Rise From the Humble

Chapter 416: looking hungry

  Chapter 416 I'm Hungry

   "This isn't poetry at all. Dong Weng next door is still good at champion!"

  After reading the second poem written by Zhu Pingan, an official of the Hanlin Academy felt bad. He shook his head and sighed. He felt that Zhu Pingan's poem had lowered the overall standard of the Imperial Academy.

  Other officials also stared sideways, and some couldn't appreciate Zhu Pingan's soy sauce masterpiece.

   Just as the crowd booed, they heard a discordant stomach growl coming from the crowd.

   Goo. Boom.


  Everyone turned their heads to follow the track of the sound, and then found a Hanlin official in his thirties looking at everyone with a slightly embarrassed blushing face.

"Ahem, I'm sorry everyone, um, I forgot to eat while I was studying history books at noon, and I feel a little hungry after reading these two poems written by Master Zhu." The Hanlin official in his thirties covered his stomach with one hand and Pointing to the masterpiece written by Zhu Ping'an, he explained with some embarrassment.

   Are you hungry? !

This Hanlin official was telling the truth. He was recently in charge of compiling the history of the Song Dynasty. When he finished compiling the shame of Jingkang in the morning, his mind sank into it and he couldn't extricate himself. Appetite, sat there for a long time in a daze.

However, after reading Zhu Ping'an's first poem at this time, he had an appetite. After the second poem, he couldn't help coveting his internal organs for braised pork with bamboo shoots, fish head, crab, and stewed chicken. Until the last thud. God knows how long he endured it and still couldn't hold it back.

  Although there was an episode called the stomach, the officials of the Imperial Academy did not change much about Zhu Ping'an's poems.

   Zhu Ping'an had expected everyone's gaze, but he didn't take it seriously. The poems and songs are just jokes, besides, the request from Emperor Jiajing is for the poems with appetite, just for the poems with appetite, these words have a strong unorthodox feeling, serious poems Song Fu entrusts things to express one's will, borrows the scenery to express emotions, who will stimulate your appetite!

  So, as long as you have an appetite, it doesn’t matter what kind of style it is.

   "Actually, I have made some other jokes before, but they are not poems. It is right to make His Majesty laugh. Oh, of course they are also very good."

Zhu Pingan was calm and unaffected by the sighs, and smiled and put the brush on the inkstone again and dipped it in thick ink again. Lines of calligraphy that can be called masters of calligraphy appeared on the rice paper. A gem of art. But what is it written about!

  “Yu Xi Wandering in the Sea: Sweet and Sour Fish

  Junxi Flying the Sky Spicy Wings

   One afternoon

  The king came to the water and asked Yu, saying:

  I and You

  Which is more for dinner"

   What are these, my eyes are blind, this is more than a joke, it feels like our own jokes are hundreds of times more serious than this!

  However, it seems, it seems, after reading it, people want to eat a sweet and sour fish and a spicy fin.

   Goo. Boom.

   You don’t need to look at it to know that Hanlin’s stomach growled again without having lunch, and he must be hungry again after being watched by sweet and sour fish and spicy fins.

   Indeed, Zhu Ping'an's poem does not have extraordinary literary talent, but it is full of appetite.

This food-style poem is also a poem by Zhu Ping'an, a young foodie poet in Henan's third year of high school on the Internet, "I am a sweet and sour fish roaming freely in the sea, and you are a spicy wing root flying freely in the sky. , you flew to the surface of the water and asked me: "Who is it between you and me, who is better to eat?""

  Of course, Zhu Ping’an has translated this poem into words. After all, vernacular Chinese is very popular in modern times, but it doesn’t work in Da Ming Chinese.

  Huang Jin put away all the poems of everyone present, and put Zhu Ping'an's poems at the end, and then took these poems to Xiyuan without stopping for a moment. Huang Jin couldn't wait for Emperor Jiajing to read these poems, presumably the Holy Majesty would have a good appetite after reading them.

  After Huang Jin left, Zhu Ping'an didn't take those few poems he wrote seriously anymore. Although he had an appetite when reading these food-style poems in modern times, there is no guarantee that Emperor Jiajing would like them.

  So, after finishing writing, Zhu Pingan pretended that nothing had happened, returned to Zangshuge where he worked, and began to slowly sort out the books.

   When it comes to organizing books, Zhu Pingan has an advantage that others can hardly match, that is, super strong memory. Although Zhu Pingan does not have a photographic memory, it is almost rare. After reading it, nine out of ten can remember it. Zhu Pingan temporarily emptied the first bookshelf, then wrote a note and pasted it on the bookshelf.

  Zhu Ping’an has already written a lot of exquisite notes. These notes are like the bookshelf labels of modern libraries, but instead of pinyin and numbers, they use classics and history sub-collections and Hongwu rhymes.

Zhu Pingan decided to rearrange the books on the first and second floors according to the way of modern libraries. Of course, this is a heavy task, but with Zhu Pingan's super strong memory, it may not take too long to complete it. Of course not too short.

After Zhu Pingan emptied the first bookshelf, he began to browse through the vast number of books in front of the bookshelves on the first floor, and put each book he saw in the order of Hongwu Zhengyun in the classics and history subsets. On a clearing.

  Zhu Ping’an’s reading speed is very fast

  In the words of Lao Li who was sweeping the floor aside, Zhu Ping’s reading speed was like moving books.

In Lao Li's eyes, Zhu Ping'an reads like this. He stands in front of the bookshelf and flips through the books one by one. It takes only a few seconds for each book. After reading it, Zhu Ping'an starts to move books out, one after another Book. It looks random, but the location of each book is different, and soon a shelf of books will be moved.

   Except for five books that Zhu Pingan put on the first shelf, the rest were placed in the open space.

  After Zhu Pingan emptied the second bookshelf, he went to another written label, pasted the label on the second bookshelf, and then took seven books from the open space and arranged them on this bookshelf.

After finishing, Zhu Pingan walked to the third bookshelf, and then read the books on this shelf in less than ten minutes under Lao Li's shocked eyes, and then moved the books, each book according to the rules After putting them back together, several books were placed on the first and second shelves.

  After the third bookshelf was emptied, Zhu Pingan put another label on this bookshelf, and nearly ten more books were placed on this bookshelf.

After sorting out the five bookshelves, Zhu Ping moved his sore hands, then shook his neck, poured himself a cup of hot tea, picked up a book he was interested in, and sat on the seat to read it while drinking tea. Just take a break.

  (end of this chapter)

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