Rise From the Humble

Chapter 414: Sudden St. uploads a piece of paper

  Chapter 414 St. Suddenly Wen uploaded a piece of paper

  After Zhou Houjie left, it was time for lunch in the Hanlin Academy. The Imperial Academy also had a public chef, who provided different levels of lunch according to the rank of the officials. Of course, they were all free of charge. Zhu Ping'an was honored by his grade, and had one more meat dish for lunch than Zhang Siwei, and the two cooperated to eat together.

  Although the Hanlin Academy has a public kitchen, it has no public dormitory, no place to take a nap, and only one duty room with two beds, but this belongs to the duty person. After lunch, Zhu Pingan went back to Zangshu Pavilion, found a sunny window in Zangshu Pavilion, moved a chair, reclined and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

  The sun shines on the body, warm and very comfortable, there is a feeling of returning to Xiahe Village and basking in the sun with the breeze blowing by the river.

  Xiahe Village

   After about a week of work, there will be a two-month long vacation for the new official to take office. During the two-month vacation, I can spend a good time in Xiahe Village for a while.

  Thinking about it, Zhu Ping'an slowly fell asleep. In his sleep, his mother, Mrs. Chen, cooked another pot of fragrant chicken soup, and his father hunted two wild rabbits from the mountain, and he was processing them with his eldest brother by the well.

   "Hey, Zihou, wake up"

Just when Zhu Pingan was about to feast on the fragrant muscles stewed by his mother, he was awakened by Zhang Siwei's broken gong voice. At that time, I realized that my head was almost turned into a rattle by Zhang Siwei.

   "Dizzy, you are going to murder." Zhu Pingan rubbed his eyes and looked at Zhang Siwei speechlessly.

   "What are you murdering? Get up and go to the hall with me. A piece of paper has been sent from the Holy Spirit." Zhang Siwei explained concisely and walked quickly to the front hall.

  A piece of paper from the holy upload?

  What is the purpose of sending the pieces of paper from Emperor Jiajing to the Imperial Academy, uh, maybe it’s because I’m looking for books now, I haven’t had time to sort them in the Zangshu Pavilion, Zhu Ping’an feels a little uneasy.

  When he arrived in the front hall, Zhu Ping'an knew why Zhang Siwei was in such a hurry, because it was not an ordinary **** who passed the paper on behalf of the saint, but Huang Jin, Eunuch Huang, a big celebrity next to Emperor Jiajing. This Huang Jin is very trusted by Emperor Jiajing's side. An edict was drafted in front of the Imperial Academy yesterday. The edict is about Huang Jin. In the edict, Huang Jin was named "Eunuch of the Imperial Envoy Governor Dongchang Official School". This official position The abbreviation is "Admiral Dongchang", and the honorific title is "Factory Lord" or "Supervisor", that is, the leader of Congdong Factory. Huang Jin, the emperor's confidant and the head of Dongchang, personally sent the small piece of paper of Emperor Jiajing, which must be a very urgent matter, and it is no wonder that Zhang Siwei is so anxious.

   "Why does Mr. Huang need to be pedantic and respectful, just send someone here." Yuan Wei walked forward to talk to Huang Jin with a smile.

   "Your Majesty Yuan, you are polite. This matter is related to the body of the Holy Dragon. Our family is afraid that those little brats will make a mistake." Huang Jin shook his head, with an anxious look on his face.

When Huang Jin came in person, Yuan Wei, Li Chunfang and the others had already attached great importance to it. Now after hearing what Huang Jin said, and seeing the anxious look on Huang Jin's face, Yuan Wei, Li Chunfang and the others couldn't help muttering in their hearts. Could it be that the dragon is ill? However, if something unexpected happens to the body of the Holy Dragon, you should go to the Tai Hospital. Why did you come to the Imperial Academy?

  Yuan Wei and others were puzzled and worried, not knowing what the note from Emperor Jiajing was.

Zhu Pingan also looked curiously at the torn piece of paper in Huang Jin's hand, but when he saw the material of the paper in Huang Jin's hand clearly, Zhu Ping'an didn't worry much. A piece of rattan paper was torn off. It is estimated that Emperor Jiajing tore a corner and wrote a note when he went to heaven for sacrifice. Emperor Jiajing was still able to perform fasting and offering sacrifices, so it must be no big deal.

  Even if it was a note, everyone in the Imperial Academy knelt down to welcome it. Li Chunfang was the oldest among the highest-ranking officials, so he accepted the note on behalf of the Imperial Academy.

   "Contribute a few poems with appetite."

   When Li Chunfang opened the note and saw clearly the content on the note, the expression on Li Chunfang's face was very surprised.

   Seeing this, Yuan Wei became even more curious. When Li Chunfang passed the note to Yuan Wei, Yuan Wei's expression was almost the same as Li Chunfang's. After Yuan Wei read it, he passed the note to Zhang Juzheng who was beside him, and after Zhang Juzheng read it, he passed the note to the person next to him. Soon everyone in the Imperial Academy read the note.

   Poetry with an appetite? What the hell?

   If it is said to present Qingci, everyone is not curious at all. In the past, Emperor Jiajing would pass pieces of paper to the Imperial Academy from time to time to let Jinxian Qingci. However, this is the first time to present poems with appetite. In other words, what kind of poems are poems with appetite?

"Your Majesty's appetite has been very poor these past few days. We ate some last night, and our family was happy for a long time, but today, we have not eaten a drop of water for breakfast and lunch. Our family is hurting in our eyes. Last night Your Majesty only gained appetite after reading a poem. Today, His Majesty couldn’t stand our family’s persuasion, so he wrote this note while meditating. You are very talented and well-educated. You must write more poems , I will leave the body of the holy dragon to you all." Huang Jin said, bowing heavily to everyone in the Imperial Academy.

   Just kidding, you are the supervisor of the East Factory, who dares to accept your gift. Li Chunfang and the others quickly grabbed Huang Jin, and then patted their chests to promise that they would live up to their trust.

  Your Majesty got your appetite last night because of reading an appetizing poem?

  What kind of poems are called poems with appetite?

No one would think of the poem Zhu Pingan wrote when he was drunk last night, who would think of a semi-nondescript poem at a small banquet with the poem that Emperor Jiajing had a big appetite last night, ahem, In addition, is that called poetry? Vulgar!

  However, although this little piece of paper from Emperor Jiajing is a bit sudden, it still can't help the Hanlin who are talented and well-educated.

  Especially Yuan Wei is more witty and quick-witted, just like when he offered Qingci and Fu, Yuan Wei took up a pen and wrote down a literary poem in almost half a cup of tea:

  The hump of the purple camel comes out of the emerald cauldron, and the disk of the water essence is lined with plain scales;

  The rhinoceros chopsticks are full of meat for a long time, and the luan knife cuts the air;

  Zizi swung his two knives left and right, and the golden plate was flying high with white snow.

  The yellow gate flies away and doesn't move the dust, and the imperial chefs send eight delicacies one after another.

Yuan Wei wrote a poem so quickly, which was beyond everyone's expectations. Several Hanlin people watched Yuan Wei's poems, and they were full of praise for Yuan Wei's poems. , It's like seeing the climax of the chef's craftsmanship, and praise the masterpiece.

  Yuan Wei listened to the praise, looked at Zhu Pingan who hadn't written yet, and couldn't help showing a look of complacency. How can the number one young scholar who has gained a false reputation be comparable to me, Yuan Wei? !

   (PS: Please ignore Du Fu's "Walk with Beauty" and "Watching Fishing Songs", and think that this work started with Yuan Wei.)

  (end of this chapter)

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