Rise From the Humble

Chapter 455: lecher

  Chapter 455 Deng Tuzi

  Fusang is ten feet high at sunrise, and everything in the world is as fine as hair.

  The wild man saw the injustice angrily, and wore out the eternal knife in his chest.

  Zhu Pingan silently recited the "Illustrated Book" by Liu Cha, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, while slowly driving his horse to Linhuaihou's Mansion. It was just at noon, the sun was shining brightly, every corner of the streets and alleys was brightly lit, and there was nowhere to hide from any place that hides filth, and everything in the world was warm and warm.

Linhuai Hou's mansion is relatively quiet at the moment, the young ladies and gentlemen in the mansion have gone out for a spring outing today and have not yet returned. Zhu Pingan entered the gate and handed over the horse to the porter. Didn't the arrangement say that they would come only after the sunset.

  Today is really strange, just now Miss Fifth came back early, and now Young Master Fifth is also back, the porter scratched his head in doubt, thinking it was a coincidence, and then led the horse to the stable. A lucky black horse in the stable is still chatting happily with the red horse in the next stable. If it wasn’t for the fifth uncle’s favorite horse, the concierge would have given it to the gelding, so it wouldn’t be uneasy.

"Miss, why hasn't my uncle come back yet? The one who came back before us hasn't come back yet." Baozi's little maid looked at the door boredly with her plump cheeks, and followed her own lady who was reading at the desk. muttered.

   "Whether love comes or not, someone leaves without saying good-bye, and the person who leaves as soon as he says, never comes back." Li Shu puffed up her mouth, still brooding over Zhu Pingan's leaving without saying goodbye.

   "Miss, miss, uncle is back." Baozi's little maid suddenly elongated her voice.

   Li Shu heard that Hua'er said that Zhu Ping'an was back, and immediately put down the book and looked at the door, but there was nothing at the door, not even an ant, and then Li Shu knew that she had been cheated by her little girl.

   "Giggle... I'm sorry Miss, I was blinded, it's not that my uncle is back~~" The little maid of Baozi covered her mouth and looked at her lady and giggled, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"Okay, you little rascal, you've grown so bold that you dare to lie to your lady, see if I don't take care of you well..." Li Shu's pretty face turned red and became more and more charming, revealing the coquettish tone of her little tiger teeth. He made a threat, and then stretched out his slender and slender hand to scratch the itch of Baozi's little maid.

   The bun girl is most afraid of being tickled, and she can't do it after being scratched twice, and she burst into tears from laughing. So Hua'er didn't care about her status as master and servant, and was about to run away, Li Shu was chasing after her with her skirt in her arms. You chased me to escape, the two ran around the room, and the whole room was filled with girls' cute laughter one after another.

  Then, the little girl named Baozi was caught up by Li Shu in front of the bed, she pressed down on the painting and scratched it, which was more convenient. The little maid of Baozi writhed like a maggot, she shed tears of laughter, and begged for mercy out of breath.

   "Miss, please forgive me..."

   "Miss, don't..."

   "I can't do it, I can't do it anymore, miss..."

  Zhu Ping'an just entered his yard when he heard this dream-provoking sound in the room. It is said that the last time he heard this sound was when he watched an action movie of an island country with the group of animals in the dormitory.

  What's the situation?

  Zhu Ping'an walked into the room suspiciously, saw this scene unexpectedly, and his heart beat several times faster in an instant.

  whatareyou doing? !

  Zhu Ping'an looked at this charming scene, he couldn't help being stunned, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

  Uh. Is this still Daming? ! The friendship between girls has reached this level? !

  But in the next second, Zhu Pingan realized the clue. He was thinking too much. The two girls were playing a tickling game, and Li Shu's two little paws were vigorously scratching the little maid...

   But even so, it still shocks people's vision.


   The little maid of Baozi was facing the door, and she found it after Zhu Pingan came in. She screamed shyly, and then the whole bun's face was as red as blood, and she subconsciously covered her face with her hands.

   "Miss, miss, I don't want it anymore, uncle ~ uncle ~ is back..." Baozi's little maid covered her face and reminded Li Shu shyly.

   "Okay, you little hoof still dares to lie to me now, it seems that you haven't tasted the power of this lady..."

   Just like a wolf is coming, Li Shu has been cheated once before, so naturally she won't believe it this time.

   "No, it's really back~~" Baozi's little maid burst into tears from being scratched.

   "Still lied to..."

   Li Shu sneered, turned her head and stopped abruptly after speaking in the middle of her speech. Originally, Li Shu was just looking back, but she didn't expect to see Zhu Pingan standing at the door with a strange expression when she turned her head.


   Li Shu exclaimed, the whole person was frightened, one fell from the bed without sitting up.

   Then there was a scream from Huarong's pale face

  In the process of falling under the bed, Li Shu wanted to shit.

  This is Zhu Ping'an's bed, and he actually got into his bed, and he found out on the spot.

   It's over, it's over, this time I'm so embarrassing, not only is the stinky toad seeing my unladylike and even crazy side, but I also have to fall in front of the stinky toad, I'm so embarrassing, I don't want to live.

  Li Shu, who fell under the bed in free fall, was in a bad mood for a while, and wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

   Speaking of the head on the ground, will it hurt if you fall under the bed, will it make you ugly?

   Li Shu was in a shy and apprehensive mood, waiting for the tragedy of falling to the ground in the next second, but what made her a little puzzled was that she did not fall to the ground, but fell into a warm embrace.

It turned out that the moment Li Shu fell off the bed, Zhu Ping ran forward immediately, caught Li Shu in time, and held her in his arms, preventing Li Shu from falling to the ground. Landing tragedy.

  Li Shu opened her eyes suspiciously, just in time to see Zhu Ping'an lowering her head, she was in the arms of the stinky toad.

  Looking at each other, Li Shu blushed suddenly.


  The next second, Li Shu blushed and showed her small canine teeth at Zhu Pingan with shame and anger, her watery eyes were rounded.


  Zhu Ping'an was a little speechless, how could this girl bite Lu Dongbin like a dog? If I hadn't followed you, the height of this bed would be enough for you to change from Xi Shi to Dong Shi. If you don't thank me, it's fine.

   "Bad guy, where did you put your hands..." Li Shu glared at Zhu Pingan angrily, showing her small tiger teeth and becoming angry.


  Zhu Pingan slightly moved his hands, uh, cough, cough, sorry, I didn't notice the emergency just now, Zhu Pingan coughed twice in embarrassment, and reluctantly moved his hand away from the position under Li Shu's waist.

   "Put me down..."

   Li Shu turned her face away, her voice was drawn out, her pretty face was flushed.

  (end of this chapter)

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