Rise From the Humble

Chapter 406: forgotten treasure

  Chapter 406 The Forgotten Treasure

  Zhang Siwei and his fellow villagers sat here for a while and then went back. Although the Imperial Academy is relatively leisurely, drinking tea and watching the mansion report the time passed, but it is still not possible to leave the post for a long time.

After the two left, several people came to visit. After all, Zhu Ping'an's official position was placed there. From the sixth rank, in this huge Hanlin Academy, there are only nine people with higher grades than Zhu Pingan, that is, the head of the academy, the waiter, etc. The grades of the bachelor's degree, the bachelor's degree, and the six-rank degree, and other editing, review, etc. are all lower than Zhu Ping'an's grade.

   These people visit after visit, respect and respect, but the sympathy or gloating in their eyes is still indispensable. These people, like Zhang Bo, knew the Imperial Academy well, and they also knew Zhu Pingan's "best in the Imperial Academy" errand.

  However, Zhu Ping'an's mentality has always been calm, which made them a little disappointed. They also wanted to see Zhu Ping'an's worried expression.

  After these people left, Zhu Ping'an made himself a pot of tea again, got up and went to the first floor, second floor, third floor, and each floor of Zangshu Pavilion again. Because the Zangshu Pavilion is cleaned by servants, the floor and bookcases are very clean, but the arrangement of books and classics is a bit messy.

  On the third floor, Zhu Ping'an saw the "Yongle Dadian" that later generations could not see. After the baptism of history and war, only more than 700 volumes of the "Yongle Dadian" survived in modern times. However, on the third floor there is a complete set of "Yongle Dadian", a total of 22,937 volumes, divided into 10,095 volumes, fully occupying the entire third floor of six rooms.

Zhu Pingan remembers reading some novels at Qidian before. Why do I bring my own library with me? I have an encyclopedia in my mind and other golden finger novels. Now that I see this set of "Yongle Dadian", Zhu Pingan feels like I found a treasure. This is the most complete and largest encyclopedia in the world. Chinese history, geography, literature and art, philosophy, religion and other encyclopedic documents before the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty are all in this set of books. This set of books can almost be said to be a treasure ship full of thousands of years of Chinese civilization and culture, and now this ship is in front of my eyes.

  Just now Zhang Bo and the others thought this was one of the worst jobs in the Hanlin Academy, but seeing the books and classics on the entire building, especially the Yongle Canon, Zhu Pingan felt that this was the best job in the Hanlin Academy.

  Different from the sorting of modern libraries, Yongle Dadian does not use the combination of Chinese pinyin and Arabic numerals, but uses "Hongwu Zhengyun" as the basis for sorting, because there was no such thing as pinyin at that time. According to "Hongwu Zhengyun" according to the map, you can easily retrieve the books you need from the ten thousand volumes of "Yongle Dadian".

  Zhu Pingan took the first volume of "Yongle Dadian" from the first bookcase and looked at it carefully, and found that this set was just a copy. The outermost layer of the book was a layer of yellow silk, and under the yellow silk was a thick and delicate rice paper cover. There is a rectangular bookmark on the yellow silk, and the bookmark says "Yongle Dadian", and there are two lines of small characters below that list the number of volumes of this book.

   After getting it, Zhu Ping'an found that there was dust on the book, which shows that this book, or rather this set of "Yongle Dadian", should have had a considerable amount of thought and has not been read.

  This Yongle Canon is probably the first volume. After Zhu Pingan opened it, he found that it probably records the background of the Yongle Canon. The first page is an edict from Yongle Emperor:

"The ancient and modern things in the world are scattered and recorded in various classics, which are huge and difficult to retrieve. I want to collect the things contained in the books extensively, and use rhymes to unify them for research. In this way, searching for things is as easy as searching for things. I hope that you will follow my idea and collect all the books of the classics and history of the past dynasties since the beginning of writing, as well as the materials of astronomy, topography, yin and yang, medical calculations, monks and Taoism, and skills, and put them together in one book. voluminous"


  After reading the imperial edict, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sighed. It is said that this set of "Yongle Canon" took several years during the Yongle period, and more than 20,000 court officials and Confucian scholars participated in the compilation. It is said that after the completion, it took more than one hundred calligraphers six years to complete a set of copies!

  The "Yongle Dadian" that took so much effort is covered in dust! "Yongle Dadian", a forgotten treasure.

   Putting the book back in its original place, Zhu Pingan walked several rows along the aisle, selected a bookshelf and selected a book again, and opened it to read.

This is a military volume, and the page that Zhu Pingan turned to has an episode. The drawing is in the shape of a crossbow. It can be seen that it was drawn with a brush, but the shape is lifelike and very delicate. The arrow almost burst out of the scroll.

  Curiosity, Zhu Pingan turned a few pages forward, and suddenly found that the title of the volume was: God Arm Bow!

"The bow of the **** arm is also a real crossbow. It uses mountain mulberry as its body, sandalwood as its bow, iron as its chamber, steel as its machine, hemp rope as its tie, and silk as its string. The length of the bow is three feet three, the length of the string is two feet five, and the arrow Arrows can reach more than 340 steps, the bow can stand on the ground, pull the trigger, and can penetrate 300 steps of iron armor."

This volume describes the Divine Arm Bow in great detail, from material selection to production to use to the formation of troops. The final sections are all drawn in great detail, and Zhu Ping'an can be sure that through this book, he can reproduce the standard divine arm bow.

   What a great book! Extremely practical.

  Zhu Ping'an finished reading the volume of God's Arm Bow, then put the volume back to its original position, and then walked several rows to select a book to open.

This book is about geography. The illustrations are extremely rich. The mountains, rivers, city outlines, etc. are drawn in great detail. Of course, it is incomparable with the current map. In Zhu Ping’s eyes, this book describing the geography of Shandong is wrong. There are quite a few, but they can't be too demanding. Generally speaking, they are still very standard.

  If the emperor reads the complete set of geography, he can put his country into his mind while sitting in his study.

  If it wasn't for lunch time, Zhang Siwei asked himself downstairs to go out to eat together, Zhu Ping'an would definitely be immersed in "Yongle Dadian" and forget to eat and sleep.

"Let's go find a student for lunch to eat together. I think we won't have a chance in the evening. They Dali Temple will also give them a clean-up for their newly promoted Jinshi." Zhang Siwei took Zhu Pingan out after Zhu Pingan went downstairs. Find Wang Shizhen.

   "You mean that the Hanlin Academy will clean up the dust for us at night?" Zhu Pingan frowned and asked, why is there a banquet again? I drank a lot these days, but I don't want to drink any more.

   "Yes, this is a common practice. But it is said to clean up the dust for us, but in fact we will pay for it at that time." Zhang Siwei curled his lips as he said.


  That's not the point, okay.

   Eyelids twitched a little. Why did I always feel that something was going to happen at the dinner party? Zhu Pingan rubbed his eyes and followed Zhang Siwei out of the Imperial Academy all the way to the Yamen of Dali Temple.

  (end of this chapter)

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