Rise From the Humble

Chapter 428: Zhang Juzheng's Ambition

  Chapter 428 Zhang Juzheng's Ambition

  Zhu Ping'an returned the salute to everyone one by one, and then under the booing of several Hanlin, Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to agree with a smile and invited everyone to have a meal at the place where they had dinner last night.

  The number one scholar in his teens, was promoted to a higher rank within a few days after joining the Imperial Academy, and Zhu Pingan became the upstart of the Imperial Academy for a while. Several Hanlins talked and laughed and followed Zhu Pingan to Zangshu Pavilion, saying that they wanted to help Zhu Pingan sort out the books and classics. Zhu Ping'an is already a sixth-rank official at this moment, and there are only five people in the Imperial Academy who are higher than Zhu Pingan's official position, including Dean Li Moli who basically does not come to the Imperial Academy, so some interested people in the Imperial Academy regard Zhu Pingan as a political investment.

  Looking at Zhu Pingan in the center of the crowd, Zhang Juzheng stood still with a smile on his face.

It has to be said that when Zhang Juzheng first heard the news of Zhu Ping's promotion, Zhang Juzheng still had a rippling in his heart. He joined the Imperial Academy as a Shujishi, but Shujishi was not an official official position, so he stayed in the Hanlin Academy for a whole time. It took three years, and three years of dedication and dedication before I was appointed as a seventh-rank editor!

  Looking at Zhu Ping'an again, when he first came to the Hanlin Academy, he edited from the sixth rank, and now he has been promoted to a rank in just three days, and has become a regular sixth rank attendant.

  I worked hard for three years before I got my first official official position, and I was promoted to a higher level in three days.

  People are not plants, nor are they sages. In contrast, how can there be no ideas in the heart.

  However, Zhang Juzheng was Zhang Juzheng, and there was only a slight ripple in his heart, and it was silent again in a second. He calmly looked at Zhu Pingan, who was in the center of the crowd, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

   Isn't Yuan Wei also promoted quickly, with a wonderful pen and brilliant words.

   Now how about one more poem to appetize.

  Looking at Zhu Pingan who was surrounded by everyone, and looking at his colleagues who were joking and laughing as they headed for the Library Pavilion, Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but evoked a smile:

  Officials are full of catering to the wind, and they don't hear the suffering of the people. Many people are very good at singing praises and virtues. Although the building is about to collapse at this moment, they can sing and dance.

In everyone's writings, what is presented to His Majesty is hard-working, loving the people, singing and dancing, and the world is good, but how many of these people know that the local government is in danger at this moment? , the people's grievances are about to boil, and if things go on like this, the great summer may fall.

  However, I, Zhang Juzheng, are different.

   Qingci, poetry, if I don't know how to write, I really disdain it. I have read the books of sages and sages for more than ten years, read thousands of volumes of good policies for governing the country, and studied thousands of books.

  I can see clearly the current court situation.

  Government is based on obtaining talents, and the country thrives on appointing talents? Promote talent with virtue, appoint people with virtue? Hehehe, if it is really a matter of using talents and abilities, how can Yan Shifan, a person who has never taken the imperial examination, be able to serve as the minister of the Ministry of Industry? As for the current Imperial Academy, it is even more a joke, and it is not unknown how much money he gave.

  This kind of situation is not a good time to stand up.

  Emperor Jiajing was obsessed with alchemy, while Yan Song was timid and cautious, seeking nothing but mistakes. After Yan Song took charge of the cabinet, the court was no longer what it used to be. How many virtuous people could not be used, and how many treacherous officials celebrated with each other.

   Yan Song won't fall, so what if you get promoted to one level, two levels, three levels, and four levels.

  Hide your strengths and bide your time...

  This is what suits you best.

  Hiding one's strength and biding one's time today, one will plan for it in the future. What he wants is not a simple promotion. Zhang Juzheng turned his attention to the sun that is gradually slanting west outside the house—the old sunset will always be replaced by the rising sun!

As the sun set, the Hanlins who had worked for a day also ushered in the end of get off work, because Zhu Ping'an was promoted to a higher level and agreed to treat guests, and the Hanlins took Zhu Pingan to the place where they had dinner last time after work. Zhu Ping'an was slaughtered.

   Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong didn't participate because there was still work to be done in Prince Yu's Mansion.

   Just as Zhu Ping'an and the others sat down, there was an uninvited guest who didn't ask to stop. However, none of the Hanlin present here has any objections, on the contrary, there are a few, such as Yuan Wei and others, who are not enthusiastic, as if they met their own father.

"Hehehe, Congratulations Zihou, I'll make you happy." Yan Shifan walked over with a big belly and smiled, walked to the front of the crowd, patted a Hanlin sitting on Zhu Ping'an's right hand, and put the Hanlin Squeeze away from the seat, and sit down.

  Yuan Wei and others served tea and poured water, and asked the proprietress to add more dishes. They were not enthusiastic.

   "Where is it, Mr. Yan is really disheartened. Mr. Yan came here, and the official did not go far to welcome him. Please forgive me." Zhu Pingan got up from the table and bowed his hands to Yan Shifan to apologize.

   "What's your name, Master Yan? I don't know it." Yan Shifan took the tea handed by Yuan Wei, took a sip, and laughed.

  Yan Shifan has a generous personality, and he has been domineering for a day or two. Zhu Pingan doesn't want to offend this guy because of his title.

   "Then let's call him Donglou Gong." Zhu Ping'an insisted.

   "You, well, do as you like." Yan Shifan chuckled.

At this moment, from the corner of Zhu Ping's eyes, he saw Li Mo's group passing by the door. He was going to sit in the bakery opposite, but after seeing Yan Shifan and Zhu Pingan talking and laughing, he saw Li Mo's face darkened. , cursed a bad luck, and led the crowd away.

  Yan Shifan should know, although he didn't turn his head to look, but when he heard the footsteps leaving, it was obvious that the smile on Yan Shifan's fat face became wider.

   Uh, well, now Li Mo will be classified as a strict party.

  Look at Yan Shifan's smile again, if Zhu Pinganjue's Yan Shifan didn't do it on purpose, he would be evil!

"The shop recently has a new batch of mutton. I wonder if you adults are interested in trying it?" The proprietress of the shop twisted her willow waist and entered the private room, directing several maids to place plates of dishes on the table. Looking at the crowd with a smile, he asked.

   "You're going to serve a few more delicious mutton dishes." Zhu Pingan replied immediately, after all, he couldn't be stingy when he was entertaining guests.

   "Is your mutton smelly?"

  Yan Shifan looked at the charming proprietress, his eyes lit up, and he got up with a smile, walked up to the proprietress and asked.

   "My lord wants mutton, my slave will give you mutton, if your lord doesn't want mutton, my slave won't make it for you." The proprietress's voice was full of charm.

   "Hehehe, of course it needs to be cooked, and the proprietress needs to cook by yourself."

   Yan Shifan said with a pleasant smile, then patted and closed his one-eyed eyes in satisfaction.

   "My lord hates it~" the proprietress gave a coquettish voice, twisted her willow waist and ran away shyly, "My lord is like this, I need to put more salt."

   "Women are beautiful only when they are coquettish, and mutton is fragrant only when they are smelly."

  Yan Shifan looked at the proprietress's back, laughed loudly, then raised his right hand that he had patted just now, and sniffed it for a long time.

   "Let me tell you Zihou, you have to taste this mutton today. It has a bit of mutton smell and a bit of coquettishness from the proprietress. This mutton is truly a masterpiece!"

  After sitting down, Yan Shifan put his hand on Zhu Ping'an's shoulder, and recommended without any regard for his image.

  (end of this chapter)

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