Rise From the Humble

Chapter 488: Island Survival (6)

  Chapter 488 Island Survival (6)

   Fire is indeed a problem.

None of the three of Zhu Pingan and the others have a hobby of eating raw fish, so fire is inevitable; of course, the pot is also a problem, but the little maid of Baozi found a natural sunken stone by the mountain stream, irregular square, with A pit the size of a sea bowl was sunken, weighing about eight or nine catties. Li Shu and Baozi's little maid washed it in the stream, and it can be used as a stone pot for the time being.

  If there are fish and pots, there will be no fire.

  But the fire folders carried by the three of them have long been lost in the sea.

   "Grandpa~~ What should I do if there is no fire?"

  After washing the "stone pot", the little maid of Baozi looked at Zhu Ping'an with wide eyes, as if Zhu Ping'an could turn into a fire all of a sudden.

   "You can try drilling wood to make fire." Zhu Pingan said uncertainly under the burning eyes of Baozi's little maid and Li Shu.

   "Han Feizi·Five Beetles" records: People eat fruit and clams, which hurt the stomach and cause many diseases. There is a sage who made fire by drilling a flint to remove the smell, and the people liked it, so that he made the king the world, and he was named the Suiren family.

  Drilling flint to make fire, which is what Zhu Pingan said by drilling wood to make fire.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an's tone is uncertain is because Zhu Ping'an only knows the principle of drilling wood to make fire, and has never practiced it. He has also heard that the difficulty of drilling wood to make fire is S-level. Many people try to make fire by drilling wood. But blisters came out on my hands, and the fire didn't rise. Especially after the heavy rain last night, it is estimated that dry grass and dry branches are not easy to find, which adds a lot of difficulty to drilling wood to make fire.

   "Hua'er and I are here to find hay."

   When Zhu Ping'an said to drill wood to make fire, Li Shu's eyes lit up. She also knew this, but she just didn't remember it.

  The little maid of Baozi just looked at a loss. She didn't know anything about making fire by drilling wood. But since the uncle said that he could drill wood to make fire, then that's fine, and then the little maid of Baozi followed Li Shu to find hay nearby.

   Li Shu and the others were looking for hay, while Zhu Pingan was looking for wood that could be drilled to make fire nearby. The three of them worked together.

  The rain last night was so untimely, the three of them searched the vicinity for a while but found no dry grass or dry wood. Almost all of them were drenched by the rain last night, even if they were not drenched, they were damp, and they were not up to the task of drilling wood to make fire.

After searching for a long time, Li Shu and Baozi's little maid finally found some damp grass. They were found under a pile of rocks. The wind blew the dead grass and fallen leaves under the rocks and piled them up. After a bit of wind and rain, even the withered grass and fallen leaves of Fan Chao could not be found.

  Although it is very difficult, these withered grass and fallen leaves are not up to the task of starting the fire. They can only be used as fuel after the fire is lit, and it is still a bit damp.

   I searched for a while, but found nothing. It seems that I can only try to use this kind of dry grass to start the fire.

   Just when the three of Zhu Ping'an were walking towards the stream with the dry grass in their arms, Zhu Ping'an found a dead tree. This dead tree was very tall.

"Wait a mininute."

Zhu Pingan looked around the dead tree and found that there were a lot of bird droppings under the trunk and roots, and he couldn't help but look happy. Such regular bird droppings showed that the tree hole was where the bird's nest was, not something. Stay overnight with bats or snakes and rats.

  Zhu Ping'an put the dead grass aside, turned his head and told Li Shu and Li Shu to wait a moment, then lifted the long hem of his clothes and tucked it into his belt, and started climbing up the big tree with both hands.

   "Zhu Ping'an, be careful." Li Shu was a little worried when she saw Zhu Ping'an climbing a tree. She hadn't heard that the number one scholar who had read poetry and books could climb a tree, so don't fall.

  The little maid of Baozi looked at Zhu Pingan who was climbing the tree eagerly, and followed Li Shu under the tree to say be careful.

  In fact, the two of them don’t need to worry at all. Zhu Ping’an had already developed tree-climbing skills when he followed his father and brother into the mountains when they were young.

  Zhu Pingan climbed very quickly, the tree hole was only as tall as a person, and soon Zhu Pingan climbed to the tree hole. For the sake of safety, Zhu Pingan sat on a branch on one side, reached out and broke off a branch, and put the branch into the tree hole to check to see if there were any snakes or rats inside.

   Reaching in to check, Zhu Pingan was sure that there were no snakes or rats inside, so he reached into the tree hole with confidence, found a few small round things inside, and took out one.

   "Bird's egg, it's a bird's egg, miss!" The little maid of Baozi cheered happily, there was a bird's egg to eat.

  Li Shu ignored Baozi's little maid, and raised her head to look at Zhu Ping'an on the tree, lest some stinky toad accidentally fall down.

  I'm sorry, it's really forced by life.

  Zhu Ping'an silently apologized in his heart to the birds that hadn't returned home, and carefully put the eggs into his arms.

  Zhu Ping'an touched it, and there were six bird eggs in the bird's nest. Zhu Ping'an took out four bird eggs, and left two for the bird.

  This is a habit that Zhu Pingan has cultivated since he was a child, and it also has the credit of Zhu's father's education since he was a child. Don't try to catch the fish. Of course, Zhu's father can't say such a written theory, it's just a farmer's simple thinking.

In addition to the eggs, Zhu Pingan also took out half of the hay spread in the bird's nest. The bird's nest was sheltered from wind and rain, and the hay inside was not damp at all. It was a good material for starting a fire. Half of the hay, and put the other half into his arms.

   "Here, these bird eggs, you should replenish your body."

  After Zhu Pingan got down from the tree, he took out the bird eggs from his arms, looked at Li Shu and said. If it wasn't for Li Shu to feed him blood at the beach, he probably would have hung himself on the southeast branch.

   "Which is rare." Li Shu turned her head away, her pretty face was full of disdain, but the corners of her mouth curled up. It turned out that the stinky toad took the risk to climb the tree to touch the bird's nest in order to replenish his body.

After getting down from the tree, Zhu Pingan picked up the dead grass again and led them to the stream. On the way, he found another banyan tree with wrong roots. A piece of wood that came here happened to be the main body of drilling wood to make fire, so they brought it to the stream.

  Use a few stones to build a simple stove, and pour the stone pot just now with clean water. The little maid of Baozi picked up a small stone flake by the stream, which was relatively thin. Zhu Pingan simply polished it and used it as a knife.

   Neither Li Shu nor Baozi’s maid dared to kill the fish, so Zhu Ping’an had to undertake it. He disemboweled the fish and handed it to Baozi’s maid to clean it. After cleaning it, he put it in a stone pot. The few bird eggs that Zhu Pingan touched were also washed and put into the pot.

  Everything is ready, just need to make fire.

Under the eyes of Li Shu and Baozi's little maid, Zhu Pingan put the wood he found under the tree root on a stone, cut a small hole in the wood with the stone, and put the hay he took out from the bird's nest Around, and then found a thin pointed wooden stick as a drill bit.

   Drilling wood to make fire, officially started.

  (end of this chapter)

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