Rise From the Humble

Chapter 505: big boat

  Chapter 505 The Big Ship Comes

   Zhu Ping'an's eyes were shining when he looked over, just like a hungry wolf seeing food.

   "What are you going to do?" Li Shu was taken aback by Zhu Ping'an's eyes, thinking what Zhu Ping'an was going to do, she couldn't help but took a step back.

   "Look ahead." Zhu Pingan pointed to the sea, excited.

   It turned out to be looking ahead! What can be seen ahead? What else can look good on me?

  Li Shu pursed her lips, slandered silently, then turned around in the direction of Zhu Ping'an's finger, and looked towards the sea from near to far. It feels unremarkable, the vast sea, the blue infinite, like a blue prairie, there is no difference from usual, there is nothing special.

   "There's nothing in front, you liar." Li Shu pouted.

   "Who lied to you, did you see those black spots on the sea?" Seeing this, Zhu Pingan walked behind Li Shu, held Li Shu's face with both hands, and turned to the place where the black spots existed on the sea.

   "Ah... who told you to touch me..." Li Shuxiao babbled, but her body didn't make any objection, allowing Zhu Pingan to hold her face.

   "Did you see it?" Zhu Ping'an asked.

   "I saw a wolf with a big tail!" Li Shu rolled her eyes, pouted her small mouth in sarcasm, her pretty face was flushed.

   "Can't you see those black spots in the sea?" Zhu Pingan held Li Shu's face and corrected the direction again.

  Black spots? How can there be any black spots?

Li Shu slandered, then followed Zhu Pingan's guidance, looked over, at first she could only see the endless sea, but if she looked carefully, she could see several orderly arrays floating on the sea. black dot.

   What the black dots in the sea represent, Li Shu knows without Zhu Pingan saying. There is no other possibility for this orderly arrangement of black spots except for ships. No matter whose ship it is, no matter what kind of ship it is, whether it is a special purpose or just passing by by chance, as long as it is a ship, it represents the hope of leaving this isolated island.

  However, seeing the ship, Li Shu felt a sense of loss in her heart.


   I am very sad.

It’s great to be here, you can get along with him day and night every day, you can say hello in the morning and good night in the evening, you can pick up crabs and lobsters at the beach together, you can catch fish and birds together, you can chat in the sun, you can watch him Practice calligraphy, listen to his memorization, you can listen to his stories, you can bicker with him, you can cook delicious food for him, and you can decorate the cave where you live together.

  Boat, boat, go away, don’t come here, or you can come a few days later Li Shu looked at the black spots in the distance, praying in her heart

   "Did you see it this time?" Zhu Pingan let go of his hand holding Li Shu's face and asked again.

   "I saw it, I saw it, the boat, there is a boat coming." Li Shu pretended to be full of joy and joy, but in her heart it was definitely not the case.

Standing on the island, Zhu Ping'an and the others can see the black-spotted boat, but standing on the boat may not be able to see Zhu Ping'an and the others on the island. After all, the island is quite large, even if the people on the boat have good eyesight , I can't see Zhu Ping'an and the others on this island.

  At this time, the beacon tower is very important. Zhu Pingan was about to add some wet firewood to the beacon tower to make the beacon tower smoke more, but he suddenly heard Li Shu ask.

   "Zhu Ping'an, what are you hiding in your pocket, it's so hard, it hit me." Li Shu felt that something was pushing her back, and asked curiously.

   "Nothing." Zhu Ping'an was a little confused, so he didn't have anything in his pocket.

   "Why, it's up to me." Li Shu raised her voice, dissatisfied with Zhu Ping'an's answer.

   It’s up to you, how is it possible. Zhu Pingan expressed his innocence. He obviously didn't bring anything, so he lowered his head to look at the situation speechlessly, and then suddenly realized that he had erected another tent at some point.

   Can you be more peaceful, I don’t understand the principle of vast land and abundant resources! Looking at the small tent, Zhu Ping'an blushed.

   Li Shu also turned around at this moment.

   Naturally, I also saw Zhu Pingan's abnormal physical reaction, so it's no wonder that a small tent couldn't see it.


  Li Shutao blushed, cursed with embarrassment, gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, then lifted her foot vigorously, stepped on Zhu Pingan's foot hard, and crushed it hard as if in revenge.


  This girl's feet are really heavy, Zhu Ping'an was caught off guard, and screamed out loudly after being stepped on.

   "What's the matter, what's the matter, uncle?"

  Zhu Ping'an's cry of pain shocked the little girl who was tidying up the buns in the cave, and ran out briskly, asking what was wrong.

   "Boat, there's a boat coming from the sea." Zhu Pingan naturally wouldn't say that he was trampled on by Li Shu's revenge just now, but bent over enduring the pain, pointing at the sea as if constipated, explaining to the little maid.


  The little maid of Baozi was stunned for a moment, and then uttered a voice that was many times louder than Zhu Ping'an's. Then she hugged Li Shu happily, jumping up and down with joy, tears were about to come out of excitement.

Zhu Pingan took advantage of Baozi’s little girl and Li Shu’s celebration, and found a lot of damp firewood and put them in the beacon tower. He put a lot of them, and specially added a lot of damp leaves and vines to the beacon tower. stuffed to the brim.

  The heavens are also beautiful, there is no wind on the island at this moment, and the black smoke column is rolling straight to the ninth heaven.

  Looking at the beacon tower with black smoke billowing like a monster, Zhu Pingan nodded in satisfaction. I believe that such a thick column of smoke can be seen from the sea outside.

   "Brother Dachuan, go to the cabin and rest for a while. With us, you haven't closed your eyes for two days."

   On the deck of a ship that has been floating on the vast sea for two days and two nights, there is a dark and strong young man standing at the front of the deck, holding on to the railing and looking into the distance. His face looked tired, but his eyes were unusually bright.

  Beside him, there were a few fellow countrymen of the same age, persuading him full of worries.

   "It's okay, I'm not tired, I used to go up the mountain with my father, and I can see far." The dark-skinned and strong young man shook his head, his lips were a little dry when he spoke.

The person next to him quickly handed over a sheepskin water bag, and the strong young man was not polite, he took it and took a few gulps after pouring out his thanks, returned the water bag to the person, and turned his eyes to the distance before looking at it. Two eyes, eyes widened suddenly, as if bewitched, pushed away the person next to him, ran to the mast in two or three steps, quickly climbed up like a monkey, grabbed the mast and looked at an island in the distance .

   "There is smoke, there is smoke on that island, it must be Brother Zhu and the others." The sturdy young man on the mast looked at the distance and shouted excitedly.

Soon, there was a burst of people coming and going on the deck, and there was a lot of voices. Then the sails were full and the rudder was full, and the oars flew like flying. The ship just rushed past regardless of it.

  (end of this chapter)

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