let the students come." Zhu Pingan stood up and took the teapot, and poured a cup of tea for Mr. Sun, his wife, and himself.

   "You child, why are you being polite." The teacher's wife looked at Zhu Pingan who was pouring tea, and she was full of smiles.

  Old Master Sun picked up the tea that Zhu Ping'an had poured, took a sip, and aftertaste, then looked at his wife and smiled slightly, "Madam's tea-making skills are getting better and better."

  Then, she made the teacher's wife roll her eyes, and said that she was disrespectful.

  Zhu Ping'an watched from the sidelines, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. The teacher and his wife are really models of ancient couples.

   "It's okay, just write the inscription with a thick heart." Old Master Sun looked at Zhu Ping'an, stroked his beard and said again.

  Both the mentor and the teacher's wife had spoken, and the inscription could not be shirked, so Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to agree. After answering, under the eyes of old master Sun and his wife's explanation, Zhu Ping'an studied the ink and thought about what to ask.

  Old Master Sun was very curious about what words he would inscribe, so he stroked his beard and watched quietly.

  The same goes for Mrs.

After Zhu Ping'an finished studying the ink, he took a closer look at the Fengzhu painting by Mrs. Sun. There are strange stones standing upright, the pond is clear and shallow, and there are several poles of Fengzhu, some thin and thick, some short and some long, and there are several clumps of bamboo shoots under the bamboo. After a while, Zhu Ping'an's eyes lit up, and he already had an idea in his heart.

  Seeing this, Old Master Sun couldn't help sitting upright. From Zhu Ping'an's eyes, he knew that he, a master student, had already thought of what to write.

  The teacher's wife also put down her work and turned her attention to Zhu Ping'an.

  Under the watchful eyes of his teacher and his wife, Zhu Pingan stopped grinding ink, then took a tube of writing brush from the pen holder, dipped the writing brush into the ground ink for a while, and then began to write with the brush.

   Soon, there was a poem on the picture of wind and bamboo, which happened to fall in the blank space of the painting. The font penetrated the back of the paper, like riding the wind and waves, carrying a noble and righteous spirit, which complemented the vigorous bamboo.


  The new bamboo is higher than the old bamboo branches, all rely on the support of the old cadres.

  Next year there will be newborns, ten-foot-long grandsons around Fengchi.

  Zhu Pingan wrote "Xinzhu" on the picture of Fengzhu. Zheng Banqiao in the Qing Dynasty is one of the best poems written about bamboo. This "Xinzhu" is very suitable for the current scene. Hsinchu is higher than the old bamboo branches, all rely on the support of old cadres. This sentence says that the new bamboo can be taller than the old bamboo without the support of the old bamboo. The implication is that a person can surpass teachers and seniors. Because there are teachers and seniors to nurture and cultivate.

   Just followed this poem, expressing my respect and gratitude to my teacher, Old Master Sun.

One hundred thousand dragons and grandsons around Fengchi. The dragons and grandsons here are not Zhu Pingan’s offense to the royal dignity. Longsun is another name for bamboo shoots. In many places in the south, dragons and grandsons are used to refer to bamboo shoots. It is not taboo to use them in poems. Taboo. In the previous dynasty, many people wrote bamboo shoots with dragons and grandchildren, such as in Mei Yaochen's poem "Han Chiguo's Legacy of Luo Bamboo Shoots", "The dragon and grandson spit out a foot of buds in spring, and the purple brocade wraps jade away from the sand", or Lu You's "Xia "Day" in the poem "Temporarily leave the nest for the young swallows, and the grandchildren of the mother dragon have already let go.".

  Zhu Ping'an had just finished writing, and Old Master Sun stroked his beard and read out the poem written by Zhu Ping'an softly.

  The new bamboo is higher than the old bamboo branches, all rely on the support of the old cadres. Old Master Sun read Zhu Ping'an's respect for teachers from this poem, and Old Master Sun can also feel it from Zhu Ping'an's words and deeds, especially when he was afraid of disturbing his sleep and stood like a log in the yard for so long. .

"There will be new students next year, ten feet of dragons and grandchildren around Fengchi, Fengchi" After reading the poem, Mrs. Sun repeated the word "Fengchi", then narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhu Pingan with some complexity and said, "My son Hou, you have the ambition to assist the world."

  The reason why Old Master Sun repeated Fengchi, he said that Zhu Pingan had the ambition to serve as a prime minister in the world because of the word Fengchi.

  Phoenix Pond, Phoenix Pond also. In ancient times, Phoenix Pond referred to the pond in the Forbidden Garden. The Zhongshu Province established in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was located in the Forbidden Garden. The prime minister of the Tang Dynasty said that Tong Zhongshumen was in peace, so people used "Phoenix Pond" to refer to the position of the prime minister.

  Words are like a person, and poetry is like a person.

  Old Master Sun has read a lot of books and is rich in knowledge. Naturally, he knows the allusions of Phoenix Pond in detail, so he said that Zhu Ping'an has the ambition to serve the world.

   "Uh, master thinks too much"

  Zhu Pingan rubbed his nose and smiled wryly. This is really a coincidence. Although he did have this ambition, he really didn't want to express it in this poem.

  Old Master Sun stroked his beard, smiled and said nothing.

  Master's wife looked at Zhu Ping'an, couldn't help but smiled, and comforted her, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, young people must have ambition."

   Well, preconceptions and explanations are useless.

  (end of this chapter)

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