Rise From the Humble

Chapter 479: deep thought

  Chapter 479 Deep Thought and Fear

  The sea in ancient times was so blue. The crescent-shaped bay embraced a pool of sea water, like emerald, with layers of scales and waves, and the splashing waves were like snowflakes.

  Golden sandy beaches, lush islands, everything is beautiful.

  But there was a burst of crying on the golden beach, which seemed to be a bit of a disaster. If you look closer, you can see three people who look like drowned chickens on the beach.

   "Zhu Ping'an, wake up"

  Li Shu, who was wet all over, looked at Zhu Ping'an who was lying on her lap with her eyes closed tightly. She didn't respond to how she called, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

   "Uncle. Uncle" Baozi's little maid also kept wiping away her tears, crying out of breath like a puppy abandoned by the world.

In fact, it was pure luck that they were able to be on this beach. Zhu Pingan used his body to block the rocks for Li Shu at the critical moment, but he himself was knocked out. Scratched a little skin, and nothing serious.

   After hitting the reef, another wave surged up again, sweeping Li Shu and Zhu Pingan to the shore together.

  The little maid on the other side of the bun was already photographed on the shore during the previous wave, which saved a lot of effort.

  After reaching the shore, Li Shu hurriedly dragged Zhu Pingan, who had fainted, to the beach with Baozi's little maid, avoiding the waves far away.

Zhu Ping'an was hit hard by the waves just now, and he also suffered serious injuries from the fight with pirates on the ship and the fight with pirates on the wooden cabinet. In addition, Zhu Ping'an had overdrawn too much to save Li Shu just now. Energized, it's no wonder that Zhu Ping'an can hold on to all these blows.

  No matter how Li Shu called Zhu Pingan, she couldn't wake her up. She pushed him a few times and there was no movement. She thought that something happened to Zhu Pingan, so she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Especially when Li Shu saw the scars left on Zhu Ping'an's body, she burst into tears. Almost every scar on Zhu Ping'an's body has a story of saving herself. The scars on the neck are from fighting pirates, etc.

   "Zhu Ping'an, wake up"

  Looking at Zhu Pingan, who was covered in scars, lying quietly on his lap, motionless, Li Shu's tears seemed to flow non-stop.

  The waves are surging, the sea breeze is blowing, and the tears are flooding

Li Shu was crying helplessly, as if she had lost the whole world, her face was ashen, as if her heart had stopped beating, only crying was left, the sad cries seemed to be pulled out of her soul, The crystal liquid in the eye sockets flowed down the cheeks, and fell drop by drop on Zhu Ping'an's face, on the dry lips

   Salty tears wet Zhu Ping'an's lips, as if possessing magic, Zhu Ping'an's fingers moved almost imperceptibly.


  Zhu Ping'an, who was in a coma, moved his pale lips, and uttered an unconscious raving, which was inaudible.


  The sad and distressed Li Shu didn't hear Zhu Ping'an's ravings, but the little bun girl beside her heard Zhu Ping's ravings, and the crying little bun girl couldn't help pointing at Zhu Pingan and screaming.

   "Miss, my uncle has spoken." Baozi's little maid pointed at Zhu Ping'an and said.

  Hearing this, Li Shu immediately stopped crying, but she couldn't stop in a hurry, she lowered her head and looked at Zhu Pingan while sobbing.


  Zhu Ping'an's raving sounded again.

   "Hurry up, Huaer, go fetch water." Li Shu's eyes lit up when she heard this, as if a withered soul had sprouted again, she stopped her tears, and hurriedly urged the little maid to fetch water.


  The little maid of Baozi nodded, and ran to the island to find water with her short legs. The uncle is not dead, that's great, the little maid of Baozi is running hard. Get some water to drink, and my uncle will be able to wake up. The little maid of Baozi became more energetic as she thought about it, she wiped the tears off her face as she ran, and ran down the **** into the island in two or three steps.

The island is lush and verdant. Nearby is a meadow full of flowers, and then there are shrubs, and there are rolling mountains and a dense forest. The little maid ran into the island and looked at the lush flowers and trees. The face is blank.


  Who is there?

   The little maid of Baozi looked at the surrounding flowers and trees with a dazed expression, and tears flowed out again. What to do, what to do, my uncle still needs to drink water. Without water, how could my uncle wake up?

How to do how to do

  The bun girl cried and ran in again, but apart from the grass and trees, there was still no water. Maybe there was in the forest, but my uncle was in a hurry to drink water and couldn't wait.

  Why am I so useless, Baozi’s little maid stood in the bushes, tears streaming down her cheeks. At this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the rolling sea.


  Why didn’t I expect that, isn’t the sea full of water?

  Thinking of this, Baozi's little maid ran to the beach, her short legs felt like she was running like lightning. Whoosh, whoosh, soon ran to the beach, and there was water on the sea surface, but there was no container to hold the water.

There is no such thing as a road, the little maid of Baozi saw a big shell by the sea, then ran over to pick it up, rinsed it with sea water quickly, and then took a big sea shell full of sea water, holding it carefully and quickly went to it Li Shu ran away.

   "Miss, here comes the water." Baozi's little maid shouted excitedly while holding the shell.

   "Hurry up!" Li Shu looked at Zhu Ping'an's dry lips, feeling distressed, and couldn't help urging the little maid to hurry up and hurry up.

Finally, the little maid of Baozi ran to the sea out of breath holding a shell. Li Shu took the shell handed over by the little maid of Baozi, carefully lifted Zhu Ping'an's head, and put the shell in her hand to Zhu Ping'an. Ping'an put it close to his lips.

   "Where did you get the water?"

  When Li Shu brought the shell to Zhu Ping'an's mouth, she looked at the color of the water in the shell and asked with some doubts.

   "It's right by the sea, the sea is full of water." Baozi's little maid pointed to the sea and replied.


  After listening to Baozi's little maid, Li Shu's expression changed drastically as if she had heard something terrible, and she immediately poured out all the water in the shell, as if the shell was filled with poison.

   "Miss, you." The little maid of Baozi was stunned when she saw that her lady had thrown away all the water fed to Zhu Ping'an.

  Miss., throw away the water that was fed to my uncle

   Deep thinking and fear

  My uncle needs water. At this time, the young lady also throws away the water. Is it to kill my uncle?

   The little maid of Baozi trembled all over at the thought of this.

  (end of this chapter)

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