Rise From the Humble

Chapter 422: Summon

  Chapter 422 summoned

  The ministers in the hall were still arguing about whether to relax or tighten the sea ban, but Emperor Jiajing, who was sitting high on the dragon chair, was flipping through the books in his hand, looking for the sentence quoted in the minister's debate just now.

  Huang Jin, who was waiting by the side, secretly let out a sigh of relief, and the Holy Majesty's anger gradually subsided.

   Soon Emperor Jiajing read what the ministers had just quoted. After reading it, he pursed his lips in disdain, then closed the book, and watched the ministers arguing with great interest.

   It's good to fight. If you don't fight, how can I control you.

  Under the gaze of Emperor Jiajing, these ministers were even more bloody, blushing and thick-necked, citing various supporting materials for the strict prohibition or relaxation of the ban they advocated.

"Nowadays, whether we are troubled by the frontier or the Japanese rebellion, and recently the unruly people in Shandong and other places gathered together to rebel, the reason is actually related to the word "money". Without money, the frontier army's food and logistics are tight, and they cannot resist Mongolia. I answer: without money, the coastal defenses are tense, and the Japanese pirates cannot be wiped out; without money, in times of floods, droughts and locust disasters, there is no way to relieve disasters... If I have plenty of money and food in the dynasty, and suffer from Japanese rebellion and other minor diseases such as scabies, I am wise on the Holy One Under the leadership, the world will be peaceful." An official in Yan Song's camp said loudly.

   "What do you think?" An official answered Li Mo's side.

   "Reopening the city ship, the official tax system."

The official from Yan Song's camp said categorically, and then became more and more excited as he talked, "The tax system revenue is twice that of other systems. As far as the Southern Song Dynasty is concerned, the Southern Song Dynasty was in a corner, and the fertile land in the north was occupied by Hulu. But why did the Southern Song Dynasty It can last for more than a hundred years, because the city ship created a lot of taxes and blood transfusions in the Southern Song Dynasty, so it can last. As far as I know, in the Southern Song Dynasty, the two cities of Fujian and Guangzhou alone earned two million yuan in interest every year. If all the city boats enter, the annual interest will be tens of millions. The entry of the city boat alone can double the tax revenue of our court."

   "It's absurd. The Japanese pirates caused the disaster to Shibo. There has been a public opinion for a long time. If you let your hype go, for the safety of our dynasty, Shibo must not be reopened." Li Mo flicked his sleeves and accused with a dark face.

  When Li Mo got angry, some people on Yan Song's side couldn't help but feel a little scared. Li Mo is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who holds the power to promote officials. Old Yan Ge gave him three points of courtesy, let alone us.

   "Market ships have the most benefits. If they are handled properly, the income will be in the millions. Wouldn't it be better for the people? The Southern Song Dynasty was weak, and the market ships did not harm the security of the country, let alone the benefits of our dynasty's armored soldiers."

  Others are afraid of Li Mo, but Yan Shifan is not afraid at all, and retorted with a sneer as soon as Li Mo finished speaking.

Emperor Jiajing listened seriously at this moment. Emperor Jiajing was very interested in what the courtier said just now about the income of the Song Dynasty. The annual income of the Ming Dynasty was only more than 20 million guan. He did not expect the Southern Dynasty, which only occupied the southern part of the Pian'an Dynasty. Well, the yearly income of the Shibo Department alone can reach tens of millions, which is almost equivalent to all the taxes of my Ming dynasty. What if I also opened a Shibo Department?

  Thinking of this, Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but brighten his eyes. Let alone double the tax, it would increase by half. It would be much easier to govern the country by himself. In addition, with the increase in taxes, there will be more money for alchemy.

Ever since, Emperor Jiajing's eyes became brighter the more he thought about it. In order to obtain more accurate data from the Southern Song Dynasty Shipbuilding Department, Emperor Jiajing wrote another small note and asked Huang Jin to send someone to the Imperial Academy, and asked the Imperial Academy to send the Southern Song Dynasty City Shipyard to the Imperial Academy. The relevant classics on the income of the shipping department and the annual revenue of the Southern Song Dynasty are ready to be presented.

   It was Xiao Huangmen who had just delivered the note, and this time he rushed to the Hanlin Academy again with the note written by Emperor Jiajing.

   When Xiao Huangmen returned to the Imperial Academy with the note, Yuan Wei's eyes were crooked.

In Yuan Wei's opinion, this small note must be like the "sweet and sour fish is better with rice" written by Emperor Jiajing last time. It is natural for a book to be praised.

  However, when Yuan Wei actually saw the words on the note, he couldn't help laughing.

it is good

  The note reads, "Look up the information of the Southern Song Dynasty Shipping Department."

   This is to find classics again.

  Okay, just now Zhu Pingan had the best luck, and happened to see the two books that the Holy Majesty was looking for. Not only did he escape, but he also made great contributions.

  Hmph, this time I'm looking for information about Shishi Shipsi in the Southern Song Dynasty.

  Seeing you, Zhu Pingan, what should I do this time? ! This time, the holy scriptures did not specify it. It depends on what you, Zhu Ping'an, can do.

  Looking at the words on the small note, Yuan Wei finally felt relieved, and the depression was swept away, replaced by a deep sense of relief.

  Like last time, Yuan Wei once again followed Xiao Huangmen to Zangshu Pavilion where Zhu Ping'an was located, followed by many Hanlin officials.

"Shibosi, let me think about it. It seems that there is an ancient book called "Haitu Gemyu", but I don't know where this book is now in the corner of the library." After getting Zhu Ping'an's note, he suggested to Zhu Ping'an.

   "I also remember that there is a bound edition of "Southern Song Dynasty Taxation Strategy" that seems to have a record of the taxation of the Shibo Division.."

   "There is also a book called "Southern Song Dynasty Shihuo Zhi". I seem to have seen it on the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion in the early years, but it has been a long time. I don't remember which bookshelf it is in. I only remember that it is on the east side of the second floor."

   From time to time, someone offered advice to Zhu Ping'an's ear, and after a while, more than N classics were recommended. However, although there were many recommended books, they didn't know that the books they recommended were lying in the corner of Zangshu Pavilion.

  Yuan Wei looked at this scene and smiled secretly, yes, that's right, that's it.

   "Thank you, dear friends. If you don't mind, please sit in the pavilion and have a cup of thin tea." Zhu Pingan interrupted the voices of the Hanlin recommending books, and invited them to go to the Zangshu Pavilion for a cup of tea.


  When we are stupid, you will invite us to drink tea, and you will definitely ask us to find books for you later, no, no.

  Therefore, Hanlins declined one after another.

   Seeing this, the corners of Yuan Wei's mouth curled up, opened up more brilliantly.

  But before Yuan Wei's good mood lasted, Zhu Pingan repeated his words and actions from last time, cupped his hands and thanked him, and then entered the library again.

  This time, I heard Zhu Pingan's footsteps going upstairs.

   "Ahem, guess, Master Zhu has seen similar classics by chance?"

  The Hanlin officials looked at each other, unable to accept it for a while, a Hanlin official could not help but say something with a red face.

Impossible, it won't be such a coincidence every time, **** luck is a fluke every time, how can it be **** lucky every time, everyone deeply agrees with this, and feels that Zhu Ping'an this time Probably, probably, to be reasonable, probably not.

  However, not long after, Zhu Ping'an came out with a thick book in his arms.

   Crow Mouth!

  Thus, all the Hanlin officials turned their eyes to the Hanlin official who spoke just now. Unexpectedly, Zhu Pingan found out the book so easily as he said.

"This Yongle Encyclopedia is the detailed information about the Southern Song Dynasty Shipping Department. I put a bookmark here, and the bookmark starts with the records of the Southern Song Dynasty Shipping Department. Thank you, Father-in-Law." Zhu Pingan handed the classic to the young man Huangmen pointed to a bookmark with Yingluo in this thick book and reminded Xiaohuangmen.

   "Your Majesty Zhu is too polite, so our family will go back to life." Xiao Huangmen said politely after receiving the classics handed over by Zhu Ping'an, and then left with the thick classics carefully.

"Oh, I guessed that there must be a record of Shibosi in the Yongle Canon, so I tried to find out according to the Hongwu Zhengyun. I really found it. There happened to be a record of Shibosi in the Yongle Canon. Annual income is readily available.”

  Zhu Ping'an explained this to the curious Hanlin officials outside the door.

   Uh, the Yongle Dadian, yes, the Yongle Dadian covers everything, so how could there be no Shibo Division?

   All the imperial officials suddenly realized after hearing the words, it turned out to be okay, and they were a little convinced by Zhu Pingan's quick response.

  Yuan Wei once again had a gloomy face, and walked back to his position with strides, his face was so dark that water dripped out. Such a kid can no longer stay in the Hanlin Academy!

If Emperor Jiajing was a little surprised to find a book just now, then when Xiao Huangmen returned to the Xiyuan Hall with this volume of Yongle Encyclopedia to return to his life, Emperor Jiajing was very surprised. He did not expect the efficiency of the Imperial Academy to become so outstanding Yes, they are completely different from before.

If looking for a book last time just aroused Emperor Jiajing's heartstrings, then looking for a book this time is enough to arouse Emperor Jiajing's interest. Let Huang Jin call the little yellow gate to ask a few questions.

  Facing Emperor Jiajing's inquiry, Xiao Huangmen didn't hide anything, and told Emperor Jiajing everything he had seen and heard, including the Hanlin Academy, Zangshu Pavilion, and Zhu Ping'an.

   "Interesting, interesting, it turned out to be my number one scholar. Huang Ban delivered the decree, ordering Zhu Pingan to have an audience, and I will reward him well." After hearing this, Emperor Jiajing opened his mouth with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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