Rise From the Humble

Chapter 448: son, are you happy

  Chapter 448 Son, are you happy?

  After about half a cup of tea time, I saw the three-clawed dragon flag decorated with lace rising from the mountain ridge in front of me. The red flag fluttered in the wind, which was very eye-catching. After seeing the dragon flag being raised, the nobles rushed out with a yelp, clamped their horses' bellies, and competed with each other.

   The steed under Fatty Zhou's crotch was indeed bought with a lot of money. When he started the sprint, the horse ran to the front, and soon left behind the second generation of nobles who had bet with him.


   Fatty Zhou smiled triumphantly, and deliberately waved his horsewhip when he passed the noble second generation, his pride was beyond words.

   "Fatty Zhou, don't be proud of yourself." The man behind gritted his teeth and said bitterly, and then pumped the horse's **** vigorously, neighing repeatedly.

  When everyone was scrambling to be the first to roar away in the mountains and fields, Zhu Ping'an fell behind without any surprise. Compared with these honorable children who had been proficient on pommel horses since childhood, Zhu Ping'an's equestrian skills were not the slightest bit worse.

  However, lagging behind also has its advantages. Apart from being competitive, the scenery is not so good. Spring outing, after all, is for the purpose of sightseeing in mountains and rivers.

Horseshoes step on the path paved with gravel, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust. A winding stream not far from the path sometimes jumps fish, and the tidy grass makes waves in the breeze. The birdsong in the woods is like Cheerleaders are generally crisp and tactful.

  While admiring the beautiful scenery, he rode his horse forward, and the speed was not very slow.

   After looking at the scenery for a while, Zhu Pingan slowly increased the speed of the horse. After all, it would not look good to be pulled too far by others. The horse was also very strong. Zhu Pingan pulled the rein a little, and the horse picked up speed. Although it was not fast, it was still quite fast. After running for a while, Zhu Pingan saw the person who was lagging behind on horseback, er, it was Fatty Zhou who looked a little familiar.

   Still dragged down by Fatty Zhou’s body, he alone has to drive two others. Compared with other horses, the horse under him can be said to carry a heavy load. It was okay at first, but as time went on, it inevitably fell behind.

  Already lagging behind, Zhou Pingan couldn't help being anxious when he saw that Zhu Ping'an, who was the last one, had already rushed over.

  In desperation, Zhou Fatty whipped the horse hard with a whip, and the horse's buttocks were bleeding from the whip.

  The effect is also there. Under the pain, the horse neighs in pain, and then gallops forward with all its strength, and its speed has once again reached the extreme speed level.

   Just like that, Fatty Zhou was in the front, Zhu Pingan was behind, driving the steed towards the meeting place quickly.

  There is a section of the road with a lot of dirt on the way. The people in front rode by and splashed a lot of dust on this dirt road. The smoke and dust billowed like fog.

  After entering this smoky road, Fatty Zhou became more anxious. Originally, if the horse maintained this speed, it would still have a chance to overtake the betting monkey boy, but now the dust obviously affects the speed of the horse.

   In anxiety, Fatty Zhou not only swung his whip vigorously again.

  Damn it, hurry up, hurry up, if you don't hurry up, I will lose. Fatty Zhou was in a hurry, urging the horse to run fast, clamping the horse's belly and swinging the whip, his face was red and his neck was thick.

   "Young master, rein in your horse."

  At this moment, Fatty Zhou suddenly heard a loud voice coming from the front. The voice was so loud that Zhu Pingan heard it from behind.

   This is the voice of Fatty Zhou's entourage. Before the horse race, many people sent their entourage over to supervise the horse race, and this entourage of Fatty Zhou was one of them.

   "I'm happy you Mahler Gobi!"

  Hearing this sound, Fatty Zhou was Sparta at that time, and he swore his fat face and yelled loudly!

You are so stupid, you ask me if I am happy, I am happy, you Mahler Gobi, I have lost all the **** horse races, and now I am second to the bottom, and now the second to last is almost lost, You still ask me if I am happy. This dog slave is so courageous, he still dares to make fun of me at this time!

  Are you happy, are you still, hehehe, kind!

  Go back and see how I deal with you, you dog slave!

  Between the lightning and the flint, Fatty Zhou's thoughts have been turned several times, his mind is full of stimulation by the dog slave, are you happy?

  After cursing, Fatty Zhou swung the whip again, clamped the horse's belly hard and gave a "drive" sound, so that the horse's speed increased again.

   "Oh, son, rein in your horse!" Seeing this, the attendant on the side of the road slapped his thigh vigorously, and jumped and shouted.

   I am happy, you next door to Mahler, happy! You f*cking dog slave are still in good spirits, aren't you?

This national curse flashed through Fatty Zhou's mind. Before he could utter the curse, he felt his body hang in the air for a while, and the horse under him let out a helpless neigh, and with a clang, Fatty Zhou followed the horse with his voice. flew out.

  Crack, what happened? !

  In mid-air, Fatty Zhou looked back in surprise, and found that a **** as high as a person with an inclination of up to 80 degrees suddenly appeared in the place he passed by just now. If you usually specify that you can see and avoid it, but because of the smoke and dust caused by the horse racing, this section of the road seems to be covered in thick fog, and you can't see it at all. If you can't see clearly, it will be a tragedy. The horse stumbles, and the scene of people and horses flying together to the ground occurs!

   All this happened in about 0.1 second, and then Fatty Zhou fell heavily to the ground along with the steed!

  Fortunately, the steed did not press on Fatty Zhou, otherwise, Fatty Zhou would have been seriously injured!

  Unfortunately, Zhou Fatty landed on his face first, and his fat face slid two or three meters away on the gravel-covered path.

  Xi Shi's face would have changed into Dong Shi, not to mention Fatty Zhou, who was originally quite abstract. After such a fall and grinding, Fatty Zhou's face can be described as a disaster.

   It was only at the moment of landing that Fatty Zhou suddenly became enlightened! Fuck, it turns out that the dog slave said "Are you happy" just now was "Rein in your horse"!

  After that, Fatty Zhou became even more angry, you dog slave, what are you calling to rein in your horse, if you **** say there is a ditch in front, how can I fall like this! What a useless slave, what do you want! Why did you rush here so early! I want you to look good when I go back!

  Zhu Ping'an was also a little dazed when he heard "Young Master, rein in your horse", but he quickly understood after hearing Fatty Zhou's voice that lost his soul.

   Fatty Zhou’s **** lesson made Zhu Pingan understand that the road ahead is high-energy and needs to be slowed down!

  Therefore, Zhu Pingan took the reins of the horse and walked forward slowly, and then saw a very sloping **** ahead, and carefully steered the horse down the slope. When I went down the slope, I saw Fatty Zhou and his entourage who repeatedly pleaded guilty.

  (end of this chapter)

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