Rise From the Humble

Chapter 440: green words archive

  Chapter 440 Qing Ci archive

  Lunch and an article on "Thick Black Studies" made Zhang Siwei close his mouth in satisfaction.

Of course, Wang Shizhen was also called at lunch time. At the dinner table, Wang Shizhen heard about Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen's golden pen at the fasting ceremony. He pointed at Zhu Ping'an and Zhang Siwei silently, shook his head with a smile, and commented on a word , "vulgar".

  However, when Wang Shizhen heard about the extravagant spending of the fasting ceremony, she blamed the two for not having enough gold pens!

"Hey, I also heard about this fasting ceremony in Dali Temple. It is said that it is the fasting ceremony opened by the Holy Lord Yan Songjinyan." Wang Shizhen sighed, and told Zhu Ping'an and Zhang Siwei about the gossip he had heard in Dali Temple by chance. Sharing, the words are full of dissatisfaction with Yan Song.

  After finishing speaking, Wang Shizhen wrote the song "Qin Bing Xing" on the table with his fingers while his blood was stained with vegetable soup:

  Flying birds of five colors, named themselves Phoenix. Never see each other in thousands of years, but the one who sees is Guo Zuochang.

  Sit in the Ming Hall with bells and drums, and let the Wuzhu live in the Ming Hall, what's the point of not singing for three days!

  When the phoenix is ​​not seen in the morning, the phoenix is ​​pecking at the rotting rats in the shade of the east gate, chirping and chirping and not being able to feed them.

   I don’t see the phoenix in the evening, the phoenix is ​​the glamorous goshawk at the west gate, may your flesh share the fishy smell.

  The phoenix tree grows bitter cold, and the bamboo fruit grows bitter hunger. All the birds looked at each other in shock, but they didn't know that the phoenix was a bird.

Wang Shizhen's poem is aimed at Yan Song, and Zhu Pingan can tell at a glance that Qin Bing is a **** in "Shan Hai Jing". Zhu Pingan only read "Shan Hai Jing" in the morning, and he has a clear memory of Qin Bing. , the qin 鴀 was convicted in the heavenly court and was killed by the emperor of heaven. After his death, the qin 鴀 turned into a big osprey, shaped like a vulture but with a red beak and tiger claws, and ate rotting animals to survive. It is a kind of disaster beast, and its appearance means war, plague and so on.

Wang Shizhen satirized Yan Song with a cockroach, what kind of phoenix are you pretending to be a cockroach that eats rotten food? People’s phoenixes are not sycamore trees, and they can’t eat bamboo. You are greedy, eat rotten mice, and flatter goshawks, the most important thing. It's you who shamelessly sit on the hall of fame...

   "Hehe, Wen Sheng, there is a beautiful article that you have to read." Zhang Siwei smiled when he saw this, and then handed the article "Thick Black Studies" written by Zhu Pingan to Wang Shizhen from his arms.

  Wang Shizhen shows his sharpness and hates evil like hatred. This is a good thing, but it is not a good thing. Now that Yan Song is in power, when he does not have enough strength, it is better to hide his sharpness. Therefore, Zhang Siwei showed Wang Shizhen the "Thick Black Studies" written by Zhu Pingan, hoping that he would be inspired by it.

  Wang Shizhen didn't take it seriously at first, but after watching it for a while, he paid more attention to it, sitting upright and savoring it word by word.

   "Although I don't agree with the views of this article, it is amazing. Who wrote it, which one of you?" After reading it, Wang Shizhen gave a deep admiration, and then asked.

   "It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you." Zhang Siwei smiled, stretched out his finger and pointed to Zhu Pingan, who was eating happily.

"Hehehe, I think it is also Zihou, and only a person like Zihou who looks simple and honest but is actually wise and foolish can write such a wonderful article that penetrates people's hearts." Wang Shizhen suspected that it was written by Zhu Pingan when he first read it. , because the fonts are all Zhu Pingan's fonts, and if this kind of strange text existed before, it would have been circulated a long time ago, so it was written only now, and it is easy to associate it with Zhu Pingan.

"It's just a game, there is no insight into people's hearts." Zhu Pingan shook his head with a smile, then pointed to the poem left by Wang Shizhen on the table, "Wen Sheng's "Qin Bing Xing" is much better than my game, But Wen Sheng, you are too sharp. You and I understand the truth, but now is not the time for me to speak up. The so-called gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to act."

"What Zihou said is exactly what I want to say. It doesn't matter in front of us, but Wen Sheng needs to be more careful in front of other people. At this moment, the strict party is powerful, so don't compete with it. Be careful not to hurt the tiger, but to be eaten Wait for the future, when the time is right, and then draw it slowly." Zhang Siwei added a few more words after Zhu Ping'an's voice fell behind.

  Wang Shizhen sighed and nodded, "Don't worry, I'm just talking in front of you."

   After lunch, Zhu Ping'an and Zhang Siwei sent Wang Shizhen to Dali Temple, and then they returned to the Imperial Academy. When they arrived at the Hanlin Academy, Zhang Siwei went back to his office to deal with matters, and Zhu Pingan went back to Zangshuge to continue his great cause of arranging bookshelves.

  At about three o’clock in the afternoon, a few little Huangmen came from the Imperial Academy, and brought rewards from the palace to the Imperial Academy, not gold, silver and jewelry, nor honorary titles, just seven hats.

  These seven hats were awarded to Hanlin who went to Xiyuan to write couplets this morning, that is, Zhu Pingan and the others.

   After receiving the hat, Zhu Pingan felt that the reward from Emperor Jiajing was very perfunctory. This hat was clearly the hat worn by some Taoist priests during the fasting ceremony today.

  This hat is somewhat similar to a crown. I don’t know if it is the same style as the agarwood leaf crown that Emperor Jiajing bestowed on Yan Song, Xia Yan and other ministers recorded in the history books. This hat is black. Black corresponds to water in the five elements. It is probably Taoism's worship of water. Taoism respects water because water is good and beneficial.

After delivering the rewards, the little Huangmen also brought several sheets of finely mounted paper. The couplets and Qingci written on the paper were all selected from the couplet Qingci used in today's fasting ceremony. Emperor Jiajing's private seal, that is to say, the couplets and Qingci above are all approved by Emperor Jiajing.

   "My lord, please file according to the usual practice." Xiao Huangmen handed the framed paper to Li Chunfang.

   Li Chunfang nodded, stretched out his hands and took it respectfully. It is customary to archive the selected couplets and Qingci in the Zhaijiao, so Li Chunfang naturally understands. After Li Chunfang accepted the little yellow gate, he waved his fly whisk to say goodbye and returned to Xiyuan.

  After leaving the small yellow gate, the Hanlin in the hall urged Li Chunfang to open the paper to see what couplets and green words had entered Emperor Jiajing's longan.

   Naturally, Li Chunfang would not disregard the wishes of the people, and spread out the exquisitely framed paper in her hand on the table for everyone to watch. A total of ten couplets and two Qingci were included in the archive, and whoever wrote it was also recorded in the volume, so that everyone can see it clearly at a glance.

  There are two green poems at the beginning, and the first one is Yuan Wei's, which makes Yuan Wei very proud, and his complacency is written all over his face.

   Under the praise of everyone, Yuan Wei glanced at Zhu Pingan at a 45-degree angle, and the corner of his mouth slightly twitched. See, this is me, Yuan Wei! You Zhu Ping'an, no!

  However, when Li Chunfang started the second article, Yuan Wei's eyes were a little strange. The second article was written by Zhu Ping'an.

  It’s okay, it’s okay, I am the first Qing Ci, and the Holy One admires the first one the most, so how can Zhu Ping’an’s second one compare to myself.

  Yuan Wei comforted himself for a moment, and his mood got better again.

  However, when Li Chunfang unfolded the third piece of paper, Yuan Wei couldn't calm down anymore, his eyes almost popped out, and his mouth felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

   Of these ten couplets, Zhu Pingan actually took up three of them alone, and they were still the first three! I was just entered into a couplet, and it was still behind!

  If that's the only way, Yuan Wei wouldn't be like this!

In this first couplet, Zhu Pingan used his own pair of "Luoshui Xuangui Chu Xianrui, the number of yin is nine, the number of yang is nine, and the number of ninety-nine is eighty-one. , I sincerely feel; Qishan Danfeng has two auspicious, males sing six, females sing six, six six thirty-six, the sound is heard in the sky, the emperor of Jiajing was born, and his life is boundless", but it was changed by him! The change is relatively large, and the change is very successful!

"The grass of yarrow is written in writing, the number of days is five, the number of places is five, and the number of five, five and twenty-five. Numbers are born in the Tao. Six, the Yin sound six, six six thirty-six, the voice is heard in the sky, the emperor Jiajing was born, and the emperor ruled for thousands of years."

If it was just this couplet, Yuan Wei could still ridicule Zhu Pingan for frying his own cold rice, but the latter two couplets were original by Zhu Pingan, and the second couplet "Long Fei forty-five years" "It is completely comparable to my own couplet, which made Yuan Wei unable to even sneer.

  How do you think that Zhu Ping'an is deliberately mocking and provoking himself!

  In the past, I, Yuan Wei, used to show off every time I had a feast, but today I am so depressed.

  (end of this chapter)

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