Rise From the Humble

Chapter 529: The boudoir is well-trained, and a lady can be admired

  Chapter 529 The boudoir is well-trained, and the lady is good

  Bleeding too tired, fell asleep.

  If before this, if someone told Zhu Pingan that boys would have nosebleeds when seeing girls disappear, Zhu Pingan would definitely sneer. These are the plots in the anime, how could there be nosebleeds in reality!

   It is understandable to blush and blush to an exaggerated level.

   But a nosebleed?

Hehe, what are you kidding, do you have common sense of life and medicine? If you have high blood pressure or people with fragile capillaries, in this case, you may experience nosebleeds due to broken capillaries, but how can normal people be so excited? The degree of nosebleeds, who would believe it, there are so many girls wearing hip-length short skirts on the modern street, showing a lot, and it's gone, and I haven't seen any man on the street with nosebleeds.

  However, I never thought that when I saw Li Shu's cool dress, I would have a nosebleed for nothing. And if you bleed, you bleed, and you can't stop it

  Zhu Pingan felt the warmth of the nasal cavity, looked at the wet red on the red scarf, touched his nose for a while, speechless, his old face flushed

   Bridal chamber wedding night


   This was originally Li Shu's job

   But I didn't expect that I was contracted by myself!

   "I didn't expect you to be like Zhu Ping'an and still have a nosebleed, it's really dirty!"

  Li Shu clasped her shoulders with both hands, pouted her small mouth, and looked at Zhu Pingan with a nosebleed in disgust.

  Of course, the disgust is only superficial, and even happy in the heart. Toad's nose bleeds when he sees his body, which proves that he is very attractive, which makes Toad's nose bleed. Moreover, the smelly toad just took one look, and he had a nosebleed. At this moment, Zhu Ping'an's nosebleed was the biggest compliment to Li Shu's personal charm. Just as diners sweep away all the delicacies on the table, it is the greatest compliment to the chef.

  Yeah, why are you still streaming?

   Li Shu watched Zhu Ping'an reach out to wipe the nosebleed, but the blood continued to flow, and she became anxious all of a sudden.

   Let it flow, I'm the one with the charm.

   But the blood is not stopping, how can this be done, this is also bleeding too much, what should I do if the body is damaged by the bleeding!

  Thinking of this, Li Shu didn't care about anything else, and anxiously searched for things to stop the bleeding to help Zhu Pingan stop bleeding, lest Zhu Pingan bleed too much and hurt his body. When big families marry their daughters, they will bring a lot of medicinal materials and emergency medical supplies, and Li Shu's family is no exception. Li Shu quickly found the white silk cloth for hemostasis and an emergency hemostatic pill.

  After finding it, Li Shu couldn't help hiding her shame, holding the hemostatic pill in one hand, and the silk cloth in the other, and rushed over to stop Zhu Pingan's bleeding.

  Li Shu was so close, Zhu Ping'an could smell the faint body fragrance from Li Shu's body as soon as he took a breath. Zhu Pingan felt that his body was involuntarily controlled by instinct, and he had all the reactions that a boy should have, his heartbeat started to speed up again, and the blood flow also accelerated.

   This also leads to a result.

   Li Shu was in a hurry to stop Zhu Pingan's bleeding, but found that not only failed to stop the bleeding, but more nosebleeds.

   "This medicine used to work very well, why is it still leaking?" So Li Shu was in a hurry, and the flowers and branches trembled.

  As Li Shu's flower branches trembled, Zhu Pingan's nosebleed gushed out again.

   "Ahem, I'll do it myself."

  Zhu Pingan felt that if Li Shu were to stop the bleeding like this again, he might be the first groom to die due to nosebleeds in the bridal chamber. That would be too embarrassing. Therefore, Zhu Pingan hurriedly looked away, struggling to save himself.

   Li Shu, who doesn't know the truth, naturally disagrees, and you can't see how to stop the bleeding, so let me do it.

   Li Shu has been busy helping Zhu Pingan to stop the bleeding, until she realized that Zhu Pingan's eyes were wrong, and realized that she was gone again, so there was another flutter. In the end, Baozi's little maid and another maid who was keeping watch outside were called in to help.

   Wipe the blood, stop the bleeding, take pills, pour water to wash your face, and clean up the room.

   By the time the nosebleed stopped and I cleaned up, a long time had passed.

  What happened tonight, Li Shu gave the servant girl a password, prohibiting the news tonight. What happened in the boudoir is naturally kept secret. If outsiders were to know that she had a nosebleed on the first night of the bridal chamber wedding night, I don't know what they would say.

  The maids left, and the wedding night in the bridal chamber continued.

  However, Zhu Ping'an was so tired from bleeding that he fell asleep and snored everywhere. Amidst Zhu Ping's snoring, the wedding night in the bridal chamber passed away. What I thought about before was too early, too young, etc. It was completely overwhelmed, what can I do when I am asleep.

   "Ma'am, Miss and uncle haven't woken up yet."

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Zhu Ping'an was awakened by a sound. When he opened his eyes, he saw his mother Chen entering the room with two bowls of noodles, followed by two maids guarding the door. Not daring to stop Mrs. Chen, she had no choice but to follow in.

   Li Shu seemed to be woken up by her mother at this moment too, she groaned, opened her eyes and saw Mrs. Chen, called mother, and struggled to get up.

"Don't get up, don't get up, mother put it down and go, you get up later and drink while it's hot." Mother Chen entered the room, looked at the two people lying on the bed covered with quilts and sharing the same bed, her face was full of smiles meaning.

   Especially when the mother Chen saw Zhu Pingan's dark circles and Li Shu's dark circles, the smile on her face was even stronger. Mrs. Chen is very satisfied. It can be seen from the dark circles under the eyes of the young couple. The young couple must have worked very hard last night. Can you not work hard? Look at the big dark circles of the young couple.

   Mrs. Chen will come here this time, and also abide by the customs of the ancient countryside. On the first day of the wedding, the mother-in-law has to get up early to deliver a bowl of egg noodles to the couple before they get up. Eggs, to lay eggs, is a metaphor for the newlyweds giving birth to a son early.

  Of course, there is another purpose of doing this, which is to supervise the results of the newlyweds last night.

Mrs. Chen was very satisfied with the results of the couple last night, especially when Mrs. Chen put down two bowls of noodles and saw the blood-stained white square scarf on the side of the bed, Mrs. Chen looked at Li Shu Even more satisfied, he looked at Zhu Ping'an with praise.

   "Eat it while it's hot later, mother is leaving first." As she spoke, Mrs. Chen glanced at the two of them as if she was coming, and then turned and left with a smile on her face.

   Come and go in a hurry.

   Before Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu could even say a word, their mother, Mrs. Chen, had already left.

   "The boudoir is well-trained, and a lady is worthy of respect."

   After returning home after the inspection, Mrs. Chen sent someone to send such a happy announcement to the home of the rich man Li in Shanghe Village.

  (end of this chapter)

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