Rise From the Humble

Chapter 486: Island Survival (4)

  Chapter 486 Island Survival (4)

  Qingxi Waterside Pavilion, winding valley.

  After a near-death experience and a magnificent sea, when I came to this quiet and quiet river valley with gurgling water, I finally calmed down.

The three of Zhu Pingan descended along the valley bank. Because of the perennial rain and no human interference, the valley bank seemed a bit steep, and the **** was covered with grass. Yesterday's rain made the grass wet and slippery. and muddy. Walking on the slope, if you don't pay attention, you will be slipped.

  Zhu Pingan took the lead to support the trees, walked down to the bottom of the valley first, and stepped on the bushes and grass blocking the road to make a simple path. Zhu Ping'an was used to walking on mountain roads when he was a child. Although the **** of the valley is steeper now, it is not a problem for Zhu Ping'an at all, and Zhu Ping'an soon walked down.

  However, Li Shu and Baozi's little maid had some problems, especially Li Shu, who was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, how could she walk this way.

This **** is difficult for Li Shu. First of all, the grass is wet and slippery. It is very difficult for Li Shu to walk down. In addition, the **** is too steep. Li Shu followed Zhu Pingan down. When I got to a slippery place, my feet slipped, and with an ah, I fell on my back.

"Be careful."

  Zhu Ping'an's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. With a shout, he reached out and caught Li Shu. Thanks to the close distance between the two, otherwise Zhu Ping'an would have been unable to catch him.

But catching it doesn't mean it's okay. Zhu Ping'an ignored his body a little bit. He was already very weak. He suffered a lot of injuries in the sea, and it took a lot of energy just to open the road. So although he caught Li Shu at this moment, His weak body couldn't support the two of them. Under the inertia of Li Shu's fall, Zhu Pingan fell down holding Li Shu.

   Fortunately, the stream was still a step away, and the river bed where the two fell was just wet pebbles, and did not fall into the stream.

  Li Shu firmly pressed Zhu Ping'an's arms, and her ignorant and green body was imprinted on Zhu Ping'an's body without reservation, especially when Li Shu was caught by Zhu Pingan, she subconsciously hugged her tightly.

   This scene seems to be Li Shu throwing herself into her arms, holding Zhu Pingan down on the river bed.

There is no plot in the novel where a man and a woman will definitely kiss after falling down. It is too unrealistic to kiss together after falling down. How big is the contact surface of lips? The chance of this is too small. At least Li Shu and Zhu Ping'an No, the two simply fell down, and there was no **** plot of kissing after falling down.

  After landing, Li Shu realized that she and Zhu Ping'an were hugging each other. For a moment, Li Shu's big watery eyes opened wide, and her heart was beating so fast, it felt as if there was an elk having fun in her heart, and she almost jumped out.

   How embarrassing.

Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan who was pressed under him, and her pretty face instantly turned red to the base of her ears. This scene was so shocking that Li Shu's mind went blank, and she kept this posture motionless for two seconds. Li Shu didn't react until she met Zhu Pingan's eyes who were under pressure.


  A girl screamed in panic, resounding through the quiet river valley, startling several birds on the tree.

Zhu Pingan looked at Li Shu, who was sitting on top of him and screaming, in a speechless manner. He obviously followed her out of good intentions, but Li Shu's scream seemed as if something had happened to her, as if she had been seriously injured. of.

It was obviously me who was injured, okay, Zhu Pingan couldn't help curling his lips amid Li Shu's screams, his back was burning hot, and the pebbles under his body were not cotton pads, okay? This one seems to be very sharp, and the back really hurts. In other words, shouldn't you get up first at this time, why is it as if you were hit by a sunflower acupuncture point, and you just stood there in a daze.

  I'm still down here, girl, my back really hurts, the wound is probably open. Zhu Pingan couldn't help grinning in pain.


After Li Shu screamed, she remembered to get up belatedly. She let go of the hands that were holding Zhu Ping'an's waist in a panic, and was about to get up while supporting the cobblestone river valley. like blood.

  However, just as Li Shu propped up her body and opened the distance between her body and Zhu Pingan, she heard a cry of "Miss Be Careful" from the little maid of Baozi behind her, and then Li Shu heard the scream of the little maid of Baozi.

   Lead singer and servant follow.

   Baozi’s little maid really did it.

When the little maid of Baozi passed the step where Li Shu fell, she was worried about Li Shu in her heart. She didn't pay attention to her feet, and then her feet slipped. Coincidentally, he bumped into Li Shu.

Li Shu had a cut on her wrist, so she didn't have much strength in the first place, but the inertia of the little maid when she fell down caused a lot of kinetic energy. Li Shu was hit by the little maid Huaer, her hands couldn't bear it at all, and her body lost again Losing his balance, he leaned on Zhu Ping'an again, pressing down on Zhu Ping'an.

   This time, it was not as simple as just lying on Zhu Ping'an's body.

  The plot of dog blood really appeared

  Then the girl screamed again in the quiet river valley, this time louder than the previous one.

   "How clumsy are you, you know the road is slippery, so you can't walk carefully."

   A few seconds later, Li Shu wiped her small mouth again and again, her face flushed, and she taught Baozi a lesson in embarrassment and annoyance.

   "I'm sorry, Miss, I'm sorry." Baozi's little maid lowered her head, not daring to look at Li Shu. The two chubby hands twisted the corners of her clothes subconsciously, like a little Wang who was punished by the master for doing something wrong.

  When Li Shu taught Baozi the little maid, Zhu Pingan hadn't recovered yet, and touched his lips in a daze

  In his previous life, Zhu Ping'an was completely single until he graduated from graduate school and looked for a job. But he was single, let alone kissing, and he never even held a girl's hand.

   This is the first time for the two lives.

  The little maid who fell down didn't see what happened to Li Shu and Zhu Ping'an, she just thought that she had bumped into the young lady, causing the young lady to lie on the uncle's body again.

After Li Shu finished teaching the little girl Baozi, she glanced at Zhu Pingan, and seeing Zhu Pingan staying there like a log, she couldn't help feeling a little more embarrassed, and gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, as if the scene just now It was Zhu Ping'an's fault.

  Zhu Pingan came back to his senses after being stared at by Li Shu, and patted the back of his head speechlessly, as if he didn't blame me just now. I saw you fall, so I stepped forward to save you. I didn't know, I didn't know that such a thing would happen.

  (end of this chapter)

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