Rise From the Humble

Chapter 432: way home

  Chapter 432 The way home

   "Hey, Zhu Ping'an, you haven't forgotten what I told you about going home last time."

   Li Shu naturally sat in front of Zhu Pingan's desk, flipping through the manuscripts written by Zhu Pingan, and asked casually while flipping through them.

"Remember, our Xinjin Hanlin will be on vacation in two days. Just let me know when you leave. I have already packed my things." Zhu Pingan chewed his breakfast and looked at Li Shu who was opposite , nodded with some inarticulate words.

  Under the hazy and flickering candlelight, Li Shu's delicate and beautiful face added a bit of temptation, bright red lips, fair and delicate skin, coupled with her innate feminine temperament, she was like a pearl, shining like a beautiful jade.

  The ancients said: Looking at the mountains upstairs, the snow at the top of the city, the flowers in front of the lamp, and the beauties under the moon, it is a scene.

   Sincerity does not deceive me.

   Li Shu under the candlelight is so stunning. If it is modern, this kind of Bai Fumei can only be the existence of her own licking screen at the beginning, and there is no possibility of any intersection in reality. Such a figure, face, temperament, etc., all meet the requirements of the goddess in my dream.

Heart of beauty in everyone

   It's impossible to say that she doesn't have any thoughts about Li Shu.

  However, thinking of Li Shu's self-willedness, savagery, and viciousness, I can only stay away from it. This cup is my favorite, but the tea in the cup is not my cup of tea.

   "Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" Li Shu covered her chest with the scroll in her hand, baring her small canine teeth and said fiercely.

   Sure enough, such a wayward little girl is not cute at all. Didn’t it mean that the ancient ladies and Xiaojiabiyu were all gentle, delicate, elegant and delicate, why this girl is like a modern sassy girlfriend.

  If you look at her temper and personality alone, she looks like an aborigine, but this girl seems to be dressed in clothes!

  However, Zhu Pingan also knows Li Shu well. This girl is an authentic Daming girl, and this temper is completely spoiled by the rich man Li and her brothers.

Zhu Pingan squished his mouth and chewed the food in his mouth for a while, ignoring Li Shu who was facing him with small canine teeth, which made Li Shu feel like he had hit the cotton with his fist, so he had to give Zhu Pingan a hard look .

  When Zhu Pingan lowered his head and continued to deal with breakfast, he heard Li Shu who was opposite him speak again.

   "Hey, the route home has changed a little bit." Li Shu put down the book, looked at Zhu Ping'an and said.

   "Have you changed to a land route?"

  Route changed? Zhu Pingan was a little surprised. Could it be that water transport has been changed to land transport? If it is land transport, you have to ride a horse or a carriage. Even if the arrangement is properly arranged, it will take at least ten days of bumps. This is more expensive than water transport through the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal. Much tired.

"No, it was my uncle who was appointed yesterday as the admiral of Yingtian Zuojun's governor's mansion Caojiang and the leader of the water army's left guard." When Li Shu said this, she saw Zhu Pingan, who was eating on the opposite side, suddenly spouted rice, as if holding back a smile. .

   Zhu Pingan on the opposite side endured very hard.

  When Li Shu said that his uncle Li Tingzhu had been appointed Admiral of Caojiang, Zhu Pingan was caught off guard and couldn't help spraying rice. Fortunately, he turned in time and sprayed the rice on the open space.

   Admiral Cao Jiang

What a domineering official name. When we were joking around in the modern dormitory, our friends used to give each other some dirty island country names, such as Okazaka Daywear, Masao, etc. name.

  However, when he heard Li Shu's uncle's official name, Zhu Pingan felt that he and others were too pure back then.

  Admiral Cao Jiang, this is an admiral that even Jiang will not let go of, what a domineering ah.

  Of course, Zhu Ping’an also knew that Admiral Cao Jiang’s official position was set as a kind of admiral, but his first reaction was to think dirty.

   "What are you doing, Zhu Pingan?!" Seeing this, Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a hard look.

   "No, I just choked, you continue to talk." Zhu Pingan shook his head, the corner of his mouth was still twitching.

   Li Shu's uncle was appointed as the governor of Yingtian Zuojun's governor's mansion Caojiang and the leader of the water army's left guard. This was expected by Zhu Pingan. It seems that Li Tingzhu was mainly an official in Nanjing from now on. This Zuojun Dudufu is one of the Dudufu of the Five Armies of the Ming Dynasty. The Dudufu of the Five Armies includes the Dudufu of the Front Army, the Dudufu of the Rear Army, the Dudufu of the Left Army, the Dudufu of the Right Army, and the Dudufu of the Central Army. The Dudufu of the Five Armies is like a modern division of military regions, and the Dudufu of the Left Army is in charge of the southern Zhili area. During the Jiajing period, the official position of admiral was not a specific official position. Admirals and other positions in the Beijing camp were mostly served by ministers of honor and relatives and eunuchs.

  However, Zhu Pingan is still a little puzzled about what his uncle's appointment as Admiral Ying Tiancao Jiang has to do with changing the course.

"Hmph, my uncle is the admiral of Yingtiancao River and the left guard of the water army, and because His Majesty temporarily lifted the sea ban and issued an imperial decree to allow official ships to sail along the coast, my uncle plans to go south along the sea by boat to familiarize himself with the hydrology of the coast. It will be convenient for the navy to perform after taking office. So, this time we will go by sea instead, and we will take a very large ship." Li Shu snorted and explained to Zhu Ping'an.


   I didn’t expect that yesterday’s sea ban would come to fruition so quickly. Just like what Yan Shifan said last night, the sea ban was temporarily lifted. Unexpectedly, Li Shu's uncle was appointed as the admiral of Caojiang and the left guard of the water army at this time. It seems that Li Shu's uncle got on the line of Yan Song and his son.

  Large shipping ships are still very unfamiliar to the people of Ming Dynasty at this time, but to Zhu Pingan, it has long been no surprise. Aircraft carriers have come out in modern society, let alone you, a small sea ship of Ming Dynasty.

  The sea ban policy will definitely be repeated in the near future. Taking advantage of the temporary relaxation of the sea ban, it would be great to see the original ecological sea of ​​Ming Dynasty. The sea in modern society has been polluted too much by chemicals and modern garbage. The original ecological sea in Daming must be extremely beautiful.

   "Well, yes." So Zhu Ping'an nodded happily.

   Seeing Zhu Pingan's quick response without even thinking about it, Li Shu was a little surprised, but she was still very happy in her heart. It must be a lot more interesting to go home with Zhu Pingan, a stinky toad.

  Thinking of the blue sky, white clouds, blue sea, and a stinky toad, Li Shu couldn't help but want to set off in the blink of an eye.

After talking about going home, Li Shu calmed down, sitting quietly at the desk and reading Zhu Ping's manuscript. The only sound in the room was Zhu Ping's chewing. Whenever she heard this sound, Li Shu Always raised the corners of his mouth.

This morning's breakfast was very rich, and the taste was the familiar taste of the Li family chef. Zhu Ping'an had a delicious breakfast, said goodbye to Li Shu and the little maid, and then went to the stables to take the black horse that killed Matt and went all the way to the Imperial Academy and go.

  When Zhu Ping'an arrived at the Imperial Academy, there were only two officials in the Imperial Academy, both of whom were on duty last night. Seeing that Zhu Ping'an came so early, the two of them were not surprised. In recent days, Zhu Ping'an had come so early.

  Why are you here so early? Why not read a book and drink tea?

  The two looked at Zhu Ping'an's figure walking quickly towards the library, and shook their heads.

  (end of this chapter)

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